Chapter 20 ∞ DAIRE

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Pure white streaks the edge of my vision. Omega takes post beside me and blasts her power out in waves, leeching the discomfort from me. I survey what's left of my injuries, knowing I'll need a few more stitches. "It's good to see you, O. Reeve will flip out if he knows we're out here, though." We haven't left pack land, but we're at the edge, and I know it would stress Reeve out.

She huffs and sticks her chin up higher, and I smile, scrubbing my fingers through her short hair. Peter returns from scouting and takes a seat beside me.

"Anything?" I ask.

"No. He's either lying low or left the territory."

"I don't think he'll leave without me." Wren's smug purse of his lips and satisfied laughter leave me with little doubt that he's still near, waiting to strike again. Of course, that asshole had to be the one to survive Peter's raid.

"I agree. I'll stay out here patrolling until you're well enough to gather your wolves and head east."

Rainer strolls up to us and holds a sandwich out toward Peter, jerking it back when Peter reaches for it.

"Say please and give me a compliment first." Rainer barely gets the words out without laughing.

Peter stands and comes within arm's reach of him. "Your eyes are the only pleasant thing about you." He snatches the sandwich. "Now, please, go away."

Rainer's cheeks flush and he presses a hand under his eyes like he's checking to make sure he still has them. They are nice eyes; a bright, striking aquamarine.

"Well, I'll be sure to shut them when I'm near you."

"In that case," Peter says to me, "I should have said I liked his mouth instead. Maybe it would've gotten him to shut up for once." He retakes his seat and bites into his meal.

"What do you think about luring Wren out? We have to assume that he's sent a batling to the king about my existence. I don't think we'll have the element of surprise anymore, at least not about me being alive. I'd rather get Wren out of the way before going to the coven."

"It won't be easy. And can we please not call that douchebag by his made-up evil identity."

I laugh. "Sure. So, we'll draw Lars out—"

"I want in," Rainer cuts me off and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"No," Peter says, "go away."

"I mean it. It will help my chances of survival at your coven if I've fought a vampyre before we go and can draw from experience rather than training."

"What do you mean, 'at our coven?'" I ask.

He picks up a stick and tosses it at a nearby tree. "Matt and I are coming with Reeve to help him lead your wolves, that way he'll have two guards protecting him during a fight." He nods toward me. "So, you can do what you need to while he's guarded."

I glance at Peter, who shrugs, though I can tell he's hesitant.

"Alright," I say, "and you can train with Peter until we leave."

Peter huffs something indecipherable under his breath.

"Excellent. I'm going to go get my other blades," Rainer says excitedly, running back toward his house.

"Are you falling for Reeve?" Peter asks me after a stretch of blissful silence.

"Possibly," I say, running my fingers through Omega's soft fur. "Probably."

"Does he know that?"

"I don't know. Not from me saying it."

"Might I suggest not making him any promises until after we've faced your uncle? These wolves..." he trails off and shakes his head. "He seems like the type that would get distracted by it, like it would make him bolder or braver or wanting to rush out and do something stupidly heroic for you, ultimately endangering himself."

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