Originality in [Wattpad] Graphics
Originality, mind you, is very hard to find. Especially on such a big website, it shrinks down to one conclusion: only certain types of graphics attract enough attention. So, how, to make yours appealing enough like most, yet different and unique? Maybe these ten points will help you out a bit.
1. Never, never, never use a picture that you’ve seen in more than two covers; it sucks when all teen fiction covers have the same girl in them. So avoid using the same resources everyone else uses.
2. If you’re asked to use a specific picture that’s overused, though, try to change it a bit. Be it the background color or even the girl’s shirt; change it somehow to make it look different.
3. Give a different perception of good design. If it’s not widely accepted, it doesn’t mean it’s ugly. Not all covers have to be extremely colorful or saturated or have lighting textures on top. However, do try to keep everything on order, like good color combinations or good light and contrast; in other words, keep it balanced.
4. Leave the common fonts, colorings and textures aside. Unless you’re asked to use one, try to keep a barrier between other graphics and yours.
5. Don’t copy anyone else’s style (!!!). Never, ever, use somebody else’s graphics as a model to copy. If you use somebody else’s, is to make the complete opposite of it.
6. Same colors depending on genre? Never. Even a paranormal graphic can have bright orange in it, if it’s used correctly.
7. Always keep in mind a graphic portrays what the idea is, in case of a cover, it always portrays what the story is about. Keep in mind the idea, the main focus and try to represent them with unique elements.
8. Following trends? Nope. Avoid getting lost in the last trends.
9. Change your style a bit once in a while, try different things you’ve never tried before and see how it goes.
10. Know what you're trying to represent and combine different resources to create a new kind of appealing. Try to make it look organized, though.
RandomYou want to improve? You want to be better as a graphic designer? Don't worry, this is for you. Graphic-licious is a book filled with useful tips, facts and more specially for designers, whether they are amateur or experienced. It also contains som...