Chapter Ten

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Hello! I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! But here's chapter ten. I hope you like it! I don't own any characters or artwork in this fanfic.


Nico POV

The first time Nico woke up, he was in his bed and being tended to. Someone was fixing up his wounds, and Nico wanted to thank them, but he couldn’t find it in himself to say anything, or move for that matter.

The second time he woke up, it was to the same person tending to his wounds but they were also singing. Nico could only make out a few of the words.

“You...sunshine...only you....sunshine away.” The tenderness of their voice was enough to put Nico back to sleep.

The third and final time Nico woke up, he was being shaken by the person who had been caring for him, which was none other than Will Solace.

“Nico! Neeks, please wake up! We have to get you to the hospital!” Will’s voice was frantic, and he was shaking Nico gently, but just enough to get the small Italian to snap out of it.

Nico jumped up into a sitting position and realized he was right, he was in his room and most of his wounds were taken care of. However, there was one thing he noticed, it was that, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t see out of his right eye. He could barely open it, and when he did, he only saw black before shutting it once more.

He held back tears. Why couldn’t he see? Then, almost like a tidal wave, about a zillion other questions filled his head.

How’d he get home?

Where was his dad?

What happened to Bryce and Octavian?

Was Will the one who had taken care of him?

More importantly, was Will the one who was singing?

“Wha-what happened?” he managed, thinking the answer might help explain things.

“Neeks! Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake!” Will exclaimed, completely ignoring Nico’s question. He engulfed Nico in a bear hug then made the small Italian blush a deep crimson

Then, as quickly as Will hugged him, he let go, revealing his face was also flushed pink. Nico had to admit though, he missed the warmth of Will’s hug.

“I-uh, I’m really glad you’re awake,” Will said smiling shyly.

Nico smiled also, though his wasn’t as wide or nearly as bright as the blonde’s. “How long have I been out?”

“Not long, two hours, maybe three,” Will answered, checking his watch.

“Where’s my father?” Nico asked, suddenly looking around frantically.

“I don’t know. Hazel tried calling him but he didn’t answer. We tried calling him on your phone, but he didn’t answer on that either.”

“That’s weird. He always answers my phone. Wait Will?” Nico asked, his voice suddenly deathly quiet.

“Yes Neeks?”

“Why did you say we needed to go to the hospital?”

With those few words, the taller boy’s expression went from one of shyness to one of urgency. And, without warning, he scooped up Nico from his bed, and carried him bridal style through his house and out the front door. Nico was so shocked he didn’t say anything until the cool Autumn breeze knocked him back into reality.

“Will! What are you doing?!” Nico shrieked, as Will put him in his car and began driving.

“The hospital! You need to get to the Hospital! My dad is the best doctor in town! You need to see him!” Will practically screamed, swerving through the traffic of the city without a second thought.

“And why do I need to go to the hospital!?” Nico yelled, just as loud.

“Because Nico, if you don’t, you could go blind!”


I know it's short, but I hope you liked it! <3

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