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Cammie's POV

Everyone was in the lair I  look at the ground

"So let's start from the beginning." I said with a nervous look "alternate?" I asked el

"Yeah." El said then said "you start." Donnie rubs my back I breathe and calmed myself down

"We were in our original universe the one you guys came from we walk through and portal." I said then I looked at el

"And found ourselves here." El said then looked at me

"We have been training in ninjistu for three months now I got hurt a few times and recover fast." I said I look at el

"Then Dustin came through a portal Cammie kicked purple dragons butt." El said

"Then me and Donnie started dating and Raph and El started dating as well  then everyone else came falling from the sky." I said look at el

"Then Cammie got mind control by one of the villains we fought call the rat king." El said

"I can't believe he named himself that Lame." Mikey said

"Mikey!" Everyone yells

"Don't interrupt." I said then said "go on el." She nods

"Then you guys came through a portal I took you to were Dustin lives the went here and we went on a mission." El said

"Me and Raph got bitten by a venomous fishman almost died Donnie saved us." I said

"Then we went home and here we are." El said

"Oh, did we forget about that old lady trying to take us to the Kraang." I said

"Cammie's really protective Of Donnie  and literally ripped her to peices at least she was a robot so nothing bad happened." El said

"Interesting I'm just glad you guys are okay." Jonathan and my mom said in urison I smiled at them

Me Donnie el Mikey Raph and Leo were looking for a "found 'em." I said

"Who's gonna wake him up." Donnie asked nervously I rubbed his shell he calms down we all walk away from Mikey

"Yeah I win. wait." Mikey said as he started to get nervous I turned into boris and get a music instrument and started playing it

Leatherhead calms down his eyes go back to normal "Cammie. " leatherhead said I go back to normal

*in the lair*

"I know I saw this symbol before it's so familiar." I said

"The Olympics." Mikey said I growled

"No!" I yelled at him

"I got it the Olympics." Mikey said

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!" I yelled at Mikey "it's obviously a Kraang symbol." I said

"From where?" Leo said

"The--" Mikey said I cut him off

"Don't say it... and nobody gets hurt." I said

"The Olympics." Mikey said  I snarled and tackled her

"STOP IT!" I  yelled in his face "there's something here and we can find it if you would go away and let me and Donnie think." I said

"Oh, the Olympics." A voice said

"For the hundredth time... oh hey sensie." I said with exhaustion "wait I remember where I saw it thanks sensie." I said and me and Donnie get the others and go to TCRI "there." I said "would you shut up about the Olympics!" I yelled at Mikey "or I'll kick you out of your shell." I said we go over to

*at the lair*

I was looking at the bomb I created "can I touch that?" Mikey asked

"Sure... if you want us all to blow up in a  millisecond." I said with seriousness Donnie giggled I smiled I was finishing my bomb "okay the bombs ready." I said as I gave it to Donnie "are you guys ready to go?" I asked

*at TCRI*

We were ontop of the elevator and it started going up "I'll meet you upstairs." I said as I jumped up all the way to the top and I could breathe the air I hide where the Kraang can't see me I see the turtles pass out I picked up a flash card and put it in my pocket I turned invisible "leatherhead throw the man into the portal and put this bomb around his neck." I said he nods and dose as I say the lava creature blew up but the portal didn't "something else is coming through." Me and Donnie said in urison

"What do we do now." Donnie said

"Leatherhead something else is coming through." Me and Mikey said In urison

"Not if I have anything to do about... fare well my friends." Leatherhead said he gose through the portal I was in tears

"Leatherhead NOOOO!" Mikey said I  hugged Donnie real close to me and cry into his shoulder

"I can't believe he's really gone." I sobbed into Donnie's shoulder

"Sh, sh it's okay. " Donnie said I nodded we go back to the lair

*at the lair*

"What's wrong with her?" April asked pointing to me

"Leatherhead's gone." El said rubbing my back

"Donnie I picked this up can you analysis it." I asked as I sniff

"Yeah love bird I'll get you if I find anything." Donnie said I nodded "um Love bird I found something bring el and April." Donnie said

"Come on guys." I said everyone follows me

"I use the Kraang processor in metal head to activate the storage device that Cammie found... and I found what their after." Donnie said a picture of me El and April show up on the screen we gasped

"They're after us?" Me El and April said in urison

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