Chapter Three: Part Three

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Anyways, the picture is of Paisley's cat, Baby.


I was on fire again, my skin prickling painfully with the intensity of the heat coursing throughout my body. Blackness turned to blurred, colorless images as Paisley's face came in an out focus. She was yelling something unintelligible in a panic stricken tone, voice becoming farther away, when the sudden feeling of being weightless over took me. 

I started to ask what had happened, but all that came out was a heavy whoosh of air as my breath was stolen from me, robbed by the unbearable feeling of an abrupt and fierce temperature change. Instead of the scorching flames that seared my flesh, a most unwelcome, icy pain began to drag its sharp claws along my skin, tearing away at my battered form as I once again was swallowed up by nothingness.


When I began to come around, I heard a rather frazzled sounding Paisley scrambling around in a kind of restless fervor. I knew that I should get up and see why she was in my apartment this time, but I couldn't shake the sedated feeling that lingered behind from my sleep. My whole body felt drained, weak, and exhausted, and I began to take stock of my physically condition.

My throat was dry and rough, and I had a dull headache, but other than that I felt rather comfortable. There was the distinct feel of the soft weight of a blanket laying across my body, and a barely detectable sheen of perspiration that coated my face, neck, and chest, but it didn't have a chance to cause discomfort, as a cool breeze swirled around the room just as I noticed it, bringing sweet relief. 

My eyes suddenly fluttered open, the chill that filled the room leaving, as the memory of what had transpired just before I had lost consciousness surfaced rather surprisingly. It was then that I realized it was dark, and I was in Paisley's apartment, lying on her cream colored couch. 

"Oh my gosh, you're awake," Paisley cried, rushing towards me from her connected kitchen. "I thought you were dying when you passed out in the street like that! I mean, you didn't even tell me that you were felling crappy before we went out! Had I known, I would've just had us order in."

When she finished, she shoved a cool glass of water into my clammy palms."What do you mean? I felt fine before we went out," I groaned, furrowing my bow as I took a sip of water. 

"So fine that within just fifteen minutes you developed a fever of one-hundred and three?" she shot back, all anger as fresh tears poured down her face. I hadn't realized that I had been running a fever, or that she had been so worried, and began to feel the tell tale signs of guilt clenching around my heart.

"I'm sorry, Paisley. I really did feel fine before we went out though. Honestly," I breathed in frustration as I yanked a hand roughly through my hair, pulling at it slightly before dropping my arm. "Why am I here?" I asked abruptly after a few minutes of silence.

“Because your fever dropped, but I didn't want to leave you alone. You're lucky I didn't call your mom, you know. She would've freaked out," she scolded, acting as though I had intentionally put myself in this position. I knew it was just a way for her to mask her fear though. She must have been really freaked out when I just dropped like a sack of potatoes in the middle of town. Paisley didn't handle stuff like that very well.

“Well, I'm off to bed, now that I know you're doing better. You can go home if you want to," she yawned as she turned to head towards her room. I hastily grabbed her hand, stopping her.

“Stay with me out here? We haven't done a sleepover in so long, and it isn't the same if we don't both camp out on the couch," I begged, desperation filling my voice at the prospect of being left alone. I was terrified of what might happen no matter what, but having Paisley near brought me some semblance of solace, knowing that she would wake me if need be.

She gave me a long, calculating look and, likely seeing past my lie, finally relented. “Fine, but let me go grab a blanket," she said, grumbling as she stomped towards her room. Her attitude, though right now maybe exaggerated for dramatic effect, was very real when she didn't get sleep and didn't have caffeine to compensate. Yet, she had agreed to stay by me tonight for my peace of mind, and that made her the greatest friend in my book.

When Paisley came back, she was carrying her thick, pink comforter and pillow, along with two spoiled cats. “Zeus!" I chirped, holding out my arms for him. Baby let out a low hiss at my bravery, giving me the death glare with her bright, green eyes. She looked like a tiny black ball curled up in Paisley's arms, but she anything but the docile, timid creature that she appeared to be. 

Paisley dropped down on the couch, the cats both running off the second they were free. "Right. Let's get some sleep then, huh?" Paisley chuckled with a quick glance in the direction that the cats had gone off in.


I had no control over my movements, though they were graceful, precise, and fluid. Confused doesn’t begin to explain what I was feeling as I wandered aimlessly down a wide, empty hallway, my feet carrying me to an unknown destination. It wasn’t long until I realized that my feet didn’t even know where I was going, as I came to a dead end. I was completely and utterly lost, but it also dawned on me that this was probably another dream, so I wasn't very concerned.

“Ah, there you are my beauty,” a gruff, weathered voice sounded in my ear. I giggled, turning gracefully to face a middle aged man with strikingly familiar gray eyes and a slightly wrinkled brow. “Where have you been, Rhea? I’ve been looking for you all day, you know.”

“Well,” I began, side stepping him in a vain attempt to escape his calculating gaze, “I went for a walk through the gardens this morning, with Molly, of course. After that, there was tea with your mother in the gazebo, the one by the pond that is, and then I did some light reading until I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, I was hungry, so I came down here to get something light to snack on… but it seems that I got lost.” When I finished, I cast my gaze away from him, embarrassed at being caught in search of the kitchen, and afraid that he won’t approve. It is a ladies place to call for servants to do such chores, after all, but I like to do as much as I can for myself.

He sighed, a sure sign that he was upset, but then wounded his arms gently around me, pulling me close to his chest. “You know how I feel about you being on your feet. Your condition is fragile. Until you deliver the baby, I want you to rest. Your ladies maid, Molly, will be dealt with for disobeying orders, and allowing you up off your feet,” he said, voice deathly calm with the sharp edge of barely contained anger. I knew that he was only looking out for me, that he cared about me dearly and didn’t want anything to happen to me, but his need to control me was suffocating.

I buried my face in the man’s chest, taking in several deep breaths, full of his sandal wood scent before I had the courage to speak. “Don’t be cross with Molly. I gave her no choice in the matter, running out the way I did,” I admitted, a small pout taking shape on my mouth.  “The room was stuffy and I needed some air, Leo. You can’t stay mad at me. Please, I couldn’t bear it.” Tears began to well up in my eyes at the thought of disappointing him. I loved him so much, even if he did drive me crazy.

With a tired sigh Leo lifted my chin, wiping away a few stray tears that had managed to escape. “I’m not mad at you, my sweet. I just can’t help that I feel over protective of what I hold most dear. No one has ever gone through what you are, and it is deeply concerning to me when even the best physicians for our kind have nothing to go on, no guarantees to offer,” he murmured, raw emotions shining in his eyes.

“If I let this go, then you have to promise me that you will stay in bed. Even to have tea with my mother, you could’ve remained within our room,” he reprimanded, thumbs stroking my cheeks lightly as he peered into my eyes. “I can’t risk losing you. You know that risk grows with every passing day, as does the risk of someone discovering you. If the Royal Court finds out that you have conceived, they won’t hesitate to take you from me. Even with my status, there will be nothing that I can do.” I can tell how much this upsets him, so I quickly nod my assent, earning a chaste kiss on my forehead. “Good girl. Now, let’s go get you something to eat.” 

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