The Swagger Track - Chapter 11

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crossover fic! this one has a few greys characters in and is largely set in the hospital. don't really know if I can call it a crossover though as i don't actually have a greys fic but anyway enjoy!

Darkness. I was feeling scared and alone in the darkness. I saw the flashing lights, blue and red, and I could hear the sirens blaring from the truck. Then all I could see was darkness. I could feel though. I could feel Robert there with me. I could hear his tears as they streamed down his face. My hand ached as he squeezed it so tight, never letting go. Not once. Not even for a second.
"You're here!" I whispered weakly, a smile growing on my face.
"Andy?" He sounded shocked.
I coughed and wheezed and I couldn't breathe. I felt the mood change as we trundled along through the traffic, piled into the aid car.
"Andy! Calm down it'll be okay!" He was louder now, he was scared, and that's all I could remember.

As she laid there, I felt helpless. I could feel the pit of my stomach burning like it was a raging fire that I couldn't put out. I could feel the fear, the anger, all of it was bubbling up inside of me, ready to burst at any given moment. I stared at her, my eyes filled with shock, as she hung in my arms, lifeless - half way dead - a tube down her throat. I felt like I might've been strangling her with my arms gripped around her chest, but I wasn't ready to let go. All I could think in that moment was : 'not again. This cannot happen again.' All I knew was I loved Andy more than I ever could Claire, and that I would never let her go as long as I lived. After all, the past always comes crawling back, screaming and yelling, flaming and angry...

I sat there. I sat there, a shell. I was numb, empty, I couldn't describe it. Staring at her, without blinking, my heart dropped to my feet. We were never really that close before, but ever since Captain Pruitt passed, we were there for each other. Always. In a way, he was my dad just as much, if not more that my biological father. He taught me life lessons, he loved me, he protected me. When he died, part of him lived. In me, in Andy, in the whole of 19. He was my family, and now his family was dying. In front of my eyes, Andy was laying there. She was limp, she was lifeless. Nevertheless, she was alive. That gave us hope. Always hang on to hope. She taught me that. My sister taught me that.

"29 Y/O female, Andrea Herrera, superficial head lac and multiple stab wounds to the left and right legs and the left arm." Sirens blared at me as the trauma rolled through the ER doors. I sent the patient with Helm and DeLuca, they knew what to do. I turned to the ambulance, slightly confused. Ben was there. He was crying. In all the years I've known him, I've never seen him cry before. He wasn't alone either. There was another man with him. They were both in uniform, both silent and both scared as they slumped on the bench. Squinting to try to figure out who he was, I strained my eyes to read 'Sullivan' embroidered on his navy shirt. He was fiddling with a wedding ring.
My heart was pounding at the sorry sight of the pair.
"Warren!" I yelled softly. He didn't even flinch.
"Hey Ben, you ok?" He looked up at me this time as I approached him from a distance. He shook his head slightly, barely noticeably.
My concern was met with yells and anger and fear.
"What are you doing Hunt? Go help Andy!" That told me all I needed to know. His friend was hurt, dying even. All I knew was that I had to help her.

"DeLuca -" My voice trailed off as I realised who this was.
"Helm, what are you doing standing around, come help me!"
He was trying to re-intubate the patient, the previous job being completed in a wave of fear and panic.
"DeLuca, stop" My voice was firmer this time, he knew something was wrong. He finished what he was doing, and looked up at me, a perplexed expression plastered on his face.
"I know this girl."
"Who- what- is it a friend, do you need to leave?" He sounded angry that I would stay if I had a relationship to the patient.
"Page Dr Grey, this is Andy."
He looked up at me, shocked.
D: "Andy Herrera?"
H: "Yep"
D: "Wasn't she ..?"
H: "Yep"
D: "Page Dr Grey, STAT!"
DeLuca was yelling at the nurses, panicking and frenzied. The door clicked open behind me.
"I need you both to listen to me very carefully. This is Andy Herrera, she's been missing for nearly a month. I need you two to notify the police department and search and rescue, let them know that we have her and she is stable. Then one of you need to go outside to the pit and talk to her husband. Warren is waiting there too. Got it?" Dr Hunt was scared. I could tell from his voice.
"Got it." I said, trying to be as calm and helpful as possible.
"Warren is back?" DeLuca question.
"No, wait, no, just go!" Hunt was getting angry.
Just then the door once again, burst open.
"Andy!" He yelled.

Sorry if this part isn't quite as good. I'm working through some stuff at the moment and also it is currently 2am. I know this isn't the greatest but I promise it'll be better next time! Don't forget to vote!

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