Chapter Nine

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So, I'm suffering a major case of writer's block for this story. I'm going to try to update at least every week, but for the most part I'm going to work on my other story. I want to give good chapters and not just crappy ones that I made in, like thirty minutes. Anyway, I don't own any characters or art and I hope you enjoy!


Nico POV


Nico had never felt so hurt, so hopeless. He sat there, battered and covered in blood on the cold basement floor.

He reached up to touch his eye, and winced. His arm hurt so bad. His right eye was swollen shut, a jagged scrape running right across it. His crying didn’t help.

He’d fought back, gave them a couple bruises, but those would go away. The pain Nico felt in his eye felt like it was embedded in there forever. Even when he tried to see through the blood, all he saw was white and black.

Light and shadows.

Luckily, his other eye still worked just fine, if just a bit bruised. His arm was covered in sharp cuts, not deep enough to bleed out, but painful enough for it to feel like it.

His hair lay matted against his head, he tried to lean back, but holding back tears as he felt the loud banging and ringing inside his head the moment it made contact with the wall.

He could barely decipher the ringing in his head from the doorbell that had rung from upstairs.

The boys beating him stopped immediately. Bryce and Octavian had tortured him well, while the buff boy, which Nico learned his name was Michael, just stood in the back, looking very uncomfortable.

“I’ll get it,” Michael said, sounding eager to get away from the situation.

The boys standing over Nico stayed frozen. Octavian holding a simple pocket knife. They had cut Nico, and the small boy didn’t dare move. He knew if he did, the knife could cut an artery and Nico would die, bleeding out.

All Bryce did was kick and punch Nico, leaving nasty bruises and a few broken ribs. While the boy was laughing, Nico would see his crooked yellow teeth.

Suddenly, Octavian turned to Nico. “You better not have called the police, you faggot.”

Nico was angry. But, still, his words stumbled out his mouth like hot acid. “And how would I exactly? I don’t have my phone. I left everything at the beach. God, I knew you were stupid but I didn’t know you were a straight up idiot.”

Nico could practically see the veins showing on Octavian’s forehead. “You will regret ever opening your smartass mouth,” Bryce growled.

“But I was just answering the question,” Nico smirked through the cuts and bruises. “And besides, you’re one to talk. Everytime you speak I have to see oversized, moldy corn stuck in your gums. Then I realize it’s your teeth.”

Bryce sneered and held Nico up by the collar of his shirt, holding his own pocket knife to the Italian’s neck. “Talk again and this cuts through your worthless life like butter.”

Nico glared at the boy, but stayed silent.

“Good boy,” Octavian smirked wickedly. “Now sit and maybe you can leave.”

Nico glared once more, but once Bryce let go of Nico’s collar, Nico slid his back down against the wall and on the floor.

“Wonderful. You can be my new pet,” Octavian snickered.

Then, out of absolutely nowhere, a loud, angry voice yelled from upstairs. It was furious, and had a southern lilt to it.


Will POV

Will was not stupid.

He knew this guy who opened the door was a bad liar. He had only gasped because once he saw the guy opening the door was not Octavian, he had let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

But something was vaguely familiar about him. “Do you need something?” The guys asked. He was buff, and looked of Hawaii descent.  He looked nervous and uncomfortable, as he kept fidgeting or shifting his feet.

“Um, yes. Do you know if this house belongs to a guy named Octavian?” Reyna asked, sizing up the teen.

“Um, no! I don’t - I mean, Octavian doesn’t live here,” the boy answered. It was way too quick for it not to be a lie.

Jason stepped up to the boy. “Do I know you, you look familiar.”

“Um, I’m Michael, I, uh, go to your guys’ school,” Michael said slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

The name clicked for Will. “I know you! You friends with Octavian, aren’t you? This is his house, isn’t it?”

Michael suddenly held a firm look, blocking the doorway. “It is.”

“You need to let us in, now,” Hazel said, her hands clenched and eyes blazing.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that. Octavian's occupied at the moment,” He said. He winced, but still held his ground.

“You know, don’t you? You know he took Nico! You need to let us in!” Hazel said, her voice louder.

Michael's face looked ridden with guilt. But he didn’t budge. “I-I don’t know who Nico is. And he isn’t here.”

Will’s chest filled with rage. Nico could be hurt. And this guy didn’t care. “How could you? You know Nico’s hurt! You know what the slimeball Octavian’s doing to him! Let us in!” Will yelled.

Michael didn’t answer. He just stayed put.

That was the last straw. “WHERE IS NICO?!”


For the record, I am NOT abondoning this story. So there's that. Also, go check out my other story, Monster Beneath The Surface, it's another Solangelo AU, and is pretty good in my opinion. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

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