The Swagger Track - Chapter 8

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Driving along the road, shattered glass, splattered blood and heartbroken tears flooded the ground. Broken bullets and battered bodies lined the streets. Sirens blared as police cars swerved into action, blue and red lights flashing bright as they sped past us. I turned to Maya as I pulled the parking brake towards me.
"Bishop," my voice came out almost silently.
She turned away from the rain covered window to face me, exposing her puffy bloodshot eyes and red tear-stained face acknowledging me with a slight nod.
"Let's do this!" she exclaimed, an obvious hint of anger boiling in her gut.
"Grab the bag," I yelled, knowing we wouldn't be done there for a while, that we'd be in for a long day.
As she slammed the back doors shut, a cold shiver tore me apart from the inside. I shook my head, focusing on the patient in front of me, the person who had left their life in my hands.
"Need any help?" I heard a call from behind me.
Terror paralyzed me from head to toe - I squeezed my eyes shut. I flinched at every sudden movement, at even the quietest of noises sent my way.
I heard the voice again, "Hey Miller, you okay man?"
The voice was softer this time. The voice was Warren's. It was calmer than before, but filled with confusion and concern. It took me a minute to reply, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
"Umm yeah, no, yeah, I'm cool. How are you doing?" I replied, my breathing shaky.
"I'm doing great," he assured me, "you sure you're good though?"
He had started to work on a patient, so I knew our conversation was done. I was reluctant to leave, to take my patient to the hospital. I didn't feel safe anymore, I felt alone and no matter how many people were with me, I could feel the pain of the victims. As I made my way over to the aid car, I didn't hesitate to get in. I loaded the patient in the back and hurried my way to the driver's side. Preparing to drive off on my own, I saw Maya open the door and hop in beside me. I nearly forgot her, left her behind in this hell hole.
"What the hell man?!" She was angry at me, she was yelling.
I looked at her, blinking slow and exhaling. She understood me, she knew how I felt.

4 hours later
One long hour following my return to the station, a weight was lifted from my shoulders and I shook out a shuddery breath as I sat in the beanery, listening to the shutters rise down in the barn. The aid car pulled in, covered in a rank mix of mud and blood. It looked like tomato sauce. Dean was safe. Maya was safe. We were all safe. An echoey silence was thread throughout the firehouse, other than the news blaring loudly from televisions in offices and bunks. Everyone was awaiting news that would ruin their life. Everyone was expecting to lose someone. That was the only call that shift, most of us never even left the station, but those of us who did never wanted to again. We saw a new side of Seattle - the former place we called safe. It wasn't our home anymore, it was just a place where we all lived. A home is a place where you can feel happy and carefree, a place where you don't have to worry about being shot in your sleep, or stabbed in a shop. This wasn't a home anymore, we had landed in hell. Nobody wanted to leave, but nobody wanted to stay...

**Sorry this part is so short compared to normal and has taken so long, I've really been struggling with ideas and overwhelmed by school and lockdown here. If you have any ideas and would like to share it would be appreciated. Thanks guys!**

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