Chapter 7: Bella

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I look over at Mia and laugh

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I look over at Mia and laugh. She's the only person I know who would pout because of her pizza getting cold.

Crazy girl


I look over at her, "Yes principessa?"

"You ruined my pizza time!"

I look at her with my eyebrow raised as she looks back at me with a pout.

"Don't pout at me crazy girl. I was simply just tickling you."

She pours even further and mumbles, "My poor pizza."

She thinks I couldn't hear her, but I could.

"Bambina? Why don't you put your pizza in the microwave?"

Her eyes light up, "YOU ARE A GENIUS DAMI!"

She squeals and then runs over to her microwave with her cute little legs. Sometimes I just don't understand how someone could be so fucking cute. Sometimes I also don't understand how I became such a softie. I've never been this way with any fucking girl ever, but Mia is special. I knew from when I say her crying through her panic attack that she was special.

When I first felt it, I tried to deny it, but one look into those large doe eyes, and I couldn't. It was a problem for me in the very beginning with me being a Mafia boss, especially of the Italian. But, after the talk I had with Jenna and her husband, I know they trust me with her. I just hope she trusts me enough too.

When I finally get out of my head, I look to find Mia trying to climb the counters to reach the microwave.

She's so fucking short. She's got to be 4"11 or some shit.

I look back over at Mia and chuckle, "Baby, do you want me to put your pizza in the microwave?"

She turn around to go say something, but then ends up falling...

And with the pizza.

Oh shit


.  .  .  . 
"Dami can we watch Tangled? I-it's my favorite e-ever!"

I look down at her all tucked into my chest and smile


Damien. Fucking. Luciano.


"Of course bella."

She looks up at me confused, "D-Dami, my name is Mia..."

I look at her confused too, but then realization strikes and I look at her with amusement and chuckle.

"Baby 'bella' means beautiful in Italian."

She looks even more confused and a little hurt.

"Baby what's wrong?"

She pours and looks at her fingers fidgeting with them, "S-so you have a friend Bella who you think is beau-beautiful?" Her voice breaks at the end.

My eyes soften, "Aw baby no. I was calling you 'bella' saying how you were beautiful. Does that make sense now?" I ask softly.

She looks up at me and sniffles, "Y-yes, and I'm sorry...I s-shouldn't have reacted like that. I-I didn't mean to get u-upset..."

I softly smile down at her, "Princepessa, the only person I find worthy of that name is you. I don't think you even realize how beautiful you are inside and out. When you walk in a room, you light it up. Its your tiny hands, you cute little legs, those pouty lips of yours...everything. It's not even just your beauty, it's your personality too. I don't think I have ever met someone as kind, caring, intelligent, and innocent as you, and I lo-care a lot about you for that. Never doubt that."

Did I almost just say?.....

I'm brought back when I hear a sniffle. I look down and see her covering her face and softly crying into them.

My eyes widen.

Great going you shit. You made her fucking cry.

As I go to fix what just happened, I get tackled into a hug. I sit there in shock a little until I slowly wrap my arms around her.

"Dami. Y-you don't u-understand how much that m-means to me. I-I don't know how you l-look at me and s-see a beautiful p-person, but t-thank you."

My heart breaks at that. Although she hasn't directly told me yet, I have gotten a good idea of what happened in her past from Jenna and her husband. It makes me so fucking angry to think that people took advantage of her kindness and innocence. Everyone should kiss the fucking ground she walks on. To have someone like Mia in your life is a blessing. You don't meet many people like her. And I think that's why I love her so much.

I know it's surprising to think, but I can't fucking help it. So what if I've only known her a damn month? This girl crying on my shoulder is worth everything. I can't tell her I love her yet because I want her to open up more, but to know that there is someone I love with my whole damn being, it's pretty fucking amazing.

"Don't ever doubt yourself baby because you are pretty fucking incredible."

She gasps, "SWEAR!"

I chuckle, "Sorry bella, I meant ducking....You are pretty ducking incredible."

She giggles, "You are p-pretty ducking incredible too Dami."

I smile.

I ducking love this girl.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I thought it would be nice to have a chapter from Damien:)

Like always
- comment your thoughts!

See you all on the next chapter!

- A

Words ~~~ 895

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