The Swagger Track - Chapter 2

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" Swagger."
Travis said blankly, with no context.
" Victoria Hughes, Andrea Herrera, did you sleep with each other?!" A confused look had been dumped onto Montgomery's face.
"Ummm- what are you on about?" Vic said, staring at Andy.
"No offense, Vic, but you're NOT my type..."
The two girls chuckled at each other, leaving Travis in the dark for a few more seconds.
"Ummm, offense taken, Herrera!"
Hughes replied before crashing down on the couch of tears, the ladies absolutely hysterical in laughter.
"Nahhh, we just snuck our boyfriends into our bunks," Andy said, in a sarcastic manor, but actually telling the truth.
"Okay-." He replied, seeming bored of their jokes and games. They all knew Andy and Sullivan were dating, but the question still remained of Vic's boyfriend. As he turned around to stir his chili, he saw someone exit the station, someone he knew, someone from the hospital, but most importantly, someone who had the swagger... Andy got up and walked out of the beanery, hot and light headed.
She walked to the locker room and looked over her shoulders to double check she was alone. She grabbed something from her shelf and ran to the bathroom. She was late. 3 weeks late.

Feeling tired and dizzy, Andy ran in the direction of Roberts office, hoping to find him alone, needing desperately to speak with him. Trembling as she stumbled over the catwalk, she fell to the ground and shook the station. The team ran from the beanery and Maya looked up, a distinct look of fear and shock plastered her face as she took a moment to realize what had happened.
"Help! Guys! I need some help over here!"
She thundered through the firehouse. Everyone could hear her, they could all hear the tremors of fear in her voice. Slipping on some paperwork, Robert crashed through the door of his officer to find the team hunched over Andy's body. Lifeless. Cold.

"No, no, no no no no,"
I tried to yell but all I could let go was barely enough to hear. It was a silent scream. A screeching whisper. I zoned out, staring at my best friend lying there on the floor. I could tell something had been wrong with her and that she hadn't been herself. I didn't want to push her to tell me, if she wanted me to know she would have told me, she would- have told Vic. I heard Jack an Travis whisper, snapping me out of my trance. "She's back, she's got a pulse and she's breathing!"
Travis sighed in relief at not losing his friend.
"Station 19 has already lost enough this year,"
said a nearly breathless Jack who was gasping for air,
" We're not letting another one go."

POV BEN- I shoved the key into the aid car and started the engine in a frenzied panic. " Sullivan, Hughes, Bishop, get in and get Andy on a monitor!"
My voice was shaking and I couldn't breathe. Travis picked Andy up and looked shocked and confused as something fell out of her pocket. He called for Maya as Vic and Robert scrambled into the aid car beside me. Soon Dean had rushed down the stairs of the catwalk, Herrera in his arms, fear in his eyes. From the corner of my eye, I watched intrigued as Montgomery handed Bishop something, although I didn't know what. Maya slipped it into her pocket and zipped it up, looking behind her and thanking him as she ran for the rig. She climbed into the back and we left for the hospital. She held Vic's hand and Vic held Andy's.

I held her hand until it turned blue. I watched the color drain from her face and feared for her life as I watched Maya tremble with fear. I couldn't let her go. I couldn't let either of them go. I was silent, I was speechless but I could tell Maya had a secret and before all of this, I could tell Andy did too. I knew that when she was ready she would tell me. I heard a faint raspy voice, broken up by sobs and cries. It was the Captain. It was Robert Sullivan, the man of no emotion.
"D-d-don't Andy," he whispered,
"Don't do this to me, not now, not right now, not ever ok, do you hear me don't ever do this to me!"
His whisper turned into more of a shout, and to see the man that has no fear crying over his teammate, maybe more, it broke us. Nobody got through that car ride, but nobody would have lived through that car ride if it hadn't been for Andy, her calm, steady heartbeat.

"28 year old female, no visible injuries, low blood pressure, steady heart rate."
Warren bellowed through the hospital upon greeting his wife among the other doctors at the pit. That was all I could take in, my focus was averted. The screeching of the wheels on the gurney, the rattle of the heart rate monitor, the blank look plastered on Maya's face and worst of all, the numbness spreading through my veins. That was the woman I loved, and I had no clue if she was dead or alive. All I know was in that moment, I felt little pieces of me die, I felt like I should be the one in the hospital bed, not her. How I prayed for that. Dr Grey guided the four of us through to the waiting room as Andy was taken upstairs by Carina, Maya's girlfriend and Dr Shepherd, Meredith's sister in-law. I sat, staring into space, staring at the wall. My mind racing, yet my mind was empty. I slept.

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