{Complete}Mia Anderson is a shy, innocent, and not to mention short 19 year old. Living with her foster family has its ups and downs, but she loves them like her own.
One day, 24 year old Damien Luciano, finds Mia at her worst having a panic attack...
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Tyler leads me to the car and I tried really hard to hold my tears in, but as soon as I got into the car, I broke down.
"Talk to me sis."
I sniffle, "H-he hurt m-m-me. I-I really l-liked him T-Ty. H-he was my b-best f-friend, and he gave me b-butterflies in my tummy w-whenever he was around. Now h-he made m-me sad." I say while trying to catch my breath from crying.
Ty takes a breath, "Do you like him as more than a friend tiny?"
I look out the window at the pretty skies as we drive, "I don't k-know. I've never liked someone l-like that before."
The rest of my car ride was filled with silence and my heavy breathing.
When I reached home, there was no one in the driveway. Ty and I went inside right before his phone started to ring. He looked down and his eyes widened, "Shoot tiny. I really have to go. Will you be okay?"
After some goodbyes, Ty left and I went up to my room and I started shaking.
Oh no. What am I going to do? Damien left me and he's never going to come back. Just like mama and papa...
I start sobbing and pulling my hair. Dami left.
He's gone.
He left me.
I need him.
He won't come back.
I collapse on the floor shaking and I start to feel like I can't breathe at all. My breathing gets harder and harder until my head starts to hurt and I'm clawing at my throat.
Panic attack.
I scream as loud as I can.
Then I scream again.
And again.
I can't hear anything around me but I feel arms.
I start sobbing and shaking even more.
I start to hear more.
"Eric! Call Damien!"
It seems like this went on forever until the arms around me let go and a strong pair of arms took their place.
I scream again.
I feel someone put my head against their chest with their other hand blocking my other ear.
For what seems like forever, but was really only a couple minutes, my shaking stops and my sobs turn into sniffles. I close my eyes and listen to the beating of his heart as I start to doze in and out.
Before I completely fall asleep I said one last thing.
"Please d-don't hurt m-me a-again."
I knew it was Dami.
••• I feel someone brushing my hair with their fingers as I start to wake up. I was about to open my eyes, but he started talking.
"Bambina. I am so sorry for hurting you. I-I promised you I wouldn't....but I broke that promise. The truth is, I was jealous. I was jealous of you going to that cafe with blon-I mean Tyler. That still doesn't excuse my actions though. Being around you these past 4 months has been the best thing to ever happen to me. The first moment I met you in that store and helped you with your panic attack, I was drawn to you. I know saying this might be cheesy, but to me it was almost love at first sight. I-I know I am definitely not the safest person to be around, but I'm trying....for you. When you wake up, I promise to try and earn your forgiveness and tell you how sorry I am for my actions. I will try so hard because you mean so much to me. Ti amo bambina."
I open my eyes and look up, "I-I forgive you Dami."
He looks down at me surprised, "You heard all that?"
I smile, "Y-yeah. I heard the whole thing."
He looks at me with amused eyes.
"Sneaky girl"
I giggle and turn over to lay on top of him. I put my head in the crook of his neck while he wraps his arms around me.
He puts his head in my hair and whispers, "I promise to never hurt you again principessa. I'll never yell at you again either."
I smile against his neck, "I believe you D-Dami. Also what does ti amo mean?"
He takes a deep breath, "I will tell you soon."
I nod against his neck, "O-ok. Can we take a nap p-please?"
He chuckles, "Of course beautiful."
I hug him tighter and drift off.
————— Hey guys! I'm back!
Sorry for not making this chapter long, but the next chapter will definitely be longer for some reasons you will find out on Tuesday:)