Chapter 17 ∞ REEVE

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I track Daire with quiet footsteps, staying in his wake. Seeing someone typically so composed start to fray unmoors me. When he stops, I move, reminding myself that while here I had promised myself not to hold back.

He rounds toward me and darts away, his face void of emotion. "I have something for you," he says, dodging any potential questions.

I follow him to a small container that he picks up from the ground. "What is it?"

He grabs something from inside it and holds it out like bait. "You get a treat for being such a good pup."

"I think the last two nights have proved I'm no pup, but I'm happy to revisit the lesson anytime." I snatch the small tart from his hand and make a show of licking a dab of berry from my thumb.

His attention stays on my mouth as he says, "I may need a refresher."

"Happy to give one." I wave my fingers at him for another tart.

He hands over a second with a crook of his lips, and I'll gladly divert his thoughts if it gets him smiling again.

"What's in these?" I ask.


"We need to save some for Coly," I say, peeking into the tin to gauge how many more I can get away with eating.

"I'm sure Mae and Toby would be more than happy to send us back with a ferry filled."

I lick at a crumb on my lip. "Who are Mae and Toby?"

"You'll meet them tonight."

"What's tonight?" I ask as he heads toward our cottage, taking the tarts with him.

"The pack campfire."

My hands drop to my hips and my forehead wrinkles in confusion. "What are you talking about? What did you do today?"

"Come on, we're going to be late. I need to grab some warmer clothes before we go."

"To the campfire?"

Daire turns to me, eyes less turbulent. "Yes, that's what I've been saying."

I sigh and trek after him. Good grief.

∞  ∞  ∞

I carry two drinks toward Daire, who sits alone on a tree trunk bench. His back straightens and face softens when he sees me approaching, and I can't hold back my smile. It's the first time I've felt this at ease with someone other than Rainer.

Holding a cup out to him, I take a seat close to his side, able to feel him against my thigh as I lean to his ear and ask, "Everything alright?"

"Everything is fine."

It's light, a bit dismissive, so I cup his chin and turn his face toward mine. "Daire, are you okay?"

"Of course." He smiles and rubs my leg. After a few minutes of listening to an elder strum a guitar, he says, "I can't remember that last time anyone's asked me that in that way."

"What way?"

"Like the answer affects you. Peter would ask, but that was mostly during fights to make sure I hadn't died yet." He grins.

I wrap my arm around him and push my fingers up into the hair at the base of his neck.

He peers at me with a growing smile. "It's nice. I've never had..." He uses his other hand to gesture between us.


"Yes. I think," he pauses, his hazel eyes consuming me, "you continue to surprise me. I don't trust easily. I've always had to be cautious, keep my guard up. It's freeing with you." He looks away and I can't tell if it's in further thought or slight embarrassment at the confession.

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