Mrs. Venable

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Wilhemina's POV

I was nervous for the surprise I had prepared for Y/N, I knew she would be exited or so I hoped but I didn't know if she'd agree to it. We had now been here for three days and it had been the most magical of all my life. I never thought I could be this happy or that I would find someone that loved me as much as she does. She's completely perfect and only mine. We've been together for a short time but it has felt like years, I love her with all that I am and I want to love her for the rest of my life. She was now in one of the rooms having a "spa day" that I had set specially for her with the intention of being able to do what I had planned without her finding out. Everything was already set up, I was just waiting for her to be done and that would be in about thirty more minutes. I had also called a couple of people to do her hair and make up for her, dress her in something semi casual just in case. I did another mental checklist just in case anything was missing or had been left out and nothing was. Everyone was at their place and here I was almost having a mental breakdown from my nervousness. Lauren came walking slowly towards me and held my hand softly. "hey, everything will be alright. she loves you and you love her, she's going to love this and everything else you have done." I nodded and left walking towards the house to see where she was. I entered and right then heard her calling for me. I walked slowly wanting to have a few extra seconds. "Hi baby, I'm just finishing. The girls finished earlier than they thought they would." She said and hugged me tightly. I nodded and hummed smelling her calming sent, she stood back a bit looking me up and down. "Why are you so fancily dressed up? Are we doing something?" She asked laughed cheekily and I couldn't help the warm smile that grace my lips. "I love you, Y/N" I said and kissed her softly as if the time would stopped for us to be able to enjoy this precise moment of our lives. I separated our faces, grabbing her with my hands. "We're doing something only if you want to. I know that it's a bit fast, you didn't prepare it and maybe it's not as you dreamed about it but Do you want to get married?" I asked nervously. She giggled and looked at me smiling as if I was crazy. "Silly baby, I already told you that I would marry you Mina. Are you doing a second proposal? Or just making sure I haven't changed my mind? Because if it's the latter let me tell you that I'm NEVER changing my mind. You are my one and only baby. Forever." She said and pecked my lips, I smiled and kissed her again this time more passionately our tongues fighting for dominance and I let her win this time. She already had me wrapped around her little finger. "Darling, that wasn't what I was doing. Let me ask again making myself clear. Do you want to get married to me right now? Here, on the beach with just your friends and family and Lauren and her fiancé as our witnesses." She smiled as if I was joking until she noticed that I wasn't, my hands were sweating and my cheeks now had a pink tinge to them. "Wha-what are you saying Mina? Are you for real? Is this a joke?" She said and I couldn't read her expression, I didn't know if she was confused or mad. "I'm sorry Y/N, maybe this was a bad idea. It's crazy right? Let's jus cancel everything" I said turning around but before I could take a step away from her she had grabbed my wrist and turned me around again facing her. Her hands were now at my hip and neck pressing me tightly against her body her face in the crook of my neck with her nose drawing patterns there. I shivered from the feeling and relaxed a bit. "Honey, let's get something straight. It IS crazy, I've never thought you'd do something like this. I'm baffled by it, but not in a bad way. You love me so much that you can't wait another day to make me yours and I love you the same way. I can't wait being able to wake up beside you knowing that you too are mine. To yell to the world that your my wife, my baby, my lover, my everything. So yes, YES. I will marry you right this instant." And she kissed my neck, I couldn't hold the happy tears that were falling rapidly as she used her hands to wipe them away. "No crying on our wedding day darling, we have to look good for the pictures." And we laughed at that. I took her hand and guided her to our room where her dress and my suit were.

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