Chapter Seven: Part Two

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Picture is of a dress similar to Rosaline's.


After so boldly rejecting his affectionate gesture, it was safe to say that Daemon was back to asshole mode. A tight, bitter scowl seemed to be perimently set in the lines of his mouth, and his eyes were harder than usual; like two icy voids as he pinned me with a black look. 

"Keep close to me and try to speak as little as possible," he snarled hottly, voice carrying a cross undertone.  "And don't even think about trying anything. I've told you before that you won't like how I return the favor."

I swallowed audibly, trying to hold myself back from lashing out at him, and just barely managed to give him a nod. He straightened then, pulling sharply on the lapels of his white suit before extending his arm and pushing open the doors before us.

I took a moment to take in the familiar layout of the room, stoping dead in my tracks when I noticed just where we were. I suspected that Daemon didn't much like that, and judging by the way that he tightened his grip on my arm and continued to pull me deeper into the ballroom - completely undettered by my lapse of movement - I would say that my intuition was right.

Crowds of people were standing around, chattering loudly amoungst each other, but within moments of us entering the room, it had fallen completely silent. Shocking me even more, was the fact that men and women in impecable, and no doubt expenssive, designer fromal wear began to bow, some even going down so low that they appeared to have dropped to one knee. 

I looked up to Daemon in stunned confusion, hoping to get some answers to the onslaught of questions parading through my mind. He didn't look my way, eyes remaining fixed unseeingly ahead of him, but I knew he could sense my eyes on him by the sharp intake of breath that he took.

I watched him closely as he swallowed hard, adams apple bobbing up and down. There was a momentary pause and then he cleared his throat and began speaking in an authoratative, regal manner. "Thank you for coming tonight, it means a great deal to us. I hope you all enjoy this evenings festivities... as I know I will." A mischivious smirk was tugging at the corners of Daemon's lips, and his eyes were agleam with excitement. It made me wonder just what was running through his head, what he was up to. 

He began to turn away from the people before us, still dragging me along, but then paused and seemingly as an afterthought added,"You may rise." 

It was but a moment until everyone was standing again, and by the time Daemon had managed to carral me in the direction of a group of rather intimidating people, the party was back in full swing. An orchestra, hidden from view, began to play a lively, pleasant melody, bringing with it an air of cheerfulness - yet I couldn't shake the feeling that in this moment, hundreds of eyes fixed were on me. 

"Rosaline," Daemon growled in my ear, the deep tenor of his voice vibrating with fury. "It's quite rude to ignore someone, and I won't have this behavior from you."

I gritted my teeth, doing the best I could to squelch the urge to introduce his groin to my knee, and turned to face the plastic filled, lanky blonde before me. Her dress was an off the shoulder, navy ensamble paired with silver platforms, and her body was practically dripping with diamonds. Her eyebrows were thin, the arches done high, and her smile was more of a scowl. I noted that the crowed around her had dissipated, leaving only her, Daemon, and I. 

"Claudia," she sneered, snatching my free hand up from my side and squeezing it so hard I winced and tried to yank it back. It didn't work as her grip was like a vice. "So you're the reason then? The one everyone has been waiting all these years to meet? You seem rather frail to me. What a pathetic dissapointment."

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