Chapter 23 ∞ REEVE

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The heightened power inside me beats with a raw ache under my skin, intensifying the smells of the beach and turning forest, the bass pitch of voices, the heavy taste of salt in the air. Omega stays close, dulling the edge of fear and apprehension.

My mother's hand is familiar in mine as she guides me down the beach where the pack shore has been transformed. I drop my hold on her and hardly recognize the pristine sand, cleared of larger rocks and driftwood. The crumbled ruins of the old fire pit are replaced by white-washed stones in a neat, well-crafted circle. The new pit sits at a foot high, surrounded by brightly colored adirondack chairs, the vivid hues vibrant enough to rival those found throughout the Diamond Pack.

The old boat house sits invitingly over the sea, resurrected to its former glory. As far as I can see, the land appears welcoming and ready for new life.

I take my shoes off and stroll toward a distant erected stone. Its smooth surface a contrast to the primitive surroundings.

My mother wraps an arm around my waist and rests her head on my chest. "It seemed right to commemorate the battle that took place here while your grandfather was alpha. It marks a piece of the history of this land and our pack. I wanted to have it ready before you leave to pursue your own battle."

There's script etched into the front. Here, eleven brave wolves lost their lives. May they rest within Satu's embrace.

I look down to study her face, her elegant beauty and loving aura. "You honored even the wolves from the attacking pack." There's no judgment in my words, only interest.

"They are still lives lost, no matter which side of the battle line they're on." She squeezes my arm. "Remember that, son."

I swing my head to take in the entire beach from this spot on the outskirts of our land. "Thank you for doing this."

"I think it's a good way to mark a fresh start for you as our alpha and for you to begin your own traditions for our pack. I love that you want to use this part of our land in the full moon rituals. I think it will be really special for everyone. And it will bring so much joy to have this beach used again." She breathes in the air rolling off of the waves and looks around with a content curl to her lips. "This all feels right, doesn't it?"


She motions to the cliffs overhead. "And when you return, that plot of land up there has been cleared for your use." She rubs my arms, face alight with the hint of a wistful dream. "Looks ripe for a new cottage...." She giggles as if she's being clever and subtle, and I smile in return.

"How did you know I've thought about building my own cottage?"

She grins her most charming grin and winds her way back toward the steps, humming an old folk tune. "A mother knows all, son," she says. "And seeing how much joy your talent for woodworking brings you, it gave me ideas." She turns to face me then, bright and cheery. "It'd be a good place to build an alpha's retreat. There's even space for a small warder's garden," she says, her dimples deepening.

I stop, overcome, fighting back a bloom of emotion. "I'm not sure that I'll ever have a warder, Mom." The words ache inside me.

"You won't know unless you try, Reeve."

I roam over the newly sifted sand and push against the pang in my chest—hope for a future I had hardly dared to imagine.

Six deltas outfitted in dark clothes and an array of weapons load their plates with specialty cuts of meat, salad, and bread from the buffet set out by Coly and three other rhos for a final meal before leaving tomorrow. It's still early, mid-afternoon, but I want everyone to have time to prepare as they need to tonight. Including me, with my own plans still in the making. As the deltas pass me, they offer a slight bow of deference. "Your rotations are only an hour a piece tonight," I say. "I want everyone to be able to have a decent amount of time at the meal and then prepare for the morning."

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