Chapter 21: Hold On

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I watch as Mia falls to the ground almost like in slow motion

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I watch as Mia falls to the ground almost like in slow motion. Everything around me blurs while I focus on running to my other half.

I hear shooting around me, but I pay no mind to it. I kneel in front of her to see her loosing consciousness.

I carefully put her on my lap, "Baby, don't close you eyes. Do you hear me? You are my soulmate and there is no way I'm letting you go.

She deliriously smiles up at me, "I-I love y-y-you too, b-but it hurts s-so bad D-Dami." She says weakly.

I hold back my tears as my heart clenches painfully, "Please. I can't loose you. Hold on, please."

I watch as her eyes slowly close and I start crying holding her close. I feel an arm on my shoulder and I look behind me to see Gabe.

"Come on man, we have to get her to a hospital if you want her to live."

I look down at her and immediately pick her up. I run outside the warehouse, and for once I don't care if the man got away. I can deal with him later, I just can't loose Mia.

Gabe ruses into the drivers seat as I go into the back with my hold on Mia. As soon as I sit down I feel Mia's wrist.

There's a pulse.

It's a weak one, but it's still there.

"Go faster Gabe. Her pulse is getting f weaker. Fuck!"

Gabe's hands tighten on the wheel in panic as he drives faster. It seems like forever, but we finally arrive at the hospital. I immediately jump out with Mia in my arms.

"HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! MY GIRLFRIEND WAS SHOT!" I yell, and immediately a bunch of nurses come. They try to grab her out of my arms, but I tighten my hold on her.

"No, don't take her away from me." I grit out.

One of the nurses looks at me sympathetically, "Sir, we have to get her in surgery to get the bullet out before it causes terminal damage."

I look down at Mia, and reluctantly hand her over.

This could be the last time I ever hold her...

When she is placed on the portable bed, I immediately rush after them trying to keep up. I follow them all the way up to the O.R room.

"Sir, you have to wait out here. We will have a doctor come speak to you once the surgery is over." A nurse quickly informs me.

I hesitate, but nod knowing she was in good hands. I watch as they rush in there, and I see a sliver of Mia before the door shuts completely.

I slowly walk into the waiting room with my head down.

Please be okay.

3 hours later...


I groan and slowly wake up. Once I realize where I am, I jump up and face the doctor.

"Is she okay? Please tell me she's alright." I beg and ask.

The doctor looks at me sympathetically, "During the surgery there were a few complications. Mia is a tiny woman, so it was difficult to perform without causing damage. We did loose her for 2 minutes, but thankfully we were able to get her back. Luckily, after that we were able to retract the bullet. Mia was put into a medically induced coma so her body can fully recover and she will not feel any pain. However, the bullet that hit her was right at her womb. She can still have kids, but it will be very difficult and the chances are significantly low."

I stand in shock not knowing what to say. I am so happy they got the bullet out, but I feel pain in my heart hearing they lost her at one point and she might never be able to have kids.

Mia loved kids..

All I can do now is hope and pray my beautiful girlfriend will wake up soon.

All I can do now is hope and pray my beautiful girlfriend will wake up soon

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2 weeks later...


I whimper as I try to open my eyes. I can feel pain everywhere: my face, ribs, arms and legs.

I try to open my eyes again while moving, and when I do, I slowly look around.

A hospital room?

I scrunch my brows in confusion, but then it all a suddenly comes back to me. The pain, the torture, gunshots...

I feel tears start coming out of my eyes as I think about what got me to this point. I slowly try and put my hand on my stomach, but as soon as I do I rip it off from the pain I feel.

I was shot.

I try to reach over for water, but as I do, Dami comes walking in.

I notice he looks like he hasn't slept in days. His hair is messy, he has dark circles under his eyes, and he looks like he hasn't shaved in a while.

He glances towards me with sadness, but it immediately lights up with happiness, relief, love, and concern.

He races over to the edge of my bed and starts rambling in panic and concern.

"Baby! Are you okay? Can I get you anything? Does anything hurt? Do you feel like you are about to die? Maybe I should call a nurse? Yeah I think-"

I weakly giggle, "I-I'm okay. It just hurts a little.

He sighs in relief and comes to sit next to my bed, "Fuck Mia. I was so fucking worried. I-I never want to see that ever again. Just watching the life slowly drain from your eyes is damn terrifying." His voice broke at the end.

I slowly reach out my arms with tears in my eyes, and he instantly hugs me right around my shoulder making sure not to hurt my stomach.

"I love you so much Mia." Damien whispers into my hair.

With tears slowly dropping I reply, "I love you too Damien."

It was then I knew that even though I will have a lot of issues to sort out, there is one person who will never leave my side.

My Damien.

My boyfriend.

My love.

Hey guys! Im back! Im so incredibly sorry for not updating in so long. I've been having a lot going on in my personal life lately, and I just needed a break from being online. I hope you all understand:)

Anyways, I hope y'all liked this chapter! And now that I am all better now, I hope to have another chapter out by Sunday!

See you all soon!


Words - 1102


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