Kill'em with kindness

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I was now seating in my chair, looking at the pile of folders that Mina wanted me to look through and archive. Yes, in my mind I started calling her Mina since last Friday, when she banged her cane on the floor of her office I almost melted on the spot from the hotness that ran through my body, and when she said I was dismissed I felt a little sad, I wanted to be in her presence, I wanted to tease her a a bit more but that would have to wait for some other moment. Right now I needed to do my work because  if not I won't be able to keep my job after the second week and I wanted to be as near as possible to Mina, even if she was a stone cold bitch, she would be mine, I smiled a the though and kept on doing my work. Fifteen minutes after the phone buzzed so I knew it was through the intercom of the office and hoped to god that it was my fiery baby. "Miss. Venable's office, this is Y/N speaking. How may I help you?" I said as professional as possible. "At least you know how to answer the phone, bring me my coffee now." She said without giving any type of information about how she liked it. With that I went around the floor looking for a break room but noticed that we were the only ones here. There was her office, mine, a conference room with purple chairs, a bathroom and a staircase that led to a bedroom but not a single person or coffee machine so I decided that I was going to the floor below and see who was there and if they could help me.
When I got there I noticed that it was some sort of big floor of just scientists and experiments and it looked fun as hell, from mini robots with camaras and microphones, to huge Tv's that you could talk to, flying things that recorded everything and a lot of more things that I don't even no the names for. When I saw a cute blonde coming towards me I fixed my invisible wrinkles and looked at her directly in the eyes.
"Hi, my name is Lauren, I'm head of the robotics department and you are?" She said enthusiastically with the biggest friendliest smile I had ever seen. "I'm Y/N, the new secretary for Miss Venable, she wanted me to get her coffee but I couldn't find anything on our floor" I said with the same enthusiasm as she did. She laughed and said "Typical Venny, come, I'll show you where you can make it and just how she likes it" while walking in the direction we needed to go. "Who the fucking shit is she, why the hell did she call her "Venny" and how the fuck did she know how Mina liked her coffee?" I thought to myself while assessing her from behind, my mind going from friendly to a 100% bitch in a matter of a second. "Was she her lover? Her girlfriend? Her sex partner?" Wilhemina didn't seem like the type to mix business and pleasure, well except for me, I was going to be her exception no matter what but this girl wasn't going to stand between that, I would make sure of it. When we got to the break room she showed me how to make it and gave the cup to me, I said thanks with a little bit of force and she just smiled and said "You're welcome, now go before she unleashes her wrath on you" while laughing at her own joke. I didn't like her one bit, and that was for sure.

I went to our floor and knocked on her door waiting for her to answer. When she said "Come in" pausing for a moment you checked yourself to see if you looked good and then proceeded putting a straight face. "Here you go Miss" I said and took advantage of being so close to her and needing to put the cup on her desk to bend a bit more than necessary just give her a perfect view of my ass right in front of her. When I straightened myself I asked "Would you want anything more with your coffee Miss Venable?" and tried to hide the smile threatening to leave my mouth as I watched her eyes cloud with lust.


When she bent on my desk it took all of the self control not to touch her or get near her. I knew what she was trying to do and when she asked if I "wanted" anything else with my coffee I could see right through her. My mind fogged with different pictures of her bent on my desk, me spanking her, thrusting my finger inside of her, licking her, or just teasing her without letting her cum; the latter would be the best right now. She knew who I was, she wanted to play with me but I wasn't going to let her. I cleared my throat and said "No, leave" with force before I could loose my self control. She went out swaying her hips more than enough for me to notice but she would learn that if she played with fire she would get burn.

A couple of hours later it was time for lunch and time to teach little Miss y/n a lesson for her previous actions. I went to the door connecting our offices and knocked, without waiting for a response I opened the door to find her just picking up her purse. "Come with me, I'll take you to lunch since it's your first day at work. It will be my treat." I said to her without as much force as earlier. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights but still said yes. We took my private elevator since I brought my car today and my driver wasn't here. Once we seated I started my way to a cafe near our office. Once there I took my regular table at the back and both of us order our food. She looked a bit nervous but still was the one to speak first.
"So, Mis Venable, what do you say to getting to know each other a bit more" she said while looking into my eyes, just the way I liked.
"How?" was my clipped answer.
"Well, we could just ask simple questions and answer truthfully but just if you feel comfortable" she answered and smiled at me. "Sure, sounds simple enough, I'll start. What do you like to do on your spare time?"
"Well, I like different things like going to movies, going to the beach but mostly on the weekends I like to party and since my sister owns a club in town that's were I'm mostly at. Now, my question for you, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" she said with a glint in her eyes. "Not that is any of your business, but I will never have a boyfriend since does are NOT for me and I currently don't have a girlfriend, but I may have someone to fill up my spare time" I answer as truthfully as I could without saying that it was her that was going to fill up my spare time and she looked jealous as hell and ready to kill, at that I laugh softly covering it with a small cough. "Now, do you have a boyfriend Miss y/l/n?" "No, that's not my cup of tea if I may say so myself. I like women, more refined and older women if you get what I'm saying." while she talked I could feel something going up my inner leg and yes it was her foot. Thanks to the universe, out of nowhere the waiter came with our food and interrupted us and I cleared my throat. The conversation stopped, we ate, I paid for our food and left but all that time she had a small victory like smile displayed, and I hated that she could make mi loose my composure but that smile would not stay for long...

Her boss, my lover. (Sarah Paulson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now