Chapter Five: Part Two

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Picture is of Rosaline's dress.

There was nothing but silence; stark and empty. The eerie atmosphere had me on edge, aching for an escape as my muscles tensed painfully in preparation to flee. The amount of heat hitting the back of my body was enough indication to let me know that he was close. Too close, and yet, not close enough. Too afraid to speak or move, I simply stood there, body pulsing with adrenaline and burning with an unknown need.

It felt like an eternity before I heard the telltale scratch of a match being struck. Its radiant light was a much welcome alternative to the darkness, and it wasn't but a moment until I was sprinting as fast as I could towards a door that I spotted, not ten feet away. As I grew nearer, so grew the volume of the music, and I discerned that I must've gotten turned around in the dark. 

I was so close, hand poised to grasp the handle, when his voice brought my attention back to him. "Stop," he ordered, the rough underlying baritone of his voice ringing with unfortold power. To my surprise and horror, I did just that. "Now, come here, Rosaline."

Like hell! I didn't make a single move, hoping that my stubbornness would drive him to give up. It didn't. A burning sensation began to crawl up my legs, wrapping around them as it went and leaving a heavy, icy numbness in its wake. I began to wobble, having lost feeling in my body’s main support system, and almost fell, when my legs began to work again. Only, I didn't have control of them this time. 

I was turning around, legs carrying me against my will towards where he was hiding in the shadows, when I found my voice again. "What are you doing to me? Stop it!" I shrieked, knowing that he was somehow behind my forced, but elegant movements. 

A growl - so low that I almost didn't hear it, yet strong enough that I felt it move up through my body - tore through the room. My eyes widened in fear, and just then, a gust of air blew past me, rushing towards the lit candle between me and phantom man. Upon reaching it, the small flame was extinguished, plunging me back into darkness again. I kept moving forward until I felt his hot breath fan over my face, cringing internally at my stupidity for having thought he would let me get away.

I wanted to turn tail and run, but my limbs were locked into place, the invisible force harboring control over them. I could tell that the mystery man was pissed, as his harsh, ragged breathing was audible over the faint, classic music playing in the background. I was afraid, and how could I not be? He reeked of danger and something more, something I couldn't quite identify. 

"You do not make demands of me, and you'd do well to remember that. This is my home, my domain my territory. So bite your tongue, DeBlousi. I promise that you won't like the repercussions if you don't," he seethed, venom dripping from his words.

Though he confused me, his demand for respect was clear. Still, I offered nothing but silence as a response. I wasn't trying to be rebellious, I just didn't know what to say. Likely having misunderstood my reaction, he seized my small hand in his, grip tight but not exactly uncomfortable. "Let's go somewhere more suitable for this conversation," he huffed, exasperation obvious by the way he enunciated each syllable.

I stiffened. What did he mean go somewhere else? I wasn't exactly thrilled with where we were now, but I was less fond of the idea that I might have to go somewhere else with him. He had already made threats to me, and honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to try and lure me in to a cage of some sort. I didn't trust him. Something was off, and the most frustating part was that I felt like I should know what it was. 

"Would you stop being so damn obstinate and speak? I don't take kindly to people who disregaurd my words, and even though I could force you to bend to my will, I won't because I refuse to allow you to willfully act in such a way," he ground out, abruptly drawing me out of my thoughts. 

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