Turtle temper

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Cammie's POV

We were on the rooftops me el and Raph were having a conversation "so, tell me more about where you guys are from?" Raph said

"Well, Hawkins wasn't the best place for us to be but it was home." I said

"Yeah, we had friends there." El said

"Me and my twin were in a alternate universe call the upside down and El here saved us." I said with a smile

"At least the demagorgan isn't here then we'd be in a bad spot." El said

"Guys, when ninja are on surveillance they're supposed to be quiet." Leo said I rolled my eyes

"Whatever mr. Bossypants." I said as I was now guarding the door

"That's not my name cam." Leo said

"You act like it though." I said with a smirk on my face Leo glared at me and I gladly returned it "anyways, I don't know why you insist on me and El coming with you. You know I'm the loudest out all of us." I said

"Because Donnie wants you to come. And Raph--" Leo said but got cute off by Raph

"Don't you dare tell her or I won't hesitate to stab your shell with my sai." Raph blew up with rage

"Raph,  take a chill pill." I said he glared at me I growled like a angry wolf he backs down I smirked and walked t the edge of the roof while  Donnie, Leo and Mikey held Raph back away from a man I see a van "guys shut the hell up!" I yelled so loud that the man flew into the wall "oh my God what'd I do." I said  I  jumped to the other rooftop then disappeared

Raph's POV

That hasn't happened in a while yes she would scream and break glass but not throw a person before I see why she wanted us to be quiet now the Kraang was there we fight them the man was recording us I glared at him "give me the phone." I said with irritation towards the man

"I don't think so greenie." The man said I growled

"Not only did Raphael and Camilla alert the Kraang. But you five have been filmed by camera." Splinter said

*a/n: by the  way camilla is Cammie long name. She also has multiple personalities: Nelly the queen,  Sally one of the protector, Maxine the joyful one, zack the prince,  max the Coe-protecter, cally the core. She has two littles: sammie the werewolf and Mary the vampire*

"Sensie it all my fault don't get mad at them please." Cammie said with sadness in her voice then  she said "punished me but not them."

"My dear child your so sweet." Sensie said Cammie does a mixed smile and frown sensie then asked "but may I ask why it's your fault?"

"I screamed but this time I made a man fly into a wall and my scream got the Kraang attention sorry sensie." Cammie said a tear fell from one of her eyes I felt bad for her so does El we shared occasional glances at her el hugs her she calms down in el's arms

"Don't worry dear." Sensie said then  added "Cammie up." She looks nervous we go into the dojo sensie instructed "avoid the arrows." Cammie nods uncomfortable about the her eye watching us closely at our movements and avoided all the arrows "now this time you five insult Cammie." Sensie said she freezes

"Are you sure that's safe?" Donnie asked I nod in agreement with Donnie

"I want to see how well she takes the insults." Sensie said

"You don't talk loud enough." Leo said

"You are scary." I said with regret cause the look she had on her face her eyes turned with rage

"You don't walk straight." Mikey said

"You have no control over your powers." El said with a smirk Cammie turned around with rage but she sits down and meditates a red aura shrouded her it shot the arrow back to us

"Yem'ia." Sensie said Cammie was still meditating objects started to rise around her and started wrapping over her skin turned into the lava rocks she started mumbling to herself

"Protect me in your wicken way." Cammie said we look at each other with confusion she stops meditating she looks like she normally does except her eyes we still white her hair floating in the air "we have to get that phone back." Her voice had an echo to it her eyes turned all blue then back to white "I know we're to go. " Cammie said she floated away we follow her when we get to the man "give us the phone you resent." Cammie ordered her eyes go to hypnotize the man

"Yes, my queen." The man said the man got taken by the Kraang

"we have to find the Kraang's hidden lair." Cammie said Donnie nods so do we "the trucks leaking." Cammie's said with authority

"We're have to follow the leak." Leo said

"Then we'll kick some Kraang." Raph said then he looked at us and asked "what?"

"We're going to kick some Kraang... you going home." Cammie said

"You've got to be kidding me." I said then said "you guys aren't gonna let Cammie power trip like this."

"You dare say that about a queen?" Cammie said kind of angry her eyes turned red with rage

Donnie's POV

"Sorry Raph but she's right your tempers just to dangerous." I said Cammie's eyes turned white again and smiled at me he goes home and we go to a wearhouse and go to fight the Kraang and the man gets mutantated into a spider my eyes  "oh, great." I said with irritation we win with the help of Raph we go home Cammie goes back to normal

"What happened why can't I remember?" Cammie said

"I don't know I'm gonna do a quick scan to see what's going on. " I said

"Okay." Cammie said in a child voice she skips to the lab I look at her confused I do a scan 

"Okay,  Cammie it say you have multiple personality disorder." I said

"That explains a lot." Cammie said then asked "you don't mind if I go to bed?"

"Not all go head." I said she smiled and went to bed

(Words 1055)

Author's POV

Hope you enjoy the chapter I had a a lot of ideas but  I decided to go with this have a good Christmas or other part of the year

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