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Quintin's POV
I opened my eyes and my vision was kinda blurry but when it cleared up I realized somebody crashed into us and I ain't see Kylah so I started panicking and when I tried to get out and look for her I fell hard as fuck cuz my leg wasn't working so I looked around the car again and saw ha laying in the back seat unconscious. And all I could think of was killing the bitch that did this shit
"Kylah wake up" I said and somebody called the ambulance and after A while she gained consciousness
"Quintin I feel like I can't breathe" she said panicking
" it's gone be okay Ight" I tried reassuring her but she just started panicking some more and I think it messed with her breathing some more
" whoever did this gone pay Ight Kylah "
and the ambulance took hella long to get here
They got Kylah out the car and put her on a stretcher
" put me in the ambulance with her" I said
" but sir there's no ro-"
" I DONT CARE PUT ME IN THERE WITH HER" now I'm getting frustrated
"We have to treat your foot"
" I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MY LEG I WANNA BE WITH MY SISTER " now imma about to get real rude in here
So they took me to her ambulance and man when I tell you, the last thing you wanna see is a loved one in one of these situations.
" what's wrong with her" I asked them and they was putting one of those breathing masks in her
" it looks as if she fractured one of her ribs and"
"So what's gone happen to her"
" I'm not sure yet" this nigga done lost his damn mind talking bout he don't know
"Well yo ass betta get some answers
So after a while of me asking questions we got to the hospital and they put me and Kylah in different rooms
They did X-rays on my legs and foot and put a cast on it,I had called up Amari and my moms to tell them what just happened and they both on they way up here
* knock knock* I'm guessing it was a doctor
"Come in" I said
" I understand your are here for a ms Kylah Marie Coles as well as yourself" she said
" correct, now can you tell me what's wrong with her" I asked ha
" well it looks as if the vehicle that hit you had hit the side of the car where she was sitting and fractured her rib"
" that's what the paramedic said "
"Yeah, so after we fix her up she's going to need a lot of rest for about six to eight weeks and she should still take things easy after that"
" is that it"
"Yes just make sure she doesn't over work herself while she's resting ok"
" Ight"
"Aye" Amari said coming in the door as the doctor walked out
"Wassup bro"
"Damn they must've did some real damage"he said looking at my cast
"Hell yeah and they fucked up Kylah ribs" I said laying back
" yo moms here yet"
"Hell nawl Daren uglass prolly holdin ha slow ass up"
"Ion see why she won't leave his ass" he said
"Me either but I'm ready to shoot a bitch Right about now"
" nigga calm down you can't do shit wit one foot" he said trynna be funny
" that shit ain't funny but where baby doll at" he said referring to Kylah
" don't you think if I knew I would be there right now"
"Yeah go and lemme go find out real quick "he left out and came back with a wheel chair
"Hop in nigga" I mean I might as well
So we went to Kylah room and it was literally two doors down... I coulda walked down here
He stopped the chair and I limped over to her bed
"Wassup quinny boi" she said trynna joke
"How is you still happy right now" cuz I really don't see how she is able to joke around if we almost just died
"Cuz I'm not dead that's how" I know she can be slow sometimes but other times she can be smart asf
"Girl don't be tryna go soft on me now "
"Wassup Amari" she said ignoring me
"How you holding up baby doll" he said
"I'll be doing better if you can get me sum to eat"
"Damn nigga you ain't ask me if I was good and buy me no food" cuz now im big jealous
"Is yo name Kylah" he asked me
"Really nigga"
"I guess you not hungry then" he said leaving out the room Nd we all laughed
"Momma ain't come up here did she" this where I get irritated cuz both of yo kids in the hospital and you letting a nigga stop you from checking up on them....mannn bitches really going nuts these days
"Nah I called ha and she said she was on ha way but ion know what happened " I got a feeling that this just hurt Kylah more than she already was
"Ion even know why I got my hopes up thinking she'll even care"she said like she was holding ha tears and ion even know what to say to comfort
" ion even I should've called her" I said
"No you not wrong for calling her Quintin is she did give birth to us she just wrong for not caring"
"You making me feel real dumb right now" I said cuz she keep sayin a whole bunch smart ass sensitive shit and I'm saying some stupid ass dumb shit
"Quintin you know what's coming up right"
"Nah what is it" she sat up when I said that
"You really don't know " she said
"No so just tell me"
"nigga it's yo birthday "she tried to yell but she couldn't cuz it hurt her chest and I honestly forgot after all that's been happening
"Damn I forgot all about that"
"Really Quintin "
" yup"
"So what you wanna do for your birthday "
"I mean you cant really do nun with one foot and you gotta rest for six to eight weeks so you ain't doing SHIT for a while"
"Smtch that's not even fair Quintin " she said whining
" but it's what you need so ion care about yo whining " she think I'm playing she finna be in bed rest for a whole month and some weeks
"I got some foooooood" Amari said coming in with some fish,cheesy broccoli and mashed potatoes for Kylah and two cheeseburgers and fries for me and him
"Why y'all get burgers and I don't" Kylah said with a sad face cuz she LOVE a burger
"Cuz yo doctor said it's good for you or sum shit like that"
"I thought you wasn't bringing me no food" I said biting into my burger
"Shiii Kylah gone eat it" he said and we all laughed
We stayed up talking and watching tv till like 7:00 when we all fell asleep, me and Amari was on the lil reclining catches and Kylah was on her bed but I couldn't stay sleep so I got and started stalking social media to get some answers
"Why is you woke " Kylah said outta nowhere and scared the shit outta me
"Damn girl you ain't gotta scare me like that"
"I'm sorry"
"Nahh but I couldn't sleep on this couch"
" come on" she said
"What you mean "
"Nigga that crash must've made you slow or sum ... come lay up here stupid"
"No you need to own space"
"Then why you ain't go back to yo own room"
"Cuz I ain't want to"
"So come lay up here"
"No ion need to go to sleep"
"Then ion gotta go to sleep either"
"Oh yes the fuck you do"
" not until you come up here"
"No you need yo own room"
"I'm good"
"So what if I accidentally hit yo chest"
"Nigga stop worrying and come on" so I just gave up and lates next to her cuz she ain't gone give up till she get what she want and soon after that we fell asleep

Don't be getting the wrong ideas of a brother and sister going to sleep next to each other YAH NASTIES

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