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"Morning." Celeste walked cheerfully into Granny's, kissing Ruby on the cheek with greeting. "Just my usual."

"How are you this cheery this early in the morning?" Red chuckled at the dark haired woman's cheery behaviour. "Have you been home yet?"

"No?" The Princess stopped when she saw the smile drop from Reds face. "What happened?"

"Emma and Snow went through a portal back to the old land." Celeste stumbled back at the statement. She caught herself and sat down in a chair.

"But that land is gone."

"Drink." Red placed the coffee in front of Celeste, grabbing her hand in worry as she stared in shock.

"Where's Henry?" Celeste asked after downing the mug of coffee. "And Charming?"

"Staying at your place."

"I need to go." She jumped up and threw a twenty dollar note on the table. "Keep the change, I don't have time."

Celeste ran through the streets back to her apartment, the coffee fueling her as she breathed heavily with exhaustion. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door, finding Henry sat on the sofa.

"Henry." She opened her arms and embraced the young boy. "I just found out."

"Celeste?" Charming wandered into the main room and spotted the woman. "Snow wouldn't want you here."

"I just lost my two best friends." Celeste chuckled with a sigh. "For once in your life stop treating me as the Dark Ones wife and instead as Princess Celeste of the Western Kingdom."

"I'm sorry, Celeste. I just got them back and now they are gone." He apologised, accepting her comforting hug. "I know they're alive."

"We will find them." She reassured him before pulling back, her eyes landing on the framed photo. Her fingers stroked the wooden frame, a sad smile on her lips as she looked at the photo of her, Snow and Emma. "I miss them."


"I can't believe I hadn't noticed this when I was getting coffee." Celeste laughed as they walked down the street, looking at the disaster the wraith. "Red, why didn't you mention this earlier?"

"I'm sorry, Cel. We weren't even open when you came for coffee." Red sighed with exhaustion. "Do you mind helping out in the medical tent?"

"On it." She wandered over the blue tent, nodding good bye to David and Henry. "If it isn't my favourite Doctor."

"Bella." Dr. Whale glanced up with a smile. "Sorry, Celeste."

"What do you need me to do?" Celeste asked as smiled at a young boy sat on a cot.

"Could you help me get through injuries?" He gestured to the boy and chuckled as she went into full medical mode.

"Hi, sweetheart." She greeted the little boy. "Where does it hurt? This bump on your head? Don't worry, I'll make it all better."

"Can I get a lollipop?" He asked sweetly, staring up at her with starry eyes.

"You're just in luck." Celeste pulled a lollipop out her pocket and gave it to the boy. "Where are your parents?"

He pointed behind him at an older woman talking to someone. He jumped off the cot and ran after his mother, cheering about his lollipop.

"I'll be back." Victor excused himself and chased after David. A crowd gathered around the Prince prompting Celeste to follow.

"Blue!" Charming rushed up to the blue fairy who was helping hand out water. "Could there be a tree on this side? The way we sent Emma through as a baby, maybe I can go after them that way."

"It's possible." Blue thought about the notion. "But without fairy dust to guide us here, I, no, it's hopeless."

"You'll find another way." Henry said with determination. "In the book, things always look worst right before there's good news."

"Terrible news! Terrible news!" Grumpy ran over to the crowd with the other dwarves. "We were out at the town limits. Tell him who you think you are, Sneezy."

"Will you stop calling me that? You know who I am." Sneezy sighed with annoyance. "I'm Tom Clark. I own the Dark Star Pharmacy. What's going on here?"

"If you cross the border, you lose your memory all over again." He explained to the Prince.

"What? And coming back doesn't fix it?" Jiminy Cricket questioned with disbelief.

"If it did, would I have come running in yelling, "terrible news"?" Grumpy said grumpily. "If we leave, our cursed selves become our only selves."

"Well, fuck." Celeste mumbled quietly and leaned her head on Victor's shoulder as he shout along with the rest of the crowd.

𝑶𝑪𝑬𝑨𝑵 𝑬𝒀𝑬𝑺 - Rumplestiltskin [1]Where stories live. Discover now