Chapter 21 ∞ REEVE

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Zeta Shea, the combat leader here, walks with me through the field, observing scores of wolves in varying battle formations. "I want to be clear that I'm not here to infringe on your role as leading zeta," I say.

"Of course. We have good wolves here, strong, intelligent, but still we have felt adrift."

"I understand. There are wolves from my pack that may wish to join the efforts as well. Do you think they could smoothly transition under your training?"

"With you as alpha, I have no doubt."

I sigh in relief. "Thank you."

The training drills are impressive and I can't wait to tell Zeta Braun about the different moves and match-ups I see. The contrast of some of the pairings engrosses me; a lithe female combatting a male across the field, all grace and fluidity in contrast to his blunt force, like someone trying to club a viper. A clash of blades draws my attention, snarls and bared teeth exchanged in mini battles. Zeta Shea excuses himself to pace through the ranks, adjusting stances and finetuning techniques.

The wind picks up, rustling my hair, my eyes blinking against it. It's both warm and cold, light and heavy, reaching into me and stealing my breath. A female emerges from the gusts now halting the combat training, forcing wolves to duck their heads and cover their eyes from the onslaught. Her dark hair blows, a part of the wild winds, long strands twisting about her porcelain face.

Honor Red, the priestess of air.

I force myself to not take a step back as she glides with the confidence of someone who controls every life around her. A deep red wisp of a dress billows in thin fabric from her frame, like a flame playing in the breeze.

The wolves bow and I do the same.

"Rise, Alpha. Your power nearly rivals my own." The rich tone and hint of amusement in her voice is unexpected.

I lift my head to find smiling light brown eyes. "Mavis said you were a sight to behold," she says and grins, blinding and ethereal.

"Priestess Red, it is an honor," I say and leave it at that, unsure why she would seek me out.

She turns in a circle, visibly delighted by all the wolves and the action she interrupts. "I come bearing gifts, Alpha. You may be aware of my history with the vampyre king."

I know of stories about a blood oath, but tales differ, some claiming they had been in love, some saying he had imprisoned her and drank her blood to absorb traces of her power, others say she shared her blood with him and can now control him. There are dozens of artworks dedicated to the subject; each of them more provocative than the next. Whichever version is true, or even carries shades of subtle truth, isn't good.

She hands me a small leather pouch, weightless and sunken. "This carries my wind. It may come in use against the king's varied powers."

The bag sits in my hand, seemingly dull and empty, and I don't know what to do with it. Is it okay to tuck it into a pocket or keep it hidden within my daypack? Where does one keep a pouch of magic wind?

She rests a dainty hand on my arm, her grin widening. "Fear not, Alpha. It is not fragile. Stow it quickly, though, my second gift has nearly arrived."

"I don't suppose it's an enchanted cloud to carry us all safely across Demeria to the coven," I say, thinking of Mavis' boat and my new sack of wind, imagining nothing is outside the realm of possibility.

She beams at me. "Perhaps next time, Alpha." She claps her hands together, anticipation brightening her eyes and making her feet bounce in a childlike manner. "Prepare your wolves, Alpha. My second gift is a test."

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