Chapter Six: Part Two

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A/N: Yes, that is Daemon in that picture. Disregard the tattoo and mattresses. I will end up using another photo of a different guy that looks like him in the future as well.


You would think that after discovering it was Daemon, and not that creature, I would be somewhat relieved. I wasn't. If anything, I could now add anger to the list of emotions I was currently experiancing. "What are you talking about? Why are you even in my car? We had a deal. You said that if I left with you in two weeks, you'd leave me alone," I argued, emotions warring between that of dread and indignation. 

There was a chuckle - the quiet, breathy kind - and then the silence fell, as he seemingly worked to regin in his composure. I knew that he was mocking me, making a joke out of my ingorance which he so clearly disaproved of. Perhaps it was his shocked disbelief that I could be so dense, which drove him to say his next words so slowly - as though to assure that their was no misunderstanding. "No, little bird, the deal was answers. Never did I say that I would leave you alone. I would never make a promise to you that I didn't intend to keep. And that is one that would have been broken almost instantainiously."

It was pretty sad that I couldn't remember the exact terms of the contract, but then say I had looked it over, I still never would have expected him to take it so seriously. Even if it was legally binding, as he had insinuated, there was no way that any judge would allow him to take me away against my will. I had nothing to worry about, even if he was stalking me. He had, after all, made it clear that he wasn't human. I just had no clue what he was, yet.

"Why are you here?" I spat, angery at him for showing up in my life, thowing it into chaos, and awakening an insatiable determination to find answers that only he possessed. 

"Because," he began, "I can't stay away from you." The way he said it - the pitch and tone of his voice, the strained urgency, the warmth which emminated solely from his close contact - had me believing that he meant his words much more romantically. I found that I quite liked that, for forgein reasons I had yet to disipher. And then he had to open his mouth again, and ruin everything. "I had to make sure you were behaving. You weren't, so now you are mine to take."

So that was it then. I misread his signals, he only meant to keep an eye on me so as to find the perfect opportunity to steal me away.

"What do you mean, behaving? Let me move!" I barked, fighting against the unseen force holding me in place. I couldn't so much as turn my head, and believe me, I was dying to introduce my left knee to his groin, even if we were in a car. I was feeling extremely peeved about everything he had done. I don't know if it was because I was feeling overly sensative today, or if maybe I was just going as nutty as him that caused me to feel so jaded. It shouldn't have mattered to me that he didn't like me, desire me, but it did. And I had no idea why.

"There would be no point - we're leaving. Right now," he stated cooly. I felt a pang of fear run through me, panic quickly wrapping its thick fingers around my throat, as I struggled to chase away the rampant thoughts that flooded my mind with images of what was to come. I couldn't let him take me. If he took me, there was likely no coming back. I had to figure out a solution, fast. 

"What?!" I squeeked. "That wasn't part of the deal!" 

This earned me another booming laugh, deep and hynotic, which caused me jump as its abruptness. "And what would you know of 'the deal'? Did you read the contract?" He teased, knowing full well there was no way I could have in the time it took me to sign it. 

"Well I- you! What did you do to me?!" I shouted as relization dawned on me. I hadn't wanted to sign it. I had decided to recline his offer, when out of nowhere I had changed my mind. It was almost as if he forced me, almost as if he compelled me. Since he could so easily reign control over my physical movements, I wouldn't doubt that he had the ability to do the same where my mental state was concerned. But did that mean that he had forced me to see those dreams too - knowing that it would drive me crazy, knowing how badly it would make me want answers? I couldn't bring myself to rule it out.

"I made your desciion easier, I see no point in prolonging the enveiable. Had you behaved, you would have had two weeks to say goodbye to those you love. You didn't though," Daemon huffed in exasperation, sounding an awful lot like an impatient child who wanted candy, and wanted it now.

"You asshole! Let me go. I'm not going anywhere with someone who brainwashed me into signing something I didn't want to. That's foulplay, which means that the contract is void," I stated, so sure of myeself. When he didn't reply, I continued, finding that it was getting increasingly difficult to keep the panic out of my voice, and the gathering tears at bay. "I refuse to leave with you, you psychopath. You can't take me against my will!" 

There was a breif moment, as though he were considering his words, and then,"You breached the contract, not me. And I do believe one of the terms that I explained to you, was that I could, and would take you with, or without, your consent." He was seething, not bothering to mask the venom dripping from his words.

Shit. Think fast.

"How did I breech the contract?" I asked, trying to disguise the edge of resentment in my tone. If I was going to be accused of breaking a rule, I wanted to know which rule I had broken.

"You broke two rules. The don't tell anyone about me rule, and the no leaving town rule," he answered smoothly. 

"Niether of which are things I've done," I shot back, taking on a defensive tone. 

"Oh, but you have," he replied. "I let the shrink slide, knowing he'd find an altirior meaning for my manifestations - but telling your friend... ? It couldn't be overlooked. On top of that, you were on your way out of town, which is strictly prohibited as the contract details."

Again with the contract. How the hell does he expect me to know what it says when he never even let me look at it? I groaned internally.

"I would've let you look at it, had you intended to agree in the first place. But you didn't, and I was growing impatient. I'll give you a copy tomorrow, if will please you," Daemon snapped, his words echoing throughout my head at a deafening volume. I wish he'd stop that. It was a huge invasion of my privacy.

"Look," I sighed, growing tired of our bickering, "of course I want a copy of the contract, but I'm not going to leaving this car. I'm not going anywhere with you, because I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't going to tell Paisley about you, I was going to tell her about this shadow man that was in my appartment."

"I know," he uttered cockily, as if waiting for me to catch on to something that should be obvious.

"Because you’ve been watching me - which means you should also know it had nothing to do with you," I hissed, a note of irritation finding it's way to the surface.

"But it did."

"How?!" I yelled, seriously over this conversation. It felt as if we kept going around in circles, and it was exhausting.

"That shadow man is me," Deamon admitted, voice low.

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