The start of a beautiful friendship

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The next morning I got woke up by loud knocking I stumbled out of bed hair a mess eyes still half closed I cracked the door I heard the Irish accent saying top of the morning to ya I blinked a couple times and looked at him he said I was warned to come with coffee in hand and enter with caution if I woke you up I half smiled and said that sounds about right. what time is it and did we have plans this morning? He smiled 1st questions it's noon and 2nd question no we didn't have plans but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out the girls and my mates have went out on the town for the day so I waited to see if you wanted to do something before I went to meet them I said come in I have to get ready and I don't wanna stand in the door way looking like this while we chat he stepped inside and smile and said I guess that means we have plans now and winked I smiled and said yeah I guess so what do you have planned for us he said I'll give you 2 choices we can take a train for about an hour and go to Dublin so I can show you around or we can meet up with our friends I thought a second and said let's take that train. He smiled and said I'd hoped you would choose that I said ok well I have to shower and get dressed and I'll be out you watch some tv until I'm done I went and picked out my cloths I felt like a comfy day so I grabbed some skinny jeans and a white tee and hurried to the shower once I was done I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put some lip gloss and eye liner on and threw my converse on and headed out he glanced up from the tv and smiled he said that was fast I said I'm a simple person I said let me grab my bag and we can go we headed out to the train we had made it just in time to catch the next one. We got our tickets and jumped on we found our seats and sat he said so what happened last night why didn't you come hang with us we had fun. I said I needed some me time and to rest from the trip I said so are we gonna talk about your text last night or are you one of those people who text weird things and then try to forget about he said no I meant that I wanna get to know you I like you alot already I said ok well we have a hour to talk let's start to get to know each other now. He said ok I'll start I'm 27 I'm from Mullinger Ireland I have a older Brother and I'm single. Ok your turn. Alright I'm 29 I'm from Ny originally and moved to California a couple years ago with my ex boyfriend then he got drafted to the NFL so I decided to call it quits at the airport before we came here I also have 2 brothers and a sister. He said that explains your mood on the plane you were upset you kinda scared me on the plane I laughed out loud that wasn't my intentions I really was upset we had been together 8 years and we're best friends before that since we were like 2 so it was a hard decision but the best decision for everyone. He smiled and said well we're gonna have fun today so I'll take your mind off him. I must have dosed off because I woke up to the announcement that we were 5 minutes out from the train station I quickly realized I had my head on his shoulder I said I'm sorry he said no it's fine besides it was cute you snore a little I punched his arm and said no I do not he said ok who was asleep and who was awake I promise you do I said I don't believe you. Once we got off the train in Dublin the views were breath taking I stood there in amazement he smiled and said come on you haven't seen anything yet. We started out by visiting some of the parks and gardens we first went to ST Stephen's Green I took so many pictures it was absolutely beautiful our next one was the National Botanic Gardens this was also breath taking he kept glancing over at me and smiling I finally asked what and he smiled and said it's nice to have someone to hang out with who enjoys this type of stuff to I smiled and said ditto he laughed and said there you go with that term again. For our last one we went to the Iveagh Gardens it was also beautiful wasn't as big as the others but still magical after we finished there it was already 6pm we decided to go get some dinner we went to eat at Brannigans he got the fish and chips and I got the tomato and spinach pasta he got a Jameson whiskey and I got the Oharas Irish red when we were finished I couldn't stop smiling I then whispered you were right he grinned and said about what I said I had so much fun I forgot about the bad when we stepped out of the restaurant it had gotten cold I hadn't brought my jacket he took his sweatshirt off and gave it to me I smiled and said thanks we then headed to the train we caught the 8 o'clock train he said I guess when you get back you're headed in for the night I said I didn't say that are you making assumptions mr Horan he said I guess so I smiled and said we could always go to the pub or watch a movie at your place or mine he said let's watch a movie I said I'm glad you chose that and grinned. We decided to watch a movie off of Netflix half way thru there was a knock at the door it was Nialls friends he stepped out I could hear them talking in the hall I heard one of them say so the Dublin trip worked huh your in now I knew it was too good to be true a guy trying to just be friends I turned the movie off and headed to take a shower and threw on my PJs when I got out he was sitting on the couch he said I thought we were watching a movie I said I thinks it's time for you to go this was a mistake. He said what was? I said this this whole day I should of know better I heard your friends out there so I guess this is some kind of game to you guys and my friends are all for that type of stuff but I'm not like that so you should go ahead and go he said McKenzie let me explain I said no today was fun thank you for that and you kept my mind off my breakup but that's it it was nice to meet you you can