Chapter 15: Past

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I take a silent breath and compose myself before she starts

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I take a silent breath and compose myself before she starts. As much as this might anger and hurt me when she tells me what went on at the orphanage, I have to be there for Mia because she always comes first.

I look down on my lap and see her composing herself too before she starts. She takes a deep breath and begins.

"I-it all started w-when my mama and papa p-passed away. N-not Jenna and Eric...m-my real parents. I-I was 6, so I don't remember much, b-but I do remember some b-bits. After they...After they died, I-I was put in a group home for girls b-because I didn't have any other family. Right from the s-start none of the girls liked me. I-I was different from everyone else because of my d-disorder. It wasn't that b-bad when I was younger, it just g-got worse when they died..."

She looks down at her thumbs fiddling with them looking like she's trying not to cry. I hear a sniffle and her shoulders start to shake . I turn her around on my lap so she is straddling me and I wrap my arms around her. Whenever I rub her back it calms her down, so I do that. When she lets everything out, she looks up at me.

"I-I miss them so m-much Dami."

I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I-I'm ready to continue."

"Are you sure sweetheart?" I ask her softly while brushing the hair away from her eyes.

She slightly nods and lays her head on my chest.

"The headmistress of the h-home was Ms. S-Shaloe. She loved all the other girls, b-but for some reason she just didn't like m-me. She would o-only ever say mean things to me, a-and even the older girls would s-say b-bad stuff too. I-I started getting very c-clingy, a-and that's when it got r-really bad. I-I would follow everyone everywhere b-because I didn't want t-them to leave me even though t-they didn't like m-me..."

Mia takes a pause and cuddles up to me more as I rub her back trying my hardest to comfort her.

"O-one day I was especially clingy because it was my p-parents death a-anniversary. I-I asked if we could v-visit my mama and papa's g-graves, but Headmistress s-said she had enough of me and c-called me a very b-bad girl so s-she dragged me to the basement, a-and locked me in a closet for 3 days a-and it was very d-d-dark in t-there, a-and they would only s-stand outside o-of the door, a-and c-call me b-bad n-n-names."

Mia starts breaking down and sobbing her heart out.

"I-I p-promise I wasn't a b-bad g-girl D-Dami! I-I promise! I w-was a g-good g-girl. I j-just wanted to s-see m-mama and p-papa. I promise!"

Mia [REWRITING IS ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now