𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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Nights were the worst. Possibly worse than sitting in the courtroom before her friends, for a crime she very well didn't commit. Nights spend behind very dirty bars, in a dark cold room where long, they dragged on and on.

"You know, Romanoff, seeing you behind bars really does something to me," Emma Frost, her cellmate from across the way spoke up catching her attention.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" Natasha said, her head still resting on her pillow.

"I am actually. Seeing you behind bars does wonder for me." her voice was low and clear. The light from the hallway barely lit up Natasha's dull cell. She felt like an animal. Last week Emma was transferred to her jail and Natasha had been waiting for her trial to conclude. "You know eventually you'll have to come out of that cell dear"

Pepper had worked her magic so that if Natasha was in protective service, she was a cop after all and a lot of people wanted her dead. She was protected especially from Emma, who seemed to want her head on a golden platter.

"The people you think are protecting you, they'll eventually forget all about you. Even if you do get out of here do you really think any of these criminals will forget what you did to them? Forget living a normal life dear, we all want you dead." Emma was trying to get on her nerves, Natasha wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of succeeding, so she stayed quiet.

"Not in a talking mood? That's okay." She could practically see the smirk on the blond's face. "Maybe we should invite your little boy toy? I am sure that he would love to talk. Maybe I could even get him alone for a minute-"

"You leave him out of this." Natasha snapped.

"What's wrong dear? Did I hit a nerve? Don't tell me you are in love with Mr. Jaw line. He's hot for sure but a little too... what's the word I am looking for? Boring. Maybe." She tapped on the cell bars, the sound echoed throughout the hall. "Dear, you best believe you and him will get what's coming for you. You're welcome to the courtyard will be one for the history books."


"I don't understand what is taking them so fucking long!" Steve shouted slamming his hand down on Pepper's desk.

"Steve we talked about this-" Pepper tried to say but Steve was quick to interrupt.

"No Pep. You said you would get Natasha out of the god-forsaken cell days ago! instead, she's there with people who want her dead! Please explain to me how you are helping! Because from where I am standing, you and Maria aren't doing jack shit!" He was angry. Steve hadn't gotten sleep in the last few days, trying to find any sort of proof.

Last week they decided that with Steve's personal feeling to Natasha, her alibi would hold no weight in court. So now they were looking for any sort of street camera that could back them up. Unfortunately, the street they were patrolling that night didn't have the friendliest shop owners. Maria had gotten into contact with an old friend who works down in Hell's kitchen but she hasn't been able to get anything yet.

"Steve you are in no mind to be here right now. Go out, take a breather. Okay?" Bucky said.

"I can't-"

"How are you helping Natasha by yelling at Pepper?" Sam asked. "You're not. You need to go and get some air." Steve looked down at Pepper's desk, he saw something that caught his eyes.

"Fine." He said before walking out abruptly. The group watched Steve leave, and sighed.

"He's just stressed Pep, don't let it get to you." Tony, who was sitting in the corner of the room said to her.

"No, he's right. We don't have any leads. Maybe it's time to take a new approach to this." She said.

"What are you thinking? Because it's not like Natasha has camera's in her house." Maria said throwing a file down on the desk.

"Maybe not. But we have been so busy trying to prove her innocence that we haven't looked at the other end. Natasha's not guilty. That means someone else is. They planted Natasha's DNA on that scene, Police had no need to look for anyone else's."

"Which means, someone else's DNA should be in that room." Bucky finished.

"It was messy. They had to had messed up somewhere." Pepper informed them.

"Okay. Now the question is how are we going to get into that building. The cops there don't exactly like our unit." Sam informed them all.

"Leave that to me." Maria smiled. "I have a plan."


The cold air hit his face in waves as Steve walked down Hell's Kitchen. He looked around at all the people almost glaring at him as he passed them. He felt like they were reading into his soul, but he chooses to ignore them in hopes of finding the one person he knew could help him in a time like this.

"You seem to be lost Rogers," A voice above him spoke amusingly to Steve. Steve looked up and saw a woman sitting at one of the open windows. "This isn't the type of place you'd see the finest cop in New York."

"Jones," Steve called up.

"I already told Maria all I know. Why are you here?" Jessica Jones, an amateur detective who left the station after an altercation with another member who was removed from duty.

"I need your help."

"You know I always knew you and Romanoff had a thing. Can't say I am surprised of course but I would have taken you to fall for someone less... well you know."

"I am not here to talk about my love life, Jessica. I need your help to get Natasha out of this situation."

"What's in it for me?" She asked, her feet now dangling from a window as she looked down at him. Her expression was hard to read.

"I can get you your job back-"

"You think I want to go back to that crappy life? You know what I want Rogers." Steve studied her face. Jessica was a very smart and clever woman, if he was going to work with her he had to stay on his toes. He took a second before nodding.

"Help me get Natasha out and you got yourself a deal," Jessica smirked. This was going to get interesting.


Yes I'm alive! Finally posting😂✋
Hope you enjoyed!

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