Am I the one?

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Wilhemina's POV

I was feeling depressed and angry. I knew I shouldn't it was her choice and I couldn't just make her marry me. After I asked her to marry me in the heat of the moment Y/N became really still and even pale.


"I-I Wilhemina, I don't know what to say... this is all happening very fast and I haven't had time to process everything. Could you give me a couple of days maybe?" She said nervously while her hand grabbed mine intertwining them. "Yes, you can have as much time as you need. I need to get a shower, you should just rest." I said without emotion and she looked sad. I felt remorseful but at the same time I was hurt. After I entered the shower I heard the door to the bathroom opened and knew she was getting in with me. "Mina, I love you. This doesn't mean that I don't or that I have doubts about my feelings for you. It's just that I need time. Ok, baby?" She said as she entered the shower and placed her small warm hand on my face. I couldn't be mad at her for it, I knew this was fast even for me but what I felt for her was entirely right and I didn't want to let her go. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry if I acted with a cold shoulder just know" I said and kissed her slowly and passionately. After sharing a couple more kisses we finished showering and went to bed.

End of Flashback

It had been two days since that horrible night and a beautiful ending. Us sleeping together our bodies wrapped around each-others. She had called me this morning telling me that she felt a bit under the weather so she couldn't come. I was going to take half a day of so I could take care of her but right now I needed to focus on what I was doing. I was finishing the final review of the new contracts for the gadgets we got to sell in the event. After a couple of hours of reading and signing my head hurt and I needed a break. I decided to rest a bit in the couch that was here in my office, I took my phone to call Y/N but it went straight to her voicemail. After I called her a couple of times I started to get worried and began picking up my things to go and check on her but right then my phone rang. "Hey, are you alright? I was worried about you. Are you feeling alright and why are you breathless?" I could hear her soft laughter at the other end. "Mina, relax. It's ok and I'm fine. I was getting out of bed to get something to eat and take some medicine and I guess that made me tired?"she answered but didn't sound to convinced even herself. "Oh, ok then. I was thinking of leaving the office now, I could be there in a couple of minutes. Do you want me to grab something for you in the way there?" And her answered came back faster and harsher that I was expecting "NO I-I Um, I'm ok. Don't leave work for me. I know you must be doing a lot of paperwork so don't worry about me. I feel better already. You can see me later to night ok?" She ended a bit nervously and now I was convinced that something was really happening. I didn't want to think the worst of it but inside I was really insecure. Maybe she was with someone else, I know she said she loved me but maybe she rethought everything and decided that I wasn't worth it. That this wasn't worth it. I didn't couldn't keep thinking like this, I had no proof of anything. This was just my mind overthinking and making a mess out of everything. After that my phone rang, it was her. "Yes?" I said coldly. "Oh, um. Are you occupied?" She answered nerviously. "No, I'm just a bit tired but I'm free for the rest of the day. I was coming to visit and take care of you but I guess I'll just see you later tonight as you suggested" I said trying not to sound to disappointed. "Well, about that. I remembered that I left my phone charger in the bedroom there. Is there still a chance that you'll maybe reconsider and bring it with you?" She said a bit cheekily and I could almost hear her trying to suppress her laughs. I smiled knowing that I could never be mad around her and I also wanted to see her right now. "Ok, I'll go get it now. I'll be in at yours in a couple of minutes. Bye, baby." "I love it when you call me that, maybe I'll show you how much when you get here" with a laugh, was the last thing I heard as she hanged up the call. I took my purse and my cane that was resting beside me. I started walking towards the bedroom but I could remember when she had left her charger since we hadn't been there the last two days. Maybe she didn't noticed it missing until now, she had an extra one in her desk. Maybe that was it. After I went out of the office I perceived a weird smell, sort of like lava ser candles which were my favorites. It wasn't a weird smell just that it was strange having it here. I never used things like that here. Once I got up the stairs and opened the door I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

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