The unexpected

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The next morning I woke up but Niall was already up I rolled outta bed and went to use the bathroom and decided to jump in the shower when I got out I grabbed a robe and headed out into the kitchen there sat my favorite coffee from my favorite coffee shop and a note reading
Good morning my queen here's your favorite coffee at 10:30 I have a scavenger hunt for you to start to lead you to my 2nd surprise and then you'll also find the 3rd one at the very end good luck and I'll see you at the end your first clue is on the dresser with a outfit you should wear each place has a clue and a meaning to us you'll find the clue by finding the person with the sunflower.
I smiled and looked at the time I had 1 hour so I finished my coffee and went to get dressed he picked out the sundress I had I read the note it said this place is where I first laid eyes on you I knew from that day I had to be apart of your life head to the first place we met I smiled and said the airport I headed there when I got in I saw Louis standing there with a sunflower he said ok now this is the first time I walked you home alone we were coming from the? I said the pub I headed there there stood Harry with a sunflower he said ok this is the first day we hung out solo we took a trip I said the train station when I arrived there Liam was standing at our bench he said this is the first place we stayed the night with each other I headed to the hotel I stayed at and there stood Zayn with a sunflower my heart stung a little I hugged him he smiled and said it's ok he said now this is a place you haven't been yet with him put this address in your gps and head there I put it in it was a 15 minute walk so I headed out when I got there it was a beautiful 2 story brick home there was a sunflower taped to the mailbox with a note that read there is a key in the mailbox open the front door and follow the path I took the key and when I opened the door there was a path of sunflower petals I followed them in the house down a hall and up the stairs it stop at a bed room I opened the door there was candles lit in a shape of a heart and rose petals cover the bed there was a sunflower on the night stand and a note I picked it up and read it it said my beautiful queen you've made it to the end of our scavenger hunt welcome home to our new home and turn around when I turned around there he was kneeling on one knee I started to cry he said I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you on that airplane I knew you were the one for me and now I can't picture my life without you will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me I said yes he smiled so big and slid the ring on my finger he stood up and swept me up in his arms he said oh baby I can't believe it I said I love you so much and kissed him he said do you like the house I said I love it it's beautiful he said let me show you the house we walked around and when we got to the back yard all our friends we're there he shouted she said yes!!! They all cheered and came and congratulated us. I suddenly felt nauseous I excused myself and went to the bathroom I threw up and rinsed my mouth out and splashed water on my face and headed back out I thought to myself this must be my nerves we hung out all night he said do you wanna stay here tonight or should we go back to the apartment I said do we have anything over here he said no so we headed to the apartment for the night when we got there I felt sick again I went and threw up I was sitting in front of the toilet he walked in and said are you ok I said yeah must be my nerves or the excitement of the day he said let me run you a bath while he did that I brushed my teeth and undressed he whistled I said calm down buddy he smiled and said I'll get a movie started and make you some tea to try and help with your nerves I smiled and said your the best I kissed him gently on the lips and got into my bath when I got out I put on some of his sweats and went and curled into him and sipped my tea when we finished our movie we decided to just go to bed Niall had to go get the moving truck first thing in the morning and the boys would be here at 10 in the morning I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat. The next morning when I woke up he was already gone there was a note that said you were sleeping so good I didn't want to wake you how about you go get your hair done today I'll take care of the moving I felt nauseous again today so I decided to go see a doctor to see if I had a virus or something the doctor was very nice he said I'm gonna order some blood work and we'll be in with the results soon. When he came in he had a look on his face he said ma'am have you been more tired lately too I said yeah I suppose so he said your pregnant a few months already actually I felt like I was gonna pass out I said are you sure he said yes ma'am I'm positive now I would like to schedule you for an ultrasound since you are a couple months at least. we'll know more with the ultrasound I said yeah sure I just need a minute to process this he said do you have someone to pick you up since your not feeling well I said yeah I have someone within 10 minutes Zayn came in he said are you ok OMG I said yeah I'm pregnant Zayn what am I gonna do I busted out crying he said your gonna be fine I said Niall has all these plans this is gonna ruin it he smiled and said Niall is gonna be over the moon he loves kids. I'm still nervous Zayn smiled and said everything is gonna be ok for you and the baby I'm gonna make sure of it that made me smile I said I guess you can drop me off at the new house I need to rest that's where all our things are when we pulled up Niall was on the porch when I walked up he said what are you doing with him I said I needed a ride and I knew you we're busy he went to say something and I said I can't argue with you right now and walked in I went and changed in to my pajamas and laid down I heard all the boys down stairs talking I assumed they were all gonna hang out most the day I took my phone out and texted Zayn I said please don't mention anything to Niall and thank you for today. He messaged back I went home Niall wasn't to happy with me and your welcome I smiled and then dozed off to sleep. I woke up to a taping on the door I rolled over and Niall walked in he said can we talk I said sure he said is everything ok you've been sleeping for 3 hours I said we need to talk he then screamed I FUCKING KNEW IT!! I was a little taken back so it took me a minute to reply I said knew what? He screamed and said you cheated on me with Zayn just spit it out I said Um no that's not it but if that's what you think that hurts he said then why were you with him today I said Niall I called him to give me a ride from the doctor because I wasn't feeling the best and the doctor said I needed someone to pick me up I knew you were busy moving so I called him and he came he said why were you at the doctor I said Niall I'm pregnant he looked at me with a blank look his color from his face was gone not the reaction I was looking for I said Niall did you here me he said it's all ruined now my heart shattered I grabbed my bag and walked out I didn't know where I was headed but I was going there I ended up taking a train t Dublin to clear my head by the time I got there Niall had started to text me and call me non stop I ignored him I walked around for a while until I was so tired I took the train back ad started to head back when I got a sharp pain in my side I stopped for a minute and winced and then there was another one that brought me to my knees I called Zayn and told him something was wrong please help me he came and rushed me to the hospital they took me straight back the nurses hooked me up to machines to monitor me and the baby and said the doctor would be in a little while later Zayn looked at me and said what in the world McKenzie I said I told Niall and he told me everything was ruined so I had to get out of there he took my hand and said he was probably in shock that's not like him he said let me call him please if there's a decision that needs to be made y'all should hear this together I said ok he stepped back in and said he's on the way he was there in 10 minutes when he came in his eyes were bloodshot like he'd been crying he said I'm so sorry I was in shock baby I didn't mean to upset you I reached my hand out and he took it I pulled him in and patted the bed he said is the baby ok I said I don't know yet we're still waiting on the doctor to come in right then he came in and said your a lucky lady the baby was just under stress everything looks great we're gonna get a ultrasound to double check but I like what I see so far he said your about 3.5 months along I smiled Niall took my hand again and said we're gonna be parents I said yeah we are during the ultrasound it was amazing to see they asked if I wanted to know what we were having I smiled and said can you put it in a envelope I wanna do a gender reveal party they smiled and said of course they even sealed it for us they made an appointment for 4 weeks out and then discharged us when We got home I went and showered and asked Niall to start a fire in the fire place he did after I got out we sat in front of the fire and sipped some coffee he put his hand on my stomach and said we're gonna be a family of 3 I'm so exited baby your gonna be the best mother I smiled and said I hope he or she has your musical talents he smiled so big he layes his head on my stomach and began to sing my heart grew so big I pulled him up and gently kissed him I said how about you and I lock the doors and we break in the new house he said your pregnant I said I know I am that doesn't mean we can't still have fun better do it now before I'm to big and can't he smiled so big and said don't go no where I'll be back. After making love we both drifted off to sleep.

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