monkey brains

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Cammie's POV

I was watching Donnie and Mikey train together "stop,  stop dude what are you doing? You don't defend against sayonogay with back flips." Donnie said

"Donnie he does things then you... I say let him." I said

"Cammie what would you do if you were thrown with sayonogay?" Donnie asked curiously

"To be honest I would fight with think." I said rubbing his shell

"Why would you want to fight without thinking?" Donnie asked

"If I come by a telepathic person it's easier for him not to beat me." I said

"She's telling the truth my son." Splinter said I smiled at him

"Well, what would you do again sayonogay Sensie?" Donnie asked

"I don't know." Splinter said

"Oh, come on Sensie you must've planned a response to every attack." Donnie said

"If you think to much on what will happen... you lose sight of what is." Splinter said

"For example prepare to defend against sayonogay." I said I pinned him to the ground

"Ow, that wasn't sayonogay." Donnie said

"No but you thought it would be... now would you like to defend yourself against a spinning back kick?" I said

"No I'm good Cammie." Donnie said I smiled and helped him up and kissed him and  leave

Eleven's POV

Me and Raph we reading one of his comics "so do you think that your brother likes Cammie?" I asked Raph

"It's so obvious... and I know that Cammie likes him back." Raph said I lay my head on his creaked plaster with a smile on my face I  smirk and kissed his cheek he looked shocked but his eyes immediately turned into hearts "wow." Raph mumble under his breath I fell asleep on Raph

Donnie's POV

I was working on my flow chart to  get Cammie to hangout with me"what's ya up to Donnie?" Leo asked that made me jump slightly

"Just adding a few more touches to my master plan." I said

"Master plan?" Raph asked

"Yeah, to get Cammie to hangout out with me." I said my brothers laughed slightly as was el cause she was in the lab next to Raph

"Why don't you try this? Cammie will you hang out with me?" Leo and El said in urison

"You see it's not that simple... I have to prepare every possible response to maximizing my chances of success." I said

"Aww, that's so romantic." Mikey said

"And a little creepy." El said "look I know that Cammie loves honest just be yourself Donnie and everything will go as it needs to." El said to me

"I'm keeping this to make sure I have options." I said with a smile she nods and gives me a thumbs up Cammie walks in slowly I hide the flow chart Cammie hugs me I blushed April show us a video about Dr. Rockwell April kissed Leo on the cheek holding onto him Leo himself was blushing hard Cammie giggles covered her mouth "Look likes we have to check it out you guys are busy that leaves you and me Cammie." I  said she giggles

"I'll beat ya to the manwhole." Cammie said as she started to run I lost by a few inches we got to the lab I unlocked

"There isn't a lock out there that my diagonal lock pick can't creak." I said

"Brilliant." Cammie said as she hugged me we look around "ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick." Cammie said "I can't believe he experiment on poor animals." Cammie frowns I rubbed her back in a comforting way she smiled at me we walked to the desk I quickly snatched a thumb drive and put it in a hidden compartment in my belt "Donnie? Is that mutagen?" Cammie asked I point green in the drawer  "donnie look out." Cammie said I tackled the man to the desk Cammie growled at the man "I think we should leave now." Cammie said she sounded like she didn't trust falco she snarled

"Okay,  let's go." I said we immediately leave

"So how do you suppose we'll find Rockwell without any leads?" Cammie asked

"We could use this flash drive I swiped of the desk." I said

"Wow, your good." Cammie said I chuckle I started fighting a monkey I got knocked out

Cammie's POV

I look at the monkey he roared at me then left "Donnie? Is anything hurt?" I asked

"Just my pride. And my internal organs." Donnie said

"Let's get you back to the lair." I said as I helped him up we go to the lair

"Wow, what happened?" Raph asked

"Donnie got beaten up by a lab monkey." I said "I might have gotten a little hurt myself." I said holding my arm close to myself I had a black eye

"Might have honey your heads bleeding, your arms probably broken and you have a black eye." El said I fall forward eleven catches me I was "and a broken leg." El said

"April can you get an ice pack." Leo asked I went unconscious with my broken arm on Donnie's plaster

Donnie's POV

I pet Cammie's head she purrs and nuzzled me I gently place on the couch I wrapped her head and put a cast on both her right leg and right we went looking for the monkey while Cammie was still in the lair eleven and April find the monkey "huh got you that time." Mikey said

"Great we caught the monkey... we're not even close to finding Dr. Rockwell." Raph said

"Actually Raph were closer then you think." Eleven said

"Why do you say that?" Raph asked

"Me and el think that this is doctor Rockwell." April said

My t-phone started to ring "hello?" I asked

"Hey don, I have to tell you something." I said

"What is it Cammie?" Donnie asked

"Falco turned dr. Rockwell into a monkey he gonna get the mutagen from his brain. He's lying to you don't trust him." Cammie said

"Okay,  thanks for telling me." I said we now started fight Falco I hit him hard into that cage and I let Rockwell out "I'm no psychic but I think he's trying to thank us." I said

"Wait,  if he reacts to negative emotions is new York city really the best place for him." Raph asked someone yelled at Rockwell we heard a crash

"I'm sure he'll be okay." Leo said we go home to see a happy Cammie watch a anime cartoon show called the amazing world of gumball I joined in watching so did everyone else sensie called Cammie into the Dojo

Cammie's POV

"Cammie I would like to training you April and El to be Kunoichi female ninjas." Splinter said

"I would love to learn as soon as I heal." I said with a smile

"Me to." El said

"Same here." April said

"Hey Cammie maybe we can hangout some time." Donnie said

"Oh, Donnie I'd love to but as soon as I'll heal up I'm training to be a Kunoichi." I said

"Cool maybe we can train together sometime." Donnie said

"Sounds great." I said as I kissed his cheek and hugged him and went to my room and sleep

Donnie's POV


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