Chapter 10: Guilt

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What the hell is wrong with me.

I hurt her....the only girl I ever loved

*1 hour before *

As I speed to the cafe, I have many things on my mind. First off who the hell is the guy she is with! I was supposed to be the only guy in her life with the exception of her brother and father. I know I might seem like a fucking wimp, but just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't get fucking insecure too.

I mean thoughts are constantly going through my mind on how Mia is too good for me. She exceeds all women out there. She doesn't beg for attention, she doesn't sleep around, she especially doesn't treat others like trash. Mia is an innocent girl who cares about everything and everyone.

I know I don't deserve her. Believe me, I do. All I hope is that somewhere inside of her, she at least feels half of what I feel for her. I'm normally not a selfish guy, but when it comes to her...I'm as selfish as a guy could get.

That also means I don't like when she hangs out with other guys. I've never seen her hang out with a guy before, so I don't know what to think of this.

As I finally find the cafe, I park quickly and head to the door.

However, I freeze when I see her laughing with a guy sitting next to her with his arm around her.

Fuck no.

I open the door and take a seat close to wear they are. All I can do is watch with my fists and jaw clenched. As I glare holes into the back of the guys head, I hear my name, so I finally made get up and head over.

I hear the guy say, "Who's this 'Dami' guy?"

I clear my throat and glare at him, "That would be me."

I hear a soft gasp as Mia asks me what I am doing here. I'm too pissed right now to answer so I just glance down at her and look back up at the fucking blonde while crossing my arms.

I hear Mia faintly whisper stuttering, "D-Dami are you okay?"


That name usually makes me feel like I'm on the fucking top of the world, but right now all I feel anger.

"Just peachy Mia." I respond in a hard voice.

She answers back stuttering and through my side vision I can see Mia looking down fiddling with her fingers.

She's nervous.

That always means that someone is usually hiding something.

Fucking blondie clears his throat and asks Mia, "Who are you and how do you know Tiny?"

I scoff and clench my jaw at the nickname.

I finally peek down and look at Mia who is still looking at her fingers.

Mia [REWRITING IS ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now