The Alien Agenda

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Cammie's POV

I look in the mirror in my room I was pale my eye were red "this is gonna be hard to hide." I said with irritation I  put sunglasses on and walked out of my room the turtles and el walked into the room "what got you guys so mad?" I asked

"Honey what's wrong your pale." Donnie asked as he ran to my side with worry on his face I kissed him

"I'm fine." I said with a smile "but you guys didn't answer my question what got mad." I asked again with irritation

"Leo, that's what got us mad." Raph said growling at Leo

"And for me Mike came with us and he wouldn't stop talking me." El growled

"Yeah,  he can be quite annoying." I said "I think he's either a trying to make Raph jealous. Which is not a good idea,  or he's jealous of Raph get your attention." I said patting her shoulder as I walk back over to Donnie and lay my head on his shoulder

"I don't care I don't like him anymore I'm dating Raphael." El said with a glare

"I don't know what to tell you El." I said with attitude "yeah I'm not going to school tomorrow I'm to tire I've been up for five weeks full of energy now I'm just tired." I said totally a lie I'm still really energized

"Okay,  are you sure your feel okay?" El asked I was snuggled my boyfriend I nervously giggled

"I'm fine. Why don't you guys go train to calm yourselves down." I said they nod I was sus with them Leo and Raph walked into the dojo Mike walked in El groaned in irritation

"Why are you here?  What is he doing here?" El asked me

"Like hell if I know... don't asked me?" I said "I only invited Dustin and April they must have brought them with her." I said I hissed at the with anger towards her and I stormed off Donnie get up "don't follow me!" I growled Donnie looks worried I slammed my door shut with anger

Donnie's POV

"Now you done it!" I snapped at el "and why did you invite?" I asked Dustin with a glare my eyes were white with anger

"Mike said he wanted to come what's the big deal?" April snapped at me I growled

"Oh, I don't know maybe cause el here is dating my brother and since he is one you don't want to anger it's not safe for him to be here april!" I screamed at her I heard a door open behind me

"Sorry I got mad. " Cammie said as she hugged me from behind I calmed down my eyes go back to normal

"It's okay cam I love you." I said as I kissed her on the lips she snuggles me I blushed and giggled

"I love you too babe." Cammie said with a smile her sunglasses fell of I was looking into red eyes she looks away and hides her eyes I take her hands off her face and see her eyes

"I love your eye babe don't be afraid of me." I said  she smiled at me small fangs

*what Cammie looks like and I don't own the picture*

Cammie spider legs wrapped around me holding him close to me I nuzzled him and purr "I love, love ,love, love you

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Cammie spider legs wrapped around me holding him close to me I nuzzled him and purr "I love, love ,love, love you." Cammie said like a love sick puppy

"I love you too." I said like a love sick puppy

"Okay love spiders get a room." Mikey said I growled

"That wasn't a good idea Mikey." Cammie said I get up my eyes turn white with rage "Sh, sh babe it's okay let's go to my room." I nodded we go to her room she sat me on her bed

⚠️smut warning⚠️

She kissed my neck I let out a low moan she smirked and gently bit into the flesh I started moaning like crazy she like where she she bit down on my neck I gasped and started to get turned on

"Babe please I need you." I whined in discomfort she giggled me she started to grind on me I gasped in pleasure she looked me in the eye with her two red eyes she giggles she liked my shell where my bulge was I let my gard down and my thick throbbing cock

"How much do you want this babe?" Cammie asked

"So, so, so much." I cried

"Beg, for it little pup." Cammie said with a smirk

"Please, please, please, please help I need you so bad." I cried out with longing in my voice

"Your making me a feral wolf dear  are you ready to be my mate for life." Cammie asked me

"Please I want to be yours for life please." I said with a smile she looks at me

"Are, are you sure you really want this I'll be your alpha." Cammie said with a scared look

"Please baby I want to be your omega." I said in between my moaning in pleasure

"You see I'm gender neutral I can have girl and boy parts." Cammie said I blushed "do you want to carry my pups?" Cammie asked me I blushed and nod

"yes baby I want to carry your pups." I said with a smile she nods and prepares me for her woman cock and entered me I gasped and moaned loudly I started shaking and my breathe gets ragged

"Prepare." Cammie said I nodded she thrusts into me my omega body took the size in and I started jerking off while being fucked from behind moans were escaping us "I'm gonna." Cammie said

"Do it, do it please baby." I said she released into my I released onto her blankets we sigh me and Cammie layed down

"I knotted in you it makes us mates now." Cammie said with a smile I smiled back

*end of smut*

An hour or two later Cammie and I  joined the others in the kitchen "it was mating season for me." Cammie whispered into Donnie's none existant ears "so my seamen was fertile so." Cammie said I smiled at her

"Don't worry I'm ready for it." I said rubbing her back with a smile she calms down we go to the school

Cammie's POV

Donnie was almost hit with a misle I pushed him out of the side and managed to get hit in the shoulder I started growling "that's it you dead stupid robot." I yelled and threw him into a wall and ripped her to peices I panted and falling to my knees my breathing became ragged Donnie rubbed my back I calmed down when I felt his hand on my back it calmed me down so much calmer I smiled at him

"How'd you know that she was human babe." Donnie asked me

"Her scent was a rustic metal instead of human." I said April and El come out of the closet and el kissed Raph me and Donnie giggled holding eachother

"Guys she's a Kraang bot." I said they look over at the robotic body I put my arms around Donnie protectively growling at The robotic body "if you get hurt trying to help us babe then I'll never let you out of my sight cause I love you and your my omega I'm your alpha and we're mated if anything happens to you I wont forgive myself." I said

"Calm down babe I'll be fine." Donnie said I relaxed

"well, I'll take April back to the lair... el are you staying with your bou." I asked she nods "just be safe the Kraang could be coming for me you and April. I wonder why." I said

I watch bhna April joined me "so Cammie you and Donnie?" April said I blushed "oh girl give me the deets." I giggled

"Me and Donnie mated let's just say Donnie's probably pregnant with my pups." I said with a blush I  hide my face behind my hair with embarrassed

"Well Congrats." April said I playfully rolled my eyes at her the turtles come home I went to our room and sleep in our bed snuggling in each other

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