𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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"If the people can not trust their government to do the job for which it exist- to protect them and promote their common wellfair, than all is lost"

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now insession, the Honorable Judge Davis presiding." The Bailiff spoke, the bailiff would keep peace in the courtroom and prevent either side from making unwanted or unnecessary objections.

"Everyone but the jury may be seated." Judge Davis spoke. "Mr. Lee, please swear in the jury."

"Please raise your right hand." Mr. Lee instructed the Jury, "Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will trulylisten to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?"

"I do," came the courus of replies from the jury.

"You may be seated," Lee said and then nodded back to the judge.

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty ornot guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution has theburden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This burdenremains on the prosecution through the trial. The prosecution must prove that a crime wascommitted and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if youare not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and thedefendant must be found not guilty. Okay everyone," The judge began. "As this is a case with multiple hearings, I won't bore you with the gritty details, let's just get right in. The accused, Natasha Romanoff, is accused of the murder of Ricky Leighton in the first degree is that correct?"

"Yes your honor that is correct," Pepper supplied.

"And are both sides ready?"

"Yes your honor," Both sides answered in response.

"Alright, and it says here that, in the case of the Leighton's next of kin's inability to supply a lawyer for their late brother, one was named by the ADA, and taking that honor would be, District attorney Ms. Jennifer Walters."

"It's an honor to be in your court," Walters responded.

"Alright, Ms. Potts, I hear you are asking for an appeal on the witness," The judge asked and Pepper again nodded her head.

"Your honor, with all due respect, Ms. Pott's should have brought forward any and all suspects at the beginning of this trial. It's rather unprofessional to spring one on without even favor in our room,"

"I object to Miss Walters's objection your honor," Pepper responded gracefully. "This witness only recently came forward and with further investigation by the NYPD we've discovered its relevance"

"The court will allow it," The judge supplied to the women. She motioned for Pepper to come forward and call her witness to play.

"Your honor I'd like to call to the court, Miss Rachel Leighton, sister of the victim." The cops at the door opened the door for Ms. Leighton in. At the sight of their sister, her brother, Danny froze in his seat beside Jennifer Walters. Walters looked over at Danny with a glare, it was clear that the man hadn't been completely honest with her. The judge swore Rachel in then made a motion for Pepper to begin her questions.

"Ms. Leighton, you are sister to Ricky Leighton is that correct?" Potts's asked.


"Do you know this woman? Have you seen her around? Or has your brother ever mentioned the name Natasha Romanoff, perhaps Detective Romanoff?"

"I have heard the name before yes, but it wasn't by my brother," She supplied. Natasha couldn't help but look around as Pepper questioned Rachel. She noticed that Pepper's plan was working. In the very back row was a familiar face sitting beside her sister. Her mother. Melina came. For the first time in a long time, Natasha felt seen by her adoptive mother.

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