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kylah's POV
It's been a month since Dj got shot and about two weeks since he woke up and got discharged from the hospital

"Can you hand me those baby wipes" Nani asked, we was all at the house, the boys was downstairs chilling while me and Niyah helped Nani pack her hospital bag, she's due next week

"Did yall come up with a middle name yet"

" I was thinking about brylee but he don't like it"
"and? He not the one pushing her out, if you like the name then that's gone be her name"

"Niyah shut up" I laughed

"We already agreed on name picking tho, I pick her name name and he pick the middle name, but if he'on hurry up and pick one I'm picking what I wanna pick"

"Y'all the food down here" quan said coming into the nursery

"And yo baby daddy momma nem on they way over here"

" oh my goddd, tell him to tell them to stay wher they at"

"He tried to "

"They ass been in my face everyday for the past two weeks tell him I don't want them over here"

" I'm not gonna argue wit a crippled nigga, you tell him " quan left out and we all followed him

"demarus tell yo mommo to go home"

"i told her not to leave ha house, im tired of her ass too" he told her

"well gimme the car keys so i can leave"

"you know damnn well you cant drive"

you ready to go?" elijah asked coming outta the restroom"

"yall aint spending the night?"

"no, i gotta go to my nana house"

"nawl she just dont wanna be around quintin thats what the fuck that is" quan laughed

"shut yo instagating ass up " niyah mean mugged him

"ian instagating, im just stating facts, we all know its true"

"therefore you aint have to state the obvious you dumb fuck" amari said side eying him

"ight see yall" i said going to the door

"You seen my lighter?" elijah asked looking around in the car

"look on the door" i told him as i fixeed my mirrors, elijah moved them since he drove here

"hello" he answered his phone a few minutes after I pulled off

"nawl moni not wimme, last time i talked to her she said you was taking her to ha friend party" he said sitting up in his seat

"ight im finna go over there"

"whats wrong?"

"they dont know where moni at, pull over so i can drive"

"did she run away" I asked after we switched seats

"nawl, my momma dropped her off at a party and now she aint there" i mean i know she been wanting to live her life and just have fun with her friends but her just coming up missing dont sound right

we eventually pulled up to a house wit police cars deep as hell outside of it, he didnt even park properly, he just pulled halfway into a empty space and jumped out the car going to find his momma with me following behind him

"ma!" he called out getting her attention before they met and hugged

"yo daddy went to drive around and look for her, these bitch ass police officers not doing they job right" she said wiping her tears

"aint nobody see her"

"one of her friends said that went to the back yard with a few other people but other than that, nothing"

"Elijah ain't she sharing her location witchu?" I asked him and he pulled his phone out

"Ha phone not that far from here, kylah stay here with her, imma be right back" he said running back to the car, I already knew he was about to go look for her

After they finished looking around the house they took us down to the police station to ask us some questions

"Did moni show up over there?" I called, I called amari trying to find her

"Nawl, why?" He sounded like he just woke up

"Because we can't find her"

"Whatchu mean y'all can't find her"

"She gone, don't nobody know where she at"

"Do the track my iPhone shit"

"Elijah did do that, she don't got her phone with her"

"Shit" he mumbled

"Ight hollon, im finna send quan up there to y'all and imma try to find her" And with that he hung up

"She not over there either?" She asked me and when I shook me head she started crying again and I couldn't do nun else but hug her

Y'all my Wattpad been tweaking, when I would type it up on my laptop the same shit I wrote would not save and show up on my phone when I needed to proof read it, this was posed to been out a while ago, imma try to have this next chapter out before Christmas but if not it'll be before New Years

But thank y'all for 146k reads and 4.91k reads🤝


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