Chapter Seven

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Hi! Thanks for reading my story but first: I DO NOT own any of the characters or art. Second: When I converted things from google docs, stuff might have been messed up so if there are any typos or stuff, please tell me! Third: There is some vulgar language in this chapter, but only like, two words. Thanks again for reading!


Nico POV

Wow. Percy really did dominate in all the splash fights.

Even with floaties no one stood a chance. It was like he could control the water.

That is why Nico so wisely decided to stay on the sand, under the comfortable shade of their umbrella. He watched the others swim, and surf, the occasional good-natured drowning attempt. What? They were teenagers. Did you honestly expect anything else?

Will had tried to get Nico to swim with them, but that just wasn't his thing. Even though he did love the canals in Venice, it just wasn't the same thing. And besides, he liked watching all of the others being idiots in the water. It calmed him.

"Hey, you're the new kid, right?" said a slightly high-pitched boy's voice from behind him. Nico turned around to see three kids standing there.

The one in front, which Nico guessed was the one who spoke, had a skinny frame and watery blue eyes and washed-out blonde hair. His eyes were sunken in and had a sadistic look on his face.

One of the guys behind him looked like a knock-off Percy. He had dirty, disheveled raven hair, and pond-scum green eyes. His nose was twisted at such an odd angle, you could tell it had been broken multiple times before.

Then, the last guy standing somewhat behind the other, was ginormous. His arms looked like he had stuffed a baseball in there, and he had a deep tan. He clearly looked uncomfortable there, and had a look on his face that clashed between indifference, and constipation.

"Did you need something?" Nico asked, glaring at the guys in the middle. He'd seen these guys walking around the highschool before, acting like they owned the place. At one point, the ones named Bryce and Octavian - who calls their kid that - had tried to steal Nico's lunch money. Nico responded by punching them square in the nose.

But these guys weren't complete idiots, this time they brought their very Hulk-like friend.

"You punched me," Octavian, the scrawny one said. He looked like he was going to say more, but Nico cut in.

"Yes, I did. Did you enjoy it? Because I could always rearrange another," Nico sassed.

Bryce scowled, making his bruised and scarred face even uglier. "You shut up, you little shit. And the only ones punching people, are going to be us. And you're going to let us."

"And why exactly would I listen to monkeys?" Nico said.

"Because we know your little secret," Octavian smirked, his mouth twisting into a maniacal grin. He then leaned in to whisper in Nico's ear. "We know you're a faggot, and a rich brat."

Nico tensed, he felt as if spiders were crawling up his spine, but he shook it off. "So what? Blackmail? How cliche' are you?"

At this point, Nico could see that there was a fire in his eyes. He knew any second that fire would go lose, burning down everything. "We aren't going to just blackmail, you. No, no, no. We were going to tell everyone regardless. What we're going to do is take you. And then send a ransom note to your father. If he doesn't send the money, we beat you bloody. If he does, well, we'll still beat you bloody."


I know, I know, this chapter is short and kind of sucks, but it all adds up to the next one. However, it's still important to the story and I hope you somewhat enjoyed it!

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