Baby/wedding planning 🥰🥰

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The next couple of weeks are gonna be crazy he shouted from the shower I can't believe we're planning for a baby and a wedding. I said yes I know and I can't wait for the gender reveal today once he got out the shower I got in I hurried up to get out and dressed when I went to the kitchen Niall had already made my breakfast for me he made me 2 scrambled eggs Turkey bacon and some fresh strawberries and a glass of orange juice he was wanting me to lay off the coffee I wasn't happy but I tried to make it work once we ate we went for our morning walk I was trying to stay in shape during my pregnancy when we got back to the house it was time to go over to Cheryl's she was throwing my gender reveal party when we got there he opened my door and took my hand when we went in Cheryl threw her arms around me Niall said be carful I looked at him and said Niall I'm having a baby I'm not fragile she was so exited she said I have everything ready we're just gonna hang for a little while I have a surprise for you so we all went out back and was hanging when she said your surprise is here she said go open the door when I opened the door there stood Penelope,Brooke,Peyton,and Bella I screamed I was so exited they said omg I can't believe your having a baby I started to cry I was so happy they said well let's go find out what we're having I said ok we made the gender reveal a soccer ball Niall was gonna kick it and the powder will either blue or pink we counted down from 10 and Niall kicked and all of a sudden we were standing in a blue cloud we were having a boy he started to cry and grabbed me in a hug he said we're gonna have a son I said your gonna be a dad to a boy I started to cry then I heard Louis say well let's go eat now so we all headed inside I went to go in the kitchen and Niall grabbed my hand and said sit down baby I'll make your plate and he kissed me I smiled and said thank you while I was eating he rubbed my feet my feet had started swelling the past week I was now 6 month's pregnant and had 3 more months to go I couldnt wait we were planning our baby shower and our wedding and now we were going shopping to start our nursery. After everything was done I sat with Cheryl and we started to plan the baby shower we decided to have it 1 month out we made a guest list which included all the boys girlfriends my friends that were visiting Niall's mom and grandma we then headed out back with the boys Niall put his arms around me and said I'm so lucky I said no I'm the lucky one he said let's head out I have a surprise for you when we got home he brought out the blind fold memories came back from when we had makeup sex it made me smile he knew instantly where my head went and said not tonight my love that's for after the baby is born I giggled he said now we are headed up the stairs be careful once we were up to the top he said now stand right here and at 10 take it off I counted slowly and at 10 took it off when I did I stood there looking at my son's nursery all put together he said me and Zayn stayed up all night putting this together I started to cry and said it's perfect I used a ocean theme in there everything was perfect he pulled me into his chest and I whispered your the best fiancé ever he smiled and kissed me gently I said I think I'm ready for bed he said go get changed and I'll be in there. That night I tossed and turned the bigger I got the worst I slept at 4am I finally got up outta bed so that I wouldn't wake Niall up no need for both of us to be up I took my phone and went and started me a pot of coffee once it was done I made my coffee and sat out on the porch in the rocking chair I got on to Facebook and realized Zayn was on there so I texted him and said are you up he texted back and said yeah I couldn't sleep I said wanna talk he said yeah I'll call 2 seconds had passed and he was calling I picked up and as soon as I heard his voice I smiled he has no idea the affect he has on me I said so my friend what has you awake at this hour he said I was just doing some thinking what life would be like if I had been the one to hang out with you first would things still be the way they are you getting married to Niall and having his baby and me burying my feelings for you forever I said Zayn you know I care about you and maybe things would be different if I had hung out with you instead those first couple months but this is how it worked out at least we're still friends he said true about that right then I heard Niall yawn out loud from behind me he said who are you talking to I said Zayn he gave me a look and walked back inside I looked down at my watch it was 8:30am already I had talked to Zayn for hours and didn't realize it I said Zayn I have to go your going to the beach with us all today right he said I wouldn't miss it I smiled and said I'd see him later. When I went in Niall started he said so now we wake up in the middle of the night and talk to Zayn I said baby I woke up at 4 something and didn't want to wake you he was awake so we talked Niall spat so you talked to him rather than wake me up and tell me what's going on I said nothing is wrong I just can't sleep I'm huge Niall I got a pain in my side so I sat down a little and held my side he kept screaming I said ok you win I have to go lay down he said no I'm not done the pain got sharper and I groaned I said Niall I have to lay down I went and layer down for a minute in the dark and after 5min the pain went away I got up and got ready for the beach we rode in silence the whole way then when we got there we parked beside the other boys Niall got out and grabbed his cooler and his chair and walked off I got my stuff and started walking Zayn came and took my stuff he said let me guess he's upset we were talking this morning I said yes once on the beach Zayn sat my stuff up for me and I sat under the unbrella talking to Cheryl while the boys headed to play volleyball after a while a couple of girls came up and started to play with them which was fine until Niall started getting touchy with one of him every time he drank in the sun he acted a fool and he was drunk next thing I knew he tackled her into the ground they we're laughing and giggling he finally helped her up and took her hand and they started walking everyone looked at me I was humiliated I took my bag and headed up to the bus stop that was close by I was so done I couldn't deal with this while I was waiting I heard a familiar voice say your to good to ride the bus let me give you a ride I smiled and said are you sure Zayn said have I ever second guessed my decisions I said no he said alright then when we finally got home we went in and I grabbed him a beer I said I need a shower I'll be out in a minute on my way back I took my