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Bella sat quietly by the window, watching the world pass by as the tears on her cheeks dried. She had no more tears to cry after the death of her friend Graham. Her two roommates had left her alone, occasionally giving her food or something to drink as she sat there for hours.

When Emma came home angry, she ignored it and allowed to women to blast rock music throughout the entire apartment, feeling slightly better with the warmth it brung her broken heart. The blonde passed the doctor a glass of whiskey, the two of them drinking it silently before Emma went back to letting out her anger.

"Toaster broken?" Mary Margaret questioned as she got home, neither women noticing her enter until she turned off the music.

"It wasn't when I started with it. Pretty sure it is now." Emma sighed in frustration still using a large kitchen knife to stab it with. "I just needed to hit something."

"What's going on?"

"Regina fired me so she could put one of her own puppets in as Sheriff." The blonde spat in anger at the Mayor. "That's my job."

"Never heard you so passionate about it before." Mary Margaret stated as she unpacked the groceries. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I just...I know I want it back." Emma said, still attacking the toaster.

"There must be a reason." Bella chimed in, finally looking away from the window before explaining. "I need tea."

"Maybe I just want to beat her." The sheriff shrugged, putting down the toaster as there was an urgent knock on the door. Bella shuffled over to the kitchen, boiling the kettle and grabbing her favourite mug. She placed in the Camomile tea bag and filled most of the cup with hot water. Stirring it around before throwing the tea bag in the bin and adding milk and sugar. Bella almost dropped her tea when she spotted Mr. Gold in their doorway talking to Emma.

"I'll let you two talk. Come, Bella." Mary Margaret grabbed the clueless woman's arm and pulled her into her bedroom, the pair staring at each other in surprise. "It's good to see you moving again. It's been a week."

"A week?" Bella choked on her tea, placing it down before she dropped it to check the calender in Mary Margaret's room. "Shit. Work?"

"You got a week off on grievance, I spoke to Dr. Whale for you." The shorter woman pulled her into an embrace, rubbing circles on her back. "I know you two were close and this is hard on you but Graham wouldn't want you to be this way."

"Sorry." She winced at his name and felt the tears pricking her eyes as the two stayed silent. The pair sat on Mary Margaret's bed, painting each others nails and curling Bella's hair.

"I'll start dinner." Emma called out to the pair, informing them that Mr. Gold had left. They finished what they were doing and joined the blonde in the kitchen. Bella sat at the table drinking her tea while Mary Margaret helped Emma make a pasta sauce for dinner.


Bella ran over to Regina, helping the woman on to a gurney as she looked over her ankle. The news of the fire at town hall travelled fast and Bella had been on duty so she was one of the first medical teams at the site. Luckily only Regina and Emma had been in the building, Regina getting the worse of the injuries with a sprained ankle.

"It's just a sprained ankle, you'll be back on your feet in no time but we do need to wrap it up and that's easiest at the hospital where we can clean it." Bella informed the woman sweetly, smiling at the angry Mayor.

"Thank you, Dr. Richards." Regina nodded to her as she stepped away preparing to look over Emma.

"Please, call me Bella." The doctor chuckled to herself, never getting use to people being so formal with her. "I need to go check on Emma but Dr. Whale is currently at the hospital and I'm making him look at that ankle with proper equipment." She left the mayor and jogged over to Emma, grabbing the blondes arm and turning her around to face her. "Your turn."

"Bella, I'm fine." Emma tried to wave her off but flinched at the deadly look Bella sent her, warning her that 'no' was not and answer.

"Here, you breathed in a lot of smoke." Bella passed her a small oxygen tank to help stop the coughing while looking over her skin for damage. "Other than coughing for maybe an hour tops you'll be fine, keep using this to help settle your lungs."

"Thank you." The blonde thanked her, giving her a small smile. "But I told you I'm fine."

"I will hit you with my car just to prove you're not fine." She raised her eyebrow, challenging Emma to try and go against her word.


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