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"Mary Margaret?" Bella ran down the halls and into the arms of her roommate, embracing her as she was her only source of comfort. "Thank God you're here, I'm so confused."

"Gold informed us you only remember as far back as me being your only roommate?" Mary Margaret quizzed, trying to understand how badly the cursed self went.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"Emma Swan." Emma shook her hand, hesitant as the woman smiled at her innocently. "I'm Henry's biological mother."

"Wow, I am missing a lot." Bella chuckled before noticing the man watching her. "Mr. Doe? You're awake?"

"David is just fine." David smiled at her genuinely. "Have you seen Dr. Whale?"

"Not since he changed my bandage." She shook her head before looking around confused. "What's happened?"

"How are your medical skills?" Emma questioned her, seeming in a rush.

"Amazing like always. I didn't spend years studying medicine for nothing." Bella grinned before realising what they were asking. "Oh, right. I will go prep and get someone to update me as I go."

Dr. Bella Richards rushed down the halls, changing into scrubs as she prepped for surgery. A crushed rib and internal bleeding was all she was informed as she cleaned her hands, bandage removed and gloves on.

"Let's go." She sighed, mask being pulled over her mouth as she entered the overly clean room and prepared to fix the strange man.


"Excuse me?" Bella knocked on the door and poked her head into the strange pawn shop. "Mr. Gold?"

"In the back, dearie." He called out to her as she hesitantly entered the store, wandering into the back and spotting the man sat at a desk.

"Sorry to bother you, I just thought that since we're dating we should spend time together." She cringed at the desperation in her voice and sat on the seat he offered. "Maybe something can help remove this amnesia."

"Would you like a cup of tea, love?" Gold asked her, shocked that she wanted to try to get to know him.

"Yes please." Her ocean eyes scanned around the room, looking at every object in the backroom. The stopped on a chipped cup, some strange familiarity about it. "Did I do this?"

"You did." He chuckled as she held the cup in her hand delicately. "You were pouring us tea and accidentally dropped it."

"I really am clumsy." She laughed, scratching at the bandage on her hand. "I should apologise as I'm sure this isn't the only item of yours I have broken."

"You're wearing the ring?" Mr. Gold changed the topic, spotting her wedding band on her right hand. His thoughts reminding him that at least she is wearing it. "Do you remember anything?"

"Nothing." She sighed, smiling gratefully as she accepted the tea. "But I have to get them back, I haven't had a serious enough head damage to cause permanent memory loss."

"That's good to hear." He lied through his teeth, hiding his sad smiled behind the tea cup.

"Is there anything important I should know?" Bella asked him, placing the tea cup to the side.

"You like books and the one on the table beside you was the last one you were reading." He gestured to the book beside her that had hardly been touched. "Excuse me, I have work to do in the front of shop but you can stay here."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." She watched him walk through to the front of the store and curled her legs underneath her, sipping at the tea and reading the book from the beginning. Bella had not noticed the sun had gone down, it getting late when Gold re-entered the backroom, spotting her almost asleep on the makeshift bed.

"You can sleep here, dearie." He said quietly, not wanting to disturb her. "Or I can drive you home."

"Ah, I wouldn't want to bother you." Bella bookmarked the book and stood up, her legs tired from the surgery she had just done straight after losing her memories. "I can just walk."

"I'll give you a lift, let me grab my keys." She followed behind him to his car, letting him lock up his store before getting into the car. He drove her to her apartment building and walked her up the stairs to the door, a light blush on her cheeks at his manners.

"Thank you, Gold." Bella hesitantly leaned forwards and kissed his cheek before rushing into the apartment and leaning against the door, feeling like a teenager as her face flushed bright red.

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