The Swagger Track - Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes, but still couldn't see. I was weary and still half asleep. Warren was shaking me vigorously, his face tear stained and tired.
"She's awake, Sir, and you need to talk to her. Now." His voice was raspy, a whisper at most.
A realization flushed over me. He said 'now'. It must be important. Only bad explanations filled my head, not a hope in sight. But she was awake so it must have been good news, right? Still, a tsunami of fear nearly drowned me, and I lost my balance. Standing up from the chair, I stumbled. The three caught me and guided me to Andy's room. They had heard she was awake and thought their Chief should be the first one to visit her, given our circumstances and their relationship.

I gasped for air, choking and sitting up as I began to awaken. I looked around to see I was all alone in a hospital. I felt as if I had been abandoned, left to rot. I pressed the call button to alert the nurses that I had woken up. They rushed in and began to explain what had happened.
"Robert-." Was all I managed to say.
I had no voice, I was barely louder than a mouse. I cut the nurse off mid sentence as she went to find Robert. There were some very important things I needed to tell him. A few minutes later, Maya and Robert burst into my room. I could tell Maya knew my secret, but I needed to know how. I let the nurse explain what had happened, about how my blood sugar had dropped, stopping my heart. Fear struck me, running through my veins. Once she had finished, I heard Maya ask Robert and the nurse for some privacy. They agreed and stepped out. He was right by the door, he was reluctant to leave. He knew that was what was best, so he did.

"Congratulations Andy!" She walked over to hug me and could see the puzzled and perplexed look plastered on my face.
She seemed weak and tired - she just about managed to squeeze out whispers, they were barely words with what was left of her voice. All she managed was
"How do you know? Who else knows?"
I could tell she was scared. She was tense and afraid and she needed Robert, but I needed to help her.
"You fainted on the catwalk," I told her,
"When we got you back, Travis picked you up to take you to the aid car and it fell out of your pocket. He put his foot on top of it knowing you would want to keep this a secret. When Dean came to get you from Travis he noticed something was wrong but didn't question it. Montgomery hid it perfectly. He gave it to me and didn't tell anyone else. It's just the three of us."
She smiled meekly and blinked in slow motion.
"Thank you and thank him for me," she looked at me. She can say a million words with her eyes.

-Robert walked in to Andy's room, passing Maya on her way out, them thanking each other with their eyes. He perched himself on the end of her bed, looking longingly into each others eyes. They had three words, and three words only for each other. In unison, filled with adrenaline they said in time
"I love you!"
He brushed his hair out of her face and pressed his lips against hers.
"Never do this to me again!" He whispered, tears filling his big brown eyes.
"I love you."
He said again, brushing his lips tenderly against her forehead, knowing she meant it, letting her know how much he meant it. He really did love her, and she really did love him. They knew they would never let this moment go, just as much as they would never let each other go. They smiled at each other, never looking happier. She hadn't told him what she really needed to yet, she wasn't ready to find out how he would react.

There was a light knock on the door and Vic popped her head in, smiling from ear to ear. She entered the room, followed by Maya and Warren. Everyone sat in silence for a minute. There were signs of relief, and sobs and sadness. Andy attempted to mouth to Maya that she hadn't told him yet, but that didn't go unnoticed by Hughes. She understood everything. Robert left to have some time alone and Warren headed back to the station, passing Travis on his way to the hospital. Vic locked the door to Andy's room.
"You're PREGNANT!" She yelled.
The other girls could see the excitement in her face. Andy sat up and Vic went in for the biggest hug ever, despite Herrera not exactly being the hugging type.
"That's AMAZING!" She giggled.
Maya quietened her down so she didn't alert Sullivan. A smile began to grow and Andy's face.
"We all love you," Bishop whispered into her friends ear. Just at that moment, Travis burst through the door, congratulating Andy. He turned to his right to see Vic standing right by his side, which shocked him and he let out a little yell, grabbing onto the door handle for support. "
Aahhhh," he chuckled, " So you know too now Hughes?" She nodded lightly in reply. "And let me guess Andy- you haven't told him yet?!" Herrera shook her head and giggled at how well he knew her.
"Well," she said, "We just told each other we love each other so I think that's enough unloading for one day!"
Travis looked at her, a smile on his face, happiness in his eyes.
" Congrats!" He said as he watched Maya's eyes widen in shock.
"And, Andy, I would like to know why you have just casually mentioned this to Travis and not told your best friend in the ENTIRE world!" Bishop exclaimed, in a questioning yet jokey tone.
"Ahem!" Hughes cleared her throat sarcastically. Andy rolled her eyes. "AHEM!" Travis coughed EVEN louder, which was hardly possible, given the volume Victoria had spoken at.
"All of you," Andy said struggling with her words, "Are my best friends!"
She said trying to catch her breath, still free from energy. She smiled weakly and they all chuckled. They loved her.

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