A lil graze

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"No,what the hell is you doing here" I said
"Oh I see y'all two met each other" booda said walking up
"We already knew each other" we said at the same time
"Stop copying me"
"Booda why the hell you got this goofy up in here" I said
"BOODA" Travon said laughing
"Um, because he's my cousin, just like you my cousin " booda said
"Marcus they call you booda" Travon said still laughing
"Yeah ha uglass made that stupid ass name up now errbody call me that" Marcus said
"Look I gotchu some vbucks or whateva that shit called" I said giving him a gift bag"
"Thanks but how the hell yall know each other"
"She go out with my homie"
"I don't go out with him"
"Kylah you got a boyfriend" booda asked me
"No I don't his ass just lying" i said rolling my eyes
"No I'm not, I saw you-"
"Travon Shut yo big mouth ass up" I said interrupting him and booda laughed
"Ight y'all, I gotta go, y'all can finish arguing or whateva"  booda said walking off
" so how is you related to Marcus" Travon said
"His dad and my dad is brothers, making us cousins, what about you" I said picking up a cookie off the table
"His momma is my momma sister, so if you think about it, it's kinda the same as yo situation just the opposite " he said
I never really met boodas family on his mommas side I just met her and that's it
So i made my rounds around, talked to people, and spent most of my time talking with my nana, yes she did show up, I mean he's her youngest grand baby, Quintin showed up and left which mad e me feel slow because I coulda did the same thing and the after we sang happy birthday it was time to go
I got to the house around 7 and I opened the door to see Elijah long body ass sleep on the couch with food everywhere and low was on the end of the couch sleep
So I ended up cleaning up his mess and joe started scratching at the door so I grabbed his leash and took him out
As I was waiting on joe to finish his business a black truck pulled up and just sat there and raised down they window a lil bit so I grabbed joe and tried not to act suspicious and quickly went in the house
"Elijah, getcho ass up" I said trynna wake him up
"What, What the hell you want" he said
"Nigga its fucking creepy ass truck outside" I said and he sat up
"Ok and guess what, if they wanna try sum they gone get popped" he said pulling his gun from under his pillow
"Nigga what the hell yo crippled ass gone do" I said and right then a bullet flew through the window
"Issa gun under my bed, go get it" he said so I ran to his room trying not to get shot and got the gun, by time I got downstairs he was aiming and shooting out of the window and joe was barking loud as hell , so I did the same thing and when I had the right aim at somebody I shot, and he dropped the gun then somebody else got shot I'm guessing by Elijah and the truck zoomed off
"You good shawty" he said
"Yeah, But I think I got grazed" I said realizing that my shoulder was bleeding, I don't know how I didn't feel it earlier
"You got a first aid kit, or sum peroxide" he said limping towards me
"I know what to do, it's just a scratch, and I gotta take a shower anyways" I said  going to my room
After my shower I went downstairs to see elijah trynna clean up the glass from the window  it it was lowkey funny because he was kinda stiff
"Can you make me sum to eat while you over there staring" he said
"Whatchu wanna eat"
"Some noodles" he said making me laugh
So I made us some noodles and we just sat on the couch and watched tv and next thing I know, I dozed off into a good ass sleep
Elijah's POV
Ian een gone lie, I think I'm starting to like Kylah, I guess it's just because we spend so much time together, or maybe It's just our bond, but I know for sure that if I mess with ha it's gone be some serious, I cant just fuck and duck ha like I do other females, and it's not even because of who ha brother is, because that wouldn't stop me from fucking who I want, it's the simple fact that she just some special
"What the hell happened up in here" ace said walking through the door interrupting my thoughts
"Some niggas showed up , started shooting and we shot back"
"So wassup with her, she got hit or sum" he said referring to Kylah
"Nahh, she actually hit somebody but she got a lul graze" I said and he looked at me
"That's what she said, not me" I said putting my hands up
"And y'all ain't see no faces or nun" he asked
"Nah, she was outside with joe, came in and said it was a creepy ass truck outside, then we had a shoot out, two of They peoples got hit, they left" I said and his whole demeanor changed, you could really tell he was starting to get pissed off
"Don't try no funny shit with her while she laying on you" he said walking off
"Nigga hush, she only laying on my shoulder" I said

Y'all I kept my promise!

And I worked hard as fuck to make it happen because writing four chapters in less that two days ain't easy

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