im alive but im dead

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Keith's POV

"what- how are you here" she cried as we hugged, rocking back and forth on the door step

damn i missed  this

"lets go in the house, imma tell you everything"

"boy, this family been a mess since you died- left us, i hope you got a good reason as to why you did whatchu did" she said as i followed her into the kitchen

"i had to fake my death momma, it was the only way i could make sure yall was safe" i started off

"see this that bullshit keith" she said waving her fingers

"they wanted me dead, i had to make them think i was dead" it was a hard decision to make, i never thought i'd be the one to miss out on my kids growing up but i'll do anything to protect my family and i mean anything

"so what the hell you been doing for the past what? eight years" my momma is my world after my kids, i tell her everything, she knew my every move, except this one

"i layed low, had to kill errbody that need to be killed, that mean i had to gain they trust, get on the inside, and that shit takes a long ass time ma, i had to watch my back, cover my tracks and all types of shit" i told her

"i still dont believe this, come here" she said and when i got closer to her she smacked me hella hard

"ma!" i laughed

"gah dammit boy, this is too much to take in" we shared a laugh, and sat in silence for a few seconds

"ma, where my kids at?" i asked her and she let out a sigh

"kylah was posed to come see me yesteday and spend the week over here but she aint never come, and quinton, boy that boy got a few loose screws, you gone need to talk to him" she told me

"whatchu mean"

"he been geting outta hand lately, talking to that girl any type of way, acting juct like his damn momma- matta a fact, this him calling me" she said

"hey granbaby, i need you to come to my house real quick, i got something to show you" she told him all excited

"aye nana, im finna come pick you up" he sounded like sum was wrong

"whats wrong witchu "

"kylah got in another accident, im coming to get you so you can stay with her when i leave"

"how bad is it"

"its bad, she was with elijah momma and somebody smacked they shit" and as soon as he said that my heart dropped, ian een get to see her before sum bad happened

"ok, be safe quinton, i know how you be speeding"

"i will, i love you" he said before hanging up

not the way i expected to reunite with my family at alll

Elijah's POV

ian neva been this scared in my life

not only is kylah in her, but my momma is too, the two most important people in my life almost died, nine times outta ten, its because of somebody I got into it with

"you good?"

im on the verge of tears, nigga do i look good?

"yeah" i lied pushing the hair outta my face

"you about to go somewhere?"

"just to the car, you stay right there" i told her before walking off, when i got to the main floor near the exit my dad was rushing in

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