Chapter Three

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Hi! Thanks for reading my story but first: I DO NOT own any of the characters or art. Second: When I converted things from google docs, stuff might have been messed up so if there are any typos or stuff, please tell me! Third: When I put the Itlian in here I got it from google translate, so if I'm wrong please tell me! Thanks again for reading!


Nico’s POV

Nico let out an exasperated sigh as his very loud alarm clock went off, blaring. “Vuoi solo stare zitto? (Would you just shut up?)” Nico said groggily.

He slammed a fist onto the way-too-obnoxious alarm. He got out of his bed, which wasn’t much different from the one at home. In fact, his room was practically spot on, except for the walls, He still needed to paint them black.

Nico stepped out of his bed and onto his floor. He picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a black skull t-shirt, some black converse, and his silver skull ring. See? He could break the trend.

He walked into his bathroom and brushed out his hair just enough to rid the majority of the tangles. He looked at the bags underneath his eyes. The closer and closer it got to...that day, the harder it was for him to sleep. It was almost as if every time he closed his eyes he could hear the screaming. He ferociously blinked away his tears.

That happened over 5 years ago. You need to grow up. He told himself in his head. He repeated the same line over and over again until his head began to ache. 

And besides, he told himself, Hazel’s moving in today. You need to be happy.

He grabbed his book bag and made his way down stairs.

“Good morning, Nico,” Hades said, already sitting at the island and sipping his coffee.

“Buongio - er… good morning to you as well, Dad,” Nico said, saying his words slowly, hoping his accent was better than it was before.

“Hm, needs practice,” Hades said, chuckling.

Nico just rolled his eyes and sat down at the island which already had plates made for him. It included a chocolate croissant, ham, and a bread roll. Nico looked at the food with an uneasy feeling. It’s not that he didn’t like that food, no he loved it. But he really didn’t have much of an appetite lately.

“Please, Nico. Eat something. I believe our new cook is even better than the last,” Hades said hopefully.

Nico sighed and took a bite of the croissant. And to be perfectly honest, he felt like he was in heaven. The pastry was fluffy and buttery and the drizzled chocolate was rich and strong.

“Wow,” Nico said. He didn’t know a lot of English, but he did know that word, and this food was defiantly wow worthy. “This is good. What is cook’s name?” Nico tried in the foreighn language.

“Her name is Sally Jackson. She and her son, Perseus, are live-in staff. His room is a floor or two below your own,” Hades said.

Nico nodded and checked his watch. “Have to go. School begins soon.” 

Hades nodded as Nico gobbled up that last bit of his breakfast, and dashed out the door.

Will’s POV

You know how they say you learn something new every day? Well, Will just learned something that he feels is vital for any person to learn. For starters:

How to not look like a total idiot in front of the cutest guy you're ever going to meet. Yeah, he could’ve really used a manual or a guide or something.

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