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"I really don't see the need." Bella grumbled, glaring at the older man in front of her. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to get on his knees and beg.

"I raised you after you killed my wife, gave you everything and this is how you treat me." Her father yelled back, continuing to work while they argued. "All I asked for was some money in return. If it weren't for me you wouldn't even be a doctor."

"I beg your pardon!" She gasped, raising a hand over her mouth as she laughed mockingly. "You did nothing to help me except give me money for food, a normal things parents are supposed to provide. I studied hard to get the grades I needed, I put myself through medical school and I paid off my debt. I didn't need you then and I will never need you now. If you wanted my help so badly you should have actually been a father to me."

"You ungrateful bitch!" He raised his hand to slap her before he was cut off by an impatient cough.

"Well, this is just perfect." Mr. Gold announced his presence, eyes hidden under sunglasses masking his worry. "I've been looking for you, Mr. Richards."

"I'll have your money next week." Mr. Richards replied, stepping away from his daughter to speak to the man.

"Terms of the loan were fairly specific." He reminded him before glancing at his goon standing behind him. "Take the van."

"Wait! No!" Her father chased after the goon before glancing back at Mr. Gold who now held Bella in his arms. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day! Its the biggest day. I've got a grand of roses in the back! Stop! You gotta let me sell them!"

"I'm gonna allow you two to continue this conversation." Mr. Gold looked down at his pocket watch before starting to walk away. "And I would prefer of you didn't lay your hands on my fiancée, it is Valentine's Day tomorrow."

"Fiancée?" Bella mumbled to him with a raised brow. "I must have gotten really drunk the other night."

"You do wear my ring I gave you." He joked, kissing her head as they walked over to Regina who waited patiently for him. "Plus I knew it would keep that scum away from you."

"Thank you." She smiled to herself, knowing he was just looking out for her and that he did not really mean it. This thought made her heart break slightly, did her really see a future with her or was he just using her to pass the time.

"Mr. Gold. Dr. Richards. Was quite a show back there." Regina greeted them with a mischievous smile.

"Well, Mr. Richards is just having a bad day. It happens to the best of us." Mr. Gold explained with no details.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something." The Mayor stated before he cut her off.

"Yeah, and the moment you have something I want to discuss, we'll have that little chat." He replied before trying to walk around the woman who just stepped back in his way.

"No, we're gonna do this now." Regina said with a voice of authority. "It'll only take a moment."

"I better leave you two to talk, I'll be at Granny's." Bella said meekly, noticing the dark arias around the pair. She squeezed his hand good bye, walking away and glancing over her shoulder in worry. It was never good when the two most powerful members of Storybrooke were angry.

"Bella?" Ruby ran over to the girl with worry, holding both her hands causing everyone to watch the pair curiously. "Are you alright?"

"Of course." She nodded slowly, confused as to why everyone was sending her worried looks. "Why? What has happened?"

"Your father was just here." Mary Margaret replied, gesturing for the pair to join her and Emma at the booth. "He was really angry, kept complaining about his no good daughter refusing to lend money and how she was engaged to Mr. Gold."

"Oh shit." Bella mumbled, not expecting her father to tell everyone Mr. Gold's lie. "Its not true, we are not getting married."

"Oh, thank God." Emma sighed with relief causing the doctor to ask her why she was happy. "I know you are dating him but he's not a good man."

"I know but he just protected me from my abusive father, I kinda owe him." She snapped back, annoyed the blonde would say that. "And even if it wasn't a lie to protect me, what is so wrong with marrying the man you love."

"Nothing, dearie." A deep voice answered her. She stilled in her seat, knowing that he was the last person she wanted to hear that statement. Her face paled as she slowly turned in her seat to face him.

"I just remembered I have to go to work." She gulped, running out of the diner and straight to work.

"Bella?" Dr. Whale stared at the other doctor with confusion as she stood at the main desk breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath. "You don't start for another seven hours."

"I need to hide." Bella stared at him, begging for his help as she stood up fully. "The man I love just heard me say I love him when I'm not ready to tell him I love him."

"Come on, I have a bottle of Jack in my office you can drink while I have a break." He shook his head at her simple fear and lead her to his office.

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