ring off and sat it on his side of the dresser and jumped into the shower I then put on some Jean shorts and a tank top and headed out to watch Netflix with Zayn we watched 1 movie and then he asked if he could take me to dinner I said I'd love that so we headed out we chose to go to an Italian restaurant it was so delicious I loved it we then went for a walk down to the water front while we were sitting there my phone started buzzing it was Niall he asked me where the fuck was I and why did I not have my ring on I shook my head and finished talking to Zayn he whispered you know you deserve better than this I said he is good to me most of the time but he Also has his bad moments I'm having second thoughts about marrying him now Zayn said no matter what happens your gonna be ok I said I hope so I just have to protect my son that's most important now I whispered to Zayn you wanna know a secret he said of course I said now your the only one to know this so if it comes out I know who it came from Niall don't even know he said ok ok I said I named the baby already he said what is it I said Grayson James Horan I smiled so big he said I love it it's gorgeous I said I'll call him Grayson in fact I talk to him all the time like he's here already Zayn put his hand on my stomach and said nice to meet you Grayson your a lucky little boy right then he kicked really hard Zayn said OMG I felt him move I smiled and said yeah you did he must like your voice. Then another text came and said what the fuck is going on where are you he was so drunk I couldn't go home Zayn could tell and he said you know what I don't have plans why don't you stay with me tonight I said thank you we headed back to his house he grabbed me some sweats and I showered and put them on he made up the spare bed for me and before I knew it I was out like a light the next morning I woke up it was 9 I couldn't believe I slept so late Zayn had went and got me a muffin and a coffee from the coffee shop I said you are the best he smiled and said when your ready I'll take you home my phone was dead so I didn't know if Niall had called or texted I had Zayn drop me up the road and I walked up when I went in it was a disaster Niall had threw a fit there was things everywhere I looked around and he was no where to be seen I walked back to make sure he didn't ruin the nursery when I walked in there he sat in the rocking chair with the ultrasound picture of our son his eyes we're blood shot and he looked up at me and didn't say a word I said I hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday at the beach with that pretty girl I understand I'm fat and pregnant and haven't slept with you in months so your needing to get it from someone else but I'm not dealing with that I'd rather raise this child alone than make Grayson have to grow up in a situation like this with toxic parents he whispered is that my sons name I said what he said Grayson is that what his name is I said yes that's him he said I didn't do anything with her I was making you jealous I said I can't deal with this I said I need you to be there for me for Grayson I need you to grow up and I walked out and sat in The hammock he followed me out and said will you please put this back on I said I don't think I can Niall not after yesterday he said please I didn't do anything he started to cry so hard I said this is it no more chances he slid it back on and kissed me I whispered don't let me and Grayson James Horan down he looked up and said your giving him parts of my name I said don't let us down he said I promise I won't. The next couple weeks flew by it was finally my baby shower time there was so many people there and we got so much stuff after we opened everything Niall and the boys got everything set up for me and put it where I wanted it to go after the boys we're headed to the pool hall to throw darts and watch the football game Niall surprised me and said baby I'm gonna stay home with you how about we order take out and watch some movies I smiled and kissed him he said I take it you approve I said I just gotta go up stairs and change in to something comfortable as I was going up I got a huge sharp pain I stopped and grabbed my stomach it passed so I started again then another one came and a gush of water came out my water had just broke and I still had 8 weeks to go once the pain stopped I called Niall he came and said yes baby he saw I had a scared look on my face and I was crying he said what is wrong baby you have to tell me I said my water it broke and I think I'm having contractions he said it's not time I said I know he said let's get you to the hospital and we'll call the doctor from the car on the way there we called my doctor he said probably from stress I went into early labor but it was to late to stop it since my water had already broke he said I'll meet you guys there I started to cry Niall said I'm so sorry baby this is because of me I said it's no ones fault I just want my baby to be ok once we got to the hospital we were taken straight up to labor and delivery Niall started calling everybody while the doctors and nurses got me ready they then came in and checked I was 8 cm dilated Niall hadn't left my side the whole time and held my hand through all the contractions when they came back in I was ready to push I did 10 pushes and out he came the doctors said welcome to the world Grayson James Horan and before I could see him they whisked him off to the New born intensive care unit I told Niall to go with him but he refused to leave me they then said mrs Horan he wouldn't be able to go in now anyways we have test to run and have to get him hooked up to his Ivs and breathing assistance once we're done we'll take you both down there. Once we finally made it down and I got to see him he was hooked up to so many machines and was so tiny he weighed in at 4 and was 18 inches long his lungs wasn't developed all the way and he had a heart condition that could fix itself as he developed more he was so handsome he had Jett black hair and Nialls Blue eyes I started to cry and Niall hugged me I said I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him from this he whispered look at me he said I put you through so much stress you didn't need that I whispered we have to be strong for him he's a fighter I know it. We let our friends come in 2 at a time to see him they brought balloons and cards to hang in his room during the day me and Cheryl were making wedding plans we had already picked out the venue and the cater I chose sunflowers and red roses for the flowers last thing was to get my dress since I wouldn't leave the hospital they came to me I found my perfect dress we 1 month until we got married and 3 weeks before Grayson came home I was so exited.

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