panic in the sewers

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Cammie's POV

I've heal the Broken bones but the cuts were still healing I had to keep the oxygen mask when I walk around "hey sis how you feeling?" Will said

"okay I guess still feel a little weak but I'll be fine." I said ruffling his Splinter walked "sensie are you okay?" I asked

"No patrol today." Splinter said to his son

"Sensie?" Leo asked

"The last time you fought the Shredder Cammie almost lost her life and you guys barely escape with your lives." Splinter said

"Oh, sensie." I said rubbing his back calming him down

"Next time we will be ready." Raph said and then he got flipped by Splinter

"Cause you'll stay down here till you are ready." Splinter said then  he  said "no patrol,  no games, no risks, no rest only training. Starting now."

I was watching them train cause I can't train "sensie don't you think they deserve a break they been working hard." I said he sigh

"Okay you can have a break." Splinter said they fell asleep I was on my phone and watched we can be heroes on Netflix Guppy layed down next to me wrapping her arms around my waist she was asleep

"Hey, I was watching that!" Leo snapped at Raph

"Oh, sorry it was spikes idea he says that space heroes is to lame for him." Raph and El said I got hit with water balloon hard in the chest I started gasping for air

"Raph hurry get Donnie now." Leo said he nods Donnie comes running in and put the oxygen mask on and held me closer to him with a worried look on his face I started breathing normally again they sighed in relief

"Good luck guys." I said

"Thanks Cammie we're really gonna need it." Leo said I smiled they leave I started training when they came back I was breathing heavily

"Oh, my God Cammie what are you doing?" Donnie asked I grabbed him

"I'm fine... just training you know trying to make myself stronger you know." I said with a smile I regulated my breathing

"Well at least you can regulate your breathing by yourself." Donnie said

"Yeah, I think I'm getting better now." I said with a conent

"I'm glad you're feeling better Cammie." Donnie said I smiled at me I blushed hard

"Huh? Oh thanks." I said "you should go work on your altering control buggy." I said as I kissed him on the cheek

"Okay." Donnie said with worry

"I'll be fine." I said as an attempt to reassure him and smiled at him "now go silly." I said with a giggle I started punching the punch bag

"So Cammie what's up?" El said

"What are you talkin' 'bout el?" I asked

"What I'm saying is you need to rest and instead of training." El said

"Your not my sister so stop worrying about me." I growled at her my eyes go black telling her to back off "now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to training." I said as I punched the dummy

Eleven's POV

I give her a shocked look on my face I walk over to Raph with shock "what was that about?" Raph asked

"I-I don't know Raph... something's wrong I can feel it." I said

"Just try to relax I'm sure she's going to be just fine." Raph said

"I hope you right I'm just really worried." I said

Cammie's POV

I snapped out of my anger fit to see Raph and El talk to each other "what have I done." I talked to myself they left I frowned I was watching bendy and friends 'lol devil darlin

They came back "how'd it go?" I said

"We saved the sewers and saved our home so I like to think we did good." Donnie said kind of tired I was smiling I walked over to el

"Look El I'm sorry I yelled at you... I was having an episode of mine." I said with a look of sorrow

"It's fine okay I didn't take offense of it." I said sensie apologized to us

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