Chapter 27 ∞ REEVE

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It takes four days to get to our meeting location where I find Daire alone in the mountain cave they've been hiding out in while scouting the estate borders and tracking the guards' patrol schedules. He's packing his weapons bag when he turns to me with a smile. "I take it, everything went well?"

I lean against the cave entrance, happy to watch him: how his body moves, the fierce look of concentration on his face. "Surprisingly. I could get used to this bossing-other-wolves-around business."

He smirks and comes to lean across from me, casting his eyes toward the sky. "It's supposed to be a clear night tonight, Lucky."

"Not good for helping to hide us as we approach."

"No, but it is good for spotting vampyre mist," he says and brushes my hair from my face. He sounds lighter, happier than I've heard him in a while.

"I have something to show you." He tugs my arm, pulling me to follow him deeper into the cave. He leads down a tunnel into a small space lined with polished weapons. In the center sits a vampyre filing his claws into razor sharp points. "I'd like you to meet my sire."

The male looks up with deep golden eyes and features that resemble Daire's, minus the dimples. His refined features are handsome yet cold.

"Sire, this is Alpha Reeve Rimeara of the Silver Blood Pack."

The male rises to at least six inches taller than I am, shoulders rounded with muscle, legs the slightest bit shaky. "I thought Prince Toloph was dead," is all I manage to say.

Daire's mouth is closed tight, but his eyes are alight.

"You told me he was murdered. Poisoned by the king."

"I was," the elder prince replies. "My son found a way to save me and heal me—"

"I should clarify," Daire interrupts, "that I found a way to save him before he died. I'm not a necromancer or some crazy shit."

Still processing, I say, "I don't know, I think this still might qualify as crazy shit." I take a step closer to them and bow my head in proper greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Tol."

"And you, Alpha. Thank you for helping my son."

"Are you able to fight with us?"

"No," the elder says, retaking his seat. "I'm not yet strong enough for that and still susceptible to the toxins Frederick deploys through his mist. Daire, as a warder, will be better suited to lead the charge." He holds his clawed hand up, examining it with a murderous smile. "I will stay back with Priestess Iso and play my role from afar." The savage edge to his voice confirming that, whatever his plan, he won't be sitting out on the sidelines.

Daire stuffs his weapons bag with a gleaming knife from among the row of lined blades then slings it over his chest, ready to meet with the rest of the group and travel the last distance to the coven.

"Satu's might to you, Sire."

"And you, son."

That's the extent of the exchange before Daire leads me out of the room: no hug, no scenting, no marking of any kind, just quick words and confident nods that they'll see each other again. I couldn't imagine that sort of detached farewell with my family.

"Why did you bring these?" I stop him and pull out the knitting needles I'd made him from his bag, holding them up with too much amusement to muffle. "Planning on a lot of time to knit while you're here staging a coup? Is there a particular tea cozy that goes with the occasion that I'm not aware of?"

"I've been given two gifts in my life, and these are one of them." He shrugs, and then looks away, like if he ignores me then no further comment will be needed. He presses fingers to his warder chain. "This is the other," he adds offhandedly.

Satu's hell, he's never been given a gift before? I grab hold of his hands to slow him down. "Hey."

He reluctantly looks at me, his eyes more green than gold in the light. Turbulent. "Don't do this right now, Reeve."

I cup his neck and force him to look at me. "Whatever happens today, I'll be beside you."

"I know," he admits and takes a steadying breath. "I'm glad you're here. I'm glad that I didn't have to do this without you."

I breathe in and out, sucking his scent into my lungs. "You were never supposed to, Daire."

He nods and smiles. "If you haven't already, start channeling that luck of yours for us. I need you to earn your alias today."

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