see yourself out I'm headed down to my friends room so we can hang out. I walked out and headed down to Penelope's room to hang with her,Brooke ,Bella and Peyton when I walked in they squealed and said we missed you today where were you I said Niall took me to Dublin and showed me around but it was all a set up so he could try and sleep with me they said what a pig but we're surprised he didn't seem like that kind of guy his friends defiantly but we didn't pick up on that kinda vibe from him. I shrugged and said it's whatever so what's our plan for tonight it's only 9 they said wanna go out on the town I said yeah I have to get dressed and then we can go I'll be back in 10. I headed to my room when I got in there was a note on the table I didn't even read it I went and got dressed I chose my little black dress and my heels let my hair down it was wavy from it being up all day redid my makeup and grabbed my hand bag and headed out we decided to go to a different pub tonight when we got there we all headed to the bar we got a round of Jameson whiskey and headed to the dance floor and we were having a blast when Bella said don't look now but the boys are here and Niall is staring at you hard he hasn't took his eyes off you I said well let's just ignore them we finished our drinks and Brooke went up to get us another round and we kept dancing a couple guys came up and started to dance with us I could feel Niall watching me and the guy I was dancing with I glanced over just as he threw a shot back and started headed towards me when he got close enough he said are you trying to make me jealous I saw you watching me can we talk I said I'm busy dancing he said please just 5 minutes I rolled my eyes and turned and told Penelope I'd be back in 5 and headed outside I said 5 minutes go he said I didn't have any kind of plan I swear I felt a connection with you on the plane thought we'd be good friends we're a lot alike I'm not that kind of guy I would ever try and make you sleep with me I think your beautiful and all but you had just told me about your break up I wouldn't try and take advantage of you I swear I said Niall I'm not I'm to that kind of stuff I was beginning to become fond of you but that trust is gone he said 1 more chance I'll prove I'm not that type of person I didn't even try and kiss you tonight so what makes you think I'd try and sleep with you I said your right I'm sorry I'm a mess these days and my trust issues are serious he said you can trust me I promise now how about we head back in and I buy you a drink so we can hang with your friends I half smiled and said ok let's go. After we danced for a couple hours we headed back to our rooms I was exhausted Niall walked me to my door he said well I guess this is it I said yeah I guess so he said so what about us hanging out tomorrow? we can go with your friends I said I actually think we have plans the first part of the day but you can text me after noon sometime and we can see he said alright and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said thanks for forgiving me I said don't make me regret it I hugged him and went inside. I washed my face and climbed back into my pjs and sprawled across the bed when my phone started buzzing I glanced at my phone it was Rob it was the 5th time he'd tried to call today I reluctantly answered I said yes Rob what do you want he said I need to talk to you I said ok talk he said I don't understand why you left things the way you did we've been best friends for 27 years and dated 8 and you end our relationship with a phone call I could tell he was angry but it was a hurt angry I could feel the tears building up and I said Rob I can't deal with long distance and I just got settled in California so I can't up and move again and your all the way on the east coast I started to bawl he said please don't cry I said I'm so incredibly proud of you Rob you've done amazing and worked so hard for this moment I want you to fully enjoy it and not worrry about a relationship working or making time to see me just go be your goofy loving fun self on and off the field and play your heart out every time you hit the field and know I'll be watching in a Gronk jersey cheering so loud for you and maybe as a friend I'll come watch you in person. He said McKenzie I'm so in love with you you can't do this to me I said Rob I love you to but if it's meant to be we'll end up together in the end. At that moment I heard a knock on my door me thinking it was one of the girls I went and opened the door it was Niall he said I forgot my keys here but if it's a bad time I'll stay with one of the guys tonight I said No come on in he said your crying are you ok I said Rob I have to go we'll finish this later he said yeah sure thing and before he hung up he said I love you McKenzie I said I know Rob. I hung up and said let me help you with those keys wiping the tears from my eyes he walked up and handed me a tissue and said it'll get easier I promise I said I sure hope so. we finally found his keys they had fallen in between the couch cushions by now it was 3am I said why don't you stay on the couch for the night it's late he said are you sure I said yeah I'm positive he said thanks I grabbed some pillows and a blanket and put it on the end of the couch I said you can rinse off if you want but I don't have any cloths you can borrow and laughed. he said thanks I'll jump in the shower he said if your not going to bed do you want to watch the rest of that movie I said sure so once he got out we started to watch the movie I guess we dosed off because I woke up snuggled into his side and while I was startled I kinda just laid there his scent was comforting when I went to get up he woke up and said OMG I'm so sorry I said for what I fell asleep on you I should apologize but I'm not sorry I needed that comfort last night I said I'm going to my bed to sleep a little longer your welcome to stay or if you go just lock