Sweet Obsession

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Copyright © 2014 & 2015 All Rights Reserved to Chuggs3y


Mystery Women

“My dear, we cannot help you. I'm sorry, but you had best be on your way now," the ebony haired woman before me said cooly, clutching the thick, wooden front door with both hands. She was beautiful, there was no denying it. She had deep, chocolate colored eyes, porcelain skin that reminded me of ivory or snow, and an intimidating air of power hung around her. She was tall and thin, dressed in an extravagant dark green, silk gown that flowed down her body to kiss the floor. But despite her eminent beauty, I could tell that this woman was not one to be messed with.

Her eyes, though a beautiful brown, looked dead, dull, and devoid of any emotion, as she started to close the door on me. “Please!" I heard myself beg, yet, the voice wasn't my own. “You have to help me. I'll do anything!" My tone was becoming frantic as a sense of dread crept icily up my spine. I was desperate, I just didn't know why.

At my words, the woman stopped and cracked the door open a fraction more, to peer at me intently. She seemed to be searching for something in my eyes, and I was beginning to feel uneasy, when she spoke again.

“Very well," she said slowly, her calm tone frightening me for some reason. “You're pregnant, am I correct?" She asked, giving my swollen abdomen a pointed look. 

I nodded hesitantly, unsure of where she was taking this. I had a sneaking suspicion that I wasn't going to like the answer. A cold breeze swept past me, eliciting a shiver from me as the bite of the frigid air penetrated my skin, seeping into bones. I tugged my cloak tighter around me, you'd think that all of the trees around here would shield the wind, but they didn't help in the least.

“Do you know the gender?" the woman probed, voice soft and femine as it carried to my ears. I was right, I didn't like where this was going. However, I decided to answer her, since she seemed so insistent, and I couldn't afford to insult her and mess this up. Generosity, after all, can be short lived if a person is angered.

“A girl," I answered hoarsely, fear lodging itself tightly in my throat. The woman's eyes seemed to dance with sadistic joy, drawing forth another unwelcome shiver from me.

“Perfect," she purred, pausing a moment as if to consider something. “We will help you, but it comes at a high price."

Momentary relief washed over me like a warm breeze. “What is it? Name it and it's yours," I exclaimed, tears of joy flooding my eyes as I smiled gratefully at the woman.

 “The child that you carry in your womb," she stated plainly. “We are not so cruel as to pry her away from you right away, but expect that we will come for her at eighteen, and keep in mind that we will visit frequently before that, to... check up on our investment. But don't worry, we will simply observe from a distance. You won't even know that we're there," she finished casually, as if giving one's child away was a completely normal and painless affair.

It took me a minute to realize that she was waiting for my response; watching astutely for my reaction. I cleared my throat and focused on forcefully schooling my features into an emotionless mask. “What would you want with my daughter?" I finally asked, trying to hide the utter terror I was feeling. What had I gotten myself, and worse, my child, into?

The woman arched an impeccable brow at me, as if to say she was impressed with my bravery to speak out, while at the same time putting me in my place. “That doesn't concern you. The only thing that you need to know is that she will survive," she responded sounding bored and impatient.

She will survive, but will she be okay? I didn't think it was a wise thing to ask so instead I went with, “You keep saying we, who do you mean?"

She gave me a shocked look and then started to laugh. Even her laugh sounded dangerous. “Me and my husband of course. You may think of us as the king and queen of vampires, though our kind has no real ruler," she said with sigh. My blood ran cold instantaneously and my heart threatened to stop all together. I hadn't realised that I was talking to the queen directly, I had assumed that a servant had come to the door. I was counting on it, actually. Did I really want to make a deal with this woman? This could go horribly wrong. The stories that I had heard about her family were the stuff of nightmares. Was it worth the risk?

“Do we have a deal?" She huffed with an arched brow, an annoyed look taking form on her face. I had no choice, I was defeated. I had to do this for my child's ultimate safety.

So, regrettably, I took a deep breath, swallowed the lump in my throat, and murmured, “We have a deal," with my head held high.

Her thin lips pulled back into a sly, cheshire-like grin, as her eyes - those horrifying eyes - flickered with amusement. “Splendid," she chimed.

What had I just done? 

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