Part 28 <3

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Well, hey!

Thank you so much for your support! This story has almost 700 reads!!! 2 parts until EXTENDED part 30!!!! :P

Justin's POV:  

I unlocked my phone and opened the messages. I clicked, My Favorite Girl. I typed out, I already miss you. I hope your doing amazing! I deleted it and closed my messages. I didn't need to send anything, but somehow I couldn't get it past in my head that Carson wasn't my girlfriend anymore. Those words killed me inside. I repeated this same cycle about three times more. It could have gone on forever, but the doorbell rang. I looked at my phone. 10:00 PM. I shrugged my shoulders and opened the door. 

"Justin!" A girl with blonde hair slurred. She wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"Amelia?" I was incredibly confused. She pulled away, "What are you doing here?" 

"Just in the neighborhood." Amelia took off her shoes and nearly fell while doing it. She was not 'just in the neighborhood'. She had to talk to the guard at the gate to even get into the Oaks.

I grabbed her arm to stop her from falling. I scrunched my nose, "Are you drunk?!" I questioned.

"No!" She pinched my cheeks, "Silly boy."

"Okay so you're slammed." I decided. 

"Nope... nope... nope." 

"Yep... yep... yep." I sighed, "Lets get you some coffee." 

"Woah.. woah.. just wait a minute." Amelia smiled a sloppy smile. She grabbed my arm and tugged it. My body slammed against her's and she pressed her lips against mine.

I could taste liquor on my lips. "AMELIA! What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted after I pulled away. 

"Kissing you." 

"No, duh!" I sassed, "You can't just kiss me! I'm dating your best friend!" Those words didn't sound right, "No.. no.. I'm not." 

"So I can do this?" Amelia tried to kiss me again. 

I dodged it, "No. Lets just get you some coffee." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

"I don't understand. Why do I need coffee?" She tried to sit on a bar stool, but nearly fell.

"Thats why." I grabbed a Keurig package and placed it in. I jumped up on the counter by the Keurig and looked at Amelia. "What are you doing here?"

"You." Was all she said.

"Now, I don't understand. What does that mean?" The Keurig stopped filling up the mug. I picked it up and slid it to Amelia, "Drink that." 

Amelia took a sip, "Oh! Hot!" 

"Yeah. Its fresh coffee." I said, trying to hide my laughter.

She took a smaller sip. She seemed to come right back to her senses, "I came here because... I can't believe Carson left. I mean she had to leave at some point. We weren't planning on going to the same college, but I can't believe she left.. you." 

I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. I felt tears coming on, "She needed to go. This is setting her up for her whole life." 

"I know, but honestly. She doesn't need that. She needs you. You and Carson are meant! Its hard for me to say that, but you are." Amelia smiled, "I miss dating you Justin, but let me be honest. From the second I saw you look at Carson I knew you were meant. The way you looked at her. You had this.. this.. trance in your eyes. Like you were already in love. I don't believe in love at first sight, but now I do. I didn't believe in soulmates, but now I do." Amelia stood up. "Thanks for the coffee. I'm feeling much better." She nearly tripped. 

"No, no. You're not leaving. I don't want you driving drunk. You can stay here for the night." I said.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea." Amelia stated, going to the front door.

I grabbed her arm. She gave me a surprised look, "Whats not a good idea is you driving." 

"Whats not a good idea is me spending the night, having the paps catch me leaving in the morning after I stayed the night, and assuming you-know-what." 

She was right. "Can I just drive you home?" 

"Fine." She shrugged my hand off and grabbed her shoes. 

We got in the car. I turned on music and started dancing, "Come on! I know you still got some drunk in you." 

"I know. I'm just tipsy." Amelia started dancing. 

Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck

Some nights I call it a draw...

The song ended and we were laughing. We pulled out of my neighborhood. I heard a beeping horn on my left side. All of saw were bright lights... then there was the impact and a searing pain. 

"Oh my God! JUSTIN!" I heard Amelia screaming. 

Then, it all went black. 

Uh, oh. Justin and Amelia got in a wreck.

Will Justin be okay?

More soooon!

Sorry it was so long since I updated! I have been stressed and busy. I have a three-day weekend so maybe more tonight.. or tomorrow!

Live. Laugh. Love. (A Justin Bieber Love Story) **Completed** NEWLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now