new friend old Enemy

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*Cammie's outfit if the picture above*

Cammie/Cally's POV

I woke up with a start I started to draw a picture

*what the picture looks like*

Mikey walk over to me I blushed and hide my picture of Donnie "hey Mikey, how are you doing?" I said

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Mikey walk over to me I blushed and hide my picture of Donnie "hey Mikey, how are you doing?" I said

"Good, you?" Mikey asked me

"I'm good just drawing to pass time." I said with a smile I started drawing again

*my picture looks like*

"What's that dudette?" Mikey asked

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"What's that dudette?" Mikey asked

"Demogorgon." I mumbled under my breath

"Like from dungeons and dragons?" Mikey asked I nod

We wer on patrol now the boys were doing a flip battle I giggled at the scene "that was cute... but can you do this." I asked I run the round off and do seven back flips and land next to Donnie they're eyes go wide I smirked "what I've been doing gymnastic for years back at home." I said my ears twitch and o said "did you guys hear that?" They nod at me "hey little girl." I said to the kitten she walks over to me I picked her up "you guys won't be able to guess her name." I said

"Mittens?" A deep Male voice asked

"Oh, I bet thos little cutie belongs to that man... I'll be right back." I said as I go to the fire escape on the other building "excuse me sir? Does this kitten belong to you?" I asked the man

"Yes, thank you so much for finding her I was about to send out a search party." The man said

"No problem I love to help people." I said with a smile then I jumped down to the joined bye El and the turtles I smiled at them

"Face it, humans will never understand you he k we don't even understand you." Raph said

"Yeah." Mikey sighed then said "but I bet that guy would."

"Chris Bradford, the marital Arts super star he's your soulmate?" I asked with sarcasm

"We got so much in common." Mikey said

"What if you stop standing like that?" El asked

"We'll a little less in common... but still a lot and look he's un town for a martial arts expo." Mikey said I rolled my eyes slightly then Mikey said "maybe he'll show me his secret cada the death dragon... and I'll show him my secret cada the secret cada."

"Catchy." Me and Donnie said with irritation he does weird things

"I don't have time for this let's go El." I said with irritation we go back to the lair I turned the TV on a static channel I tied a blindfold on my eye I woke up in the dark void in between wolds "hello 009 are you there?"

"Cammie?" 009 asked

"I need you to tell the guys that me and eleven are okay that we're safe." I said

"Okay, Where are you?" 009 asked

"I'm in new York city... I have to go someone's calling me bye nine." I said

"Bye Cammie." 009 said

I took the blindfold off I was breathing heavily trying to calm down I whip the blood from my nose

"Cammie are you okay?" Donnie asked I nod yes then he asked "you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a smile I kissed his cheek and get up and walk to the kitchen to get something to drink I walked back into the livingroom and sat next to April

"Wow, that so rad I wish me and Chris Bradford were friends." Mikey said I rolled my eyes

"I don't think that a good idea... I have a bad feeling about him." I said

"Mikey you already have Human friends... me, Cammie and El." April said

"You guys don't count, El and Cammie live with us and we saved you... your suppose to like us." Mikey said

"It's a shame there's no where people can meet Freaks without seeing." Raph said

"There is. the internet Donnie can I see your laptop." April said

"Sure." Donnie said giving her his laptop and immediately erases the picture that April saw of you

"Don't worry I won't tell her." April whispers to Donnie then explains to Mikey the internet can do

"Chris Bradford's on here he'll be my first ever friend." Mikey said then looked at the computer

"Mikey they don't always respond immat--" I said then heard a ding from the computer then  I said "and sometimes they do." He leaves

"Should we go art him?" Donnie asked

"Nah, he's got to learn somehow. " I said

"They must have been watching us from here.. perfect place to plan a ambush." Leo said then Donnie and him have a small argument

"Okay, sorry jeez." Donnie said I ignored Mikey with irritation in my face

"Can we go... I don't trust this Chris Bradford and I don't feel well." I said as  I fell into Donnie arms

"Oh my God Cammie." Donnie yelled at me "wake up?" Donnie said he takes me to his lab and checked my vitals my heart was beating rapidly he injects  me with stabilizers my eyes open "oh, thank the heavens your okay." Donnie said hugging me I blushed and hugged back

"I'm okay now D thanks for the help." I said hugging him tighter we pulled away with tears in my eyes and a wide smile

"You're staying here in my lab as in not leaving." Donnie said as an order

"Okay,  okay alpha boy." I said with a smirk on my face he leaves I grabbed my picture of him and started working on it again and I finish  it a little while later Donnie came into the lab I hide my picture of him

"You can come out now Cammie." Donnie said I walked over to his desk and put an envelope on his desk and walked to the livingroom  and watched a movie Marley and me  I love the movie Donnie joined me I lay my head on his shoulder I was smiling at him

"What you watching Cammie?" Donnie said

"Marley and me, it's a sad story." I said with a smile on my face

"Is that so?" Donnie asked

"Yes, want to watch it with me." I said with a hopeful smile

"Sure." Donnie said with a smile we watched the movie with a smile Mikey was in tears cause aperantly he was watching the movie to I giggled the movie was over and I fell asleep in Donnie's arms

(Words 1082)

Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the day


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