Chapter 4: Capisci

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"Oh! And this is a picture of Blake and I! W-we went to the zoo! I-I saw so many animals, but my favorite was the pandas! They were so cute!"

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"Oh! And this is a picture of Blake and I! W-we went to the zoo! I-I saw so many animals, but my favorite was the pandas! They were so cute!"

I chuckle at Mia's excitement as she shows me all of the pictures on her collage wall. I know it's weird to say, but I just can't help but care for her. I don't know what made me help her in that store, but I just saw her and felt my once non-existent heart beat for the first time in years.


I look down to see her standing in front of me with tears in her eyes.

I panic looking over her to see if she's hurt, "Amore, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, "N-no it's just that I-I was telling you about my collage w-wall and then you just stopped l-listening so I thought y-you got sick of listening t-to m-me..."

My eyes soften, "No of course not! I was just thinking about how pretty you look today."

Mia blushes, "T-thank you." She says quietly.

I go to say something, but I am interrupted by my phone.

"Che cosa?"

"Boss, we have a problem. Someone stole our drug shipment and we don't know who..."

I clench my jaw and take a deep breath, "come diavolo è potuto succedere?!"
(How the hell did this happen?!)

"Boss, I-I don't know. We have been super careful and we had great security but-"

I hang up and close my eyes taking a deep breath.

How the heck could this happen! Whoever is responsible for this is going to fucking pay.

"Damien? A-are you okay?"

I take another deep breath and turn around, "I'm fine amore, I just have to go to work. There was a problem and I have to fix it."

Mia nods, "O-okay...are you gonna come back after?" She says with her large doe eyes looking up at me.

I sigh, "I think this will take all night baby, but I will text you tomorrow morning. How about that?"

"Okay but please don't forget...I don't want you to leave me too." She says the last part so quietly I almost didn't hear.

I crouch down and lift up her chin to see her teary eyes, "I will never leave you okay? I will always be here. If not in person, then a text or a phone call away... capisci?"
(Do you understand?)

She nods with a smile on her face. I give her a final kiss on the forehead and head out the door.
I get out of my car, and head into the warehouse. As soon as I walk in everything around me goes silent. I scan the room looking for Gabe. He was the one who called me the damn problem. I see Gabe and make a slight movement of my head to my office. He gets the memo and comes after me.

We stay silent until we get to my office. Although I've been working with these guys for a while, you still have to be careful of who you talk to and where. Luckily my office is soundproof where no one can listen to what's going on inside.

"So, how do we deal with this boss?"

I sigh running my hand down my face, "I don't know. I can't even think of how someone could do this. The only way this could happen is if someone is working against us from the inside."

Gabe's eyes widen, "You really think so? Are you sure it can't be anyone else boss? What about that girl you have been banging?"

My jaw clenches, "I am not banging her you asshole."

Gabe rolls his eyes, "Yeah sure."

"Dammit man, I'm not kidding."

Gabe studies me for a little longer until he smirks, "Wow man, you like her."

I clench my fists at my sides, "No I don't. She's just a friend."

"Dude, you know that even thought you are this supposed 'big bad mafia boss' that you are free to have crushes and girlfriends and whatnot right?"

I sigh, "I don't know man...I've only known her for a couple could I possible like her this soon?"

I slightly smile, "I do like her a lot, but dude she's so innocent that I feel that if I tell her, she won't understand completely."

"Just tell her. I have a feeling she likes you too."

I smile softly thinking about Mia. I know it must seem crazy to feel like this in a little bit of time, but I just can't help it. In this few weeks we have known each other, she has taken over my mind constantly. I'm supposed to be this 'cold, emotionless big bad mafia leader', but with Mia I can't help but not want to be those things anymore.

I was put with the weight of knowing I would be the future Italian Mafia Leader for most of my life. I learned how to shoot a gun at 5, shot my first person at 10, killed my first person at 14, and became Mafia Leader at 18. Growing up I was taught to be an emotionless and rude ass, but with Mia, I can't help but want to be better.
She makes me feel like I'm a good person, and that I actually deserve to be happy.

She worked her way into my brain, and she's quickly working her way into my heart as well.

Hey guys! I know this chapter is super short, but I'm actually in class right now so I had to write quickly 😂

*update! I made this chapter longer yay!*

Anyways...I hope you liked this chapter and let me know what you all think!

*ALSO if you guys know the real translations to the Italian parts, PLEASE let me know! I use Google translate so I'm not 100% positive if they are all correct. If they aren't let me know and I will change them correctly!

Have a great day guys and I will try to update soon with a longer chapter:)

words ~ 1069

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