the door behind you he smiled and said I think I'm gonna stay and sleep a little longer too I said ok I'll see you when I wake up then about 12 I heard banging on my door when I came out groggy Niall was still passed out I opened the door and it was Brooke she said what happened to our plans I said well Rob called last night when I got back so I was crying and then Niallcame looking for his keys and ended up watching a movie until 7 am and now I'm here talking to you and he's still passed out on my couch she said OK well we're about to go for lunch would you like to join us your friend can come too I went and tapped him on the shoulder he cracked his eyes I said good morning I am getting ready to get ready and go meet my friends for lunch if you wanna go to your house and get ready you can meet us you were invited too he said ok I'll do that I went to shower and get dressed when I came out he was gone he left a note saying thanks for letting me crash I'll see you at lunch 😉 it made me smile so big I think I was getting feelings for him but it wasn't like other times I'd liked somebody this was different when we got to lunch shortly after we got seated he walked in he had on a white tee and some black skinny jeans his eyes were a piercing blue today they were so pretty I couldn't stop looking at them he leaned over and whispered do I have something on my face I said no why?? He said because I keep catching you looking at me I said your eyes they are so blue today he smiled and said oh ok. As we were all chatting I kept thinking how I couldn't believe we had been here a month already we only had 2 months left here and I was getting close to Niall which was scary considering I'm gonna be leaving soon I heard my name which brought me out of my head back to reality it was Peyton I looked at her and she said so?I said so what?? are you gonna go hiking with us or not everyone else is coming I said oh yeah she said where were you I said nowhere I said are we going now she said yes I said ok we couldn't all fit in to 1. Car so half got into Zayns jeep and half got in to Harry's truck I rode with Harry,Niall,Louis,Penelope and Brooke me and Niall sat in the very back I was looking out the side of the truck when I felt something brush my hand I looked down and he had placed his hand on top of mine I looked up and he smiled I took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his I then glanced over at him again he smiled and leaned down and said your making it hard for me to just be friends with you are you playing games with my heart I said no I'm not I wouldn't do that he said then what are we doing I said I don't know let's just see where it goes he said all I ask is don't break my heart I smiled and said that's not my intention here. When we got there he helped me out the truck and we started walking this was a beautiful walk as we were walking I could feel his hand brushing mine and he would then look at me I said do you have something you wanna say he said I want to know if it's ok to hold your hand I said I don't care if people know if that's what your asking he then intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked hand and hand then all the awwws started I said ignore them he smiled. We made it to the top of the mountain we were hiking we were still holding hands he leaned over and said I could get use to this I smiled and said let's not forget I leave in 2 months he said I know let's not think about that right now I quickly let go of his hand and headed over to where the girls were they asked are you ok you looked spooked I said I'm fine just coming to hang out with you guys but reality I wasnt ok I was being realistic about this I couldn't let him or myself fall for each other as our time was limited but on another note I was already in that process of fallen for him I could tell. On the way down the mountain I walked ahead of him with the girls he kept looking at me I could tell he was worried but didnt say anything when we went back to the cars I went to trade cars with one of the girls but he quickly took my hand and said please ride with me I wanna talk so I climbed in the back of the truck I tucked my hands in my pockets so he couldn't hold my hand he said McKenzie what is going on I said nothing he said I dont understand we were getting along fine and then you kinda freaked on me I said were starting to catch feelings for each other and that's not good I leave in 2 months so I'm saving both of us heartache in the end he said it's to late I already have feelings for you he reached in my sweatshirt pocket and grabbed my hand and said if you tell me right now that you dont have feelings for me I will drop it I'll leave you alone but I know you feel something and I also know your scared and just went through a breakup do to long distance he said just give this whatever it is a crush,friendship,a start of a relationship whatever it is just give us a chance to see. He touched my face and said will you look at me please I glanced up he looked so worried I said I cant be heart broken again he said that's not my intention I said ok we can see where this goes. He then inched closer to me like he was about to kiss me and my phone buzzed I moved and looked at my phone it was Peyton saying looks like yall are getting cozy over there I giggled and put my phone up. Once we were back to our hotel he whispered I have some things to take care of but maybe we can hang out later tonight or tommorow I said how about tomorrow he frowned but said ok he hugged me and grazed his lips across my cheek as he pulled away it gave me butterflies he said I'll be thinking about you I said I wouldnt have it any other way and with that we parted ways and I went up to shower and relax for the night and have some me time the quietness was amazing I could hear my self think but as I went to doze off I could only think of Niall.

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