Chapter One - Part Two

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Photo is of the fireplace area. This room is meant to be windowless.


In bussled a woman who moved quickly and swiftly to the coffee table in the seating area. Her hair was dark grey in color, streaks of black shown through her bun here and there, and her clothes appeared to be that of a servants, but they were in pristeen condition. She was on the thicker side, but what really caught my eye was what she was carrying in her hands; a silver tray containing a dark, lableless whine bottle and a single wine glass. How odd...

When she reached the coffee table she layed down the tray and then proceeded to tend to the fire, tossing in a few logs and moving them around with the fire poker until they caught and the room was engulfed in a warm golden glow again. A small smile lit her features as she turned around to face me. Upon eye contact she let out an audible gasp, placing a hand to her mouth. 

"My lady, I beg you to excuse my poor manners, I did not realize that you were awake. My sincerest apologies," she rambled on seeming as though she was trying to mask her terror, but it was obvious from the look on her face.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't anything. You see, I was in a bit of a shock. I had often dreamed of many different places, but no one in my dreams had ever addressed me. Despite forgetting some of my dreams, I just knew that this was the first time anyone had addressed, or even looked at me. This dream felt different, and that scared me.

Not to mention that she had called me 'my lady'. What did she mean? I was no lady - was I? It's odd but I can't remember who I am; only my name. And why was the old lady afraid? Did I look funny or something? 

Then it hit me, strong this time. Searing pain rippled through my head and I let out a scream full of pure agony clawing at the sides of my head. "Fu-!" I cried out, unable to finish even that one word. My vision was blurring and I couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to do other than ride it out. 

There was some kind of commotion as somebody entered the room... or maybe their were a few people? I couldn't focus on anything it seemed, and it was really frustrating. I felt a pinch in my arm and everything started to darken and slow. There were voices, speaking in urgent, hushed tones. It seemed as though it was over something important, but I was drifting far away from wherever they were now and into a restless sleep.

It was odd, that dream. I've never had any of the events that took place in it happen before like that. My dreams are always vivid, but there are never people who address me, never the odd sense of an almost fimilar comfort that the room brought, and never the pain. I don't know why that is but an eerie thought occurs to me before my mind goes blank. Maybe this isn't a dream. Maybe it's real.

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