The Swagger Track - Chapter 13

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Guys this story may be ending soon, possibly in about 3 chapters. I really want to do some surrera short stories or one shot and with school returning and netball, I don't think I can juggle two stories. Sorry but hope you enjoy!

3 days later...

Trapped. Stuck. Caught. The opposite of what I wanted to be, yet exactly what I was. Trapped in a body that is barely breathing. Stuck to the sticky sheets of the hospital bed. Caught on the line between life and death. That's what I was, and that's what I hated. I needed it all back : my life, my freedom, my everything, I needed it all. Lights flickered and flashed, illuminating the darkness I'd felt for days, brightening the black that covered my eyes. Voices
tremored in the background, shaky and deep. Raspy voices too. My brother's voice. Ben's voice. "Andy," he cried as I faded into reality, drifting back out within a matter of seconds. I wanted to reach out, to talk or respond. All I wanted was for him to know I was there, that I was alive, I wanted to cry on his shoulder or hug him so tight, but still, I couldn't move. I was trapped.

"Andy," I was whispering, but I knew she could hear me. I could feel her breath against my hand, resting on the side of her face. She was my sister, we had fought the same fights, felt the same pain. Felt it so deeply that we could barely move. And now I was here, and she was here too, but she wasn't moving. She wasn't moving. She had to move. Just then Sullivan came bursting into the room.
"Sir," I said to him sorrowly, acknowledging his arrival and showing him my fear.
"She'll be okay, you know that Warren?" He questioned me. I couldn't answer that question though, I didn't trust myself, I didn't trust anyone in the world enough to promise me that she will be okay, but we all had to carry on. I chose to believe she will pull through, because if not, what's the alternative?
"She's definitely a fighter, Sir!" My words relaxed him as I saw him take her hand in his, so I left.

I saw Jack earlier. Sitting and staring for a while, I knew he was angry. He shut me out. He does that. He never does that with Herrera, so I took him to see her. I knew deep down that she would be okay, but even so, when I walked into that room, my heart crushed into a billion pieces. Tears streamed down Ben's face, Sullivan's hand was white with the cold and Jack, well, he was broken. He wasn't even close with Andy, but this sight, it broke him. It was enough to break anyone.
"Herrera, get your ass up!" I heard a yell from behind me. Jack was yelling at her, almost silently, but he was yelling.
"We've got a captains race to finish, and you're not going anywhere until I win!" The room went silent, Jack's face went red.

Her hand grabbed mine. Her fingers coiled around my wrist, cold as ice, but it sent a warm sensation skipping through my veins. She was alive, she was awake. She was okay.
"She twitched!" I yelled. I was met with looks of fear and concern.
"She moved, trust me I saw it!" I stood up now, asserting my dominance, yet never once letting go of Andy's hand.
"Chief?" Maya was approaching me slowly, a look of terror beginning to flood her eyes.
"Trust me." I replied, stepping off of the chair.
"Trust me. Watch her."
The team gathered around the bed, staring with a look of intesity boiling in their eyes. It was her leg to twitch next; the her eyes to flutter and her mouth to open. She was trying to speak, but she couldn't. She needed to say something, but I could tell, something, someone, was stopping her...

Transfer. That word that she said to me, the day before she left. Transfer. It still sent shivers down my spine. Transfer. Transfer. Transfer. I repeated it over and over again in my head, not wanting to believe it, but knowing it was true. I knew deep in my heart it wasn't right, I couldn't tear up a family, just for one person. God I loved that person though, but she could never now. Not now, not ever. It's Andy, Andrea Herrera who has a boyfriend. Nothing could happen. I knew that with my whole being, but I wished it wasn't true. As I looked into her eyes, I felt like I was floating, swimming, flying even. She was awake. She was going to be okay